Wednesday, August 31, 2011


My garden has been wild and crazy this year with many spreading out so much it is like there are no limits to how wide and how far they can go.  Colorful is always nice and I am glad I have some orange now appearing.

I find that my circumstances now limit what I can do.  I started out with great plans yesterday to go to different stores and then do a quick visit to the hospital, but I ran out of energy.  Home for lunch and a nap and I was very grateful to have dad drive me to the hospital.  He must have been a bit distracted as he turned off of 64th where he usually goes straight.  I thought to myself "well not the way I would go but we do many things differently".

Louise was very glad to see me because her stay in hospital as gone on a lot longer than anyone, certainly her, expected.  It is easy to feel that you have been forgotten when illness limits you.

She is reassured by our time together and a short prayer.  Prayer is not always the best thing one can do to express love and compassion but it is sometimes all we can do before we can do the practical things.  I cannot visit all the sick in our congregation but I can keep them in my thoughts and prayers.  Hopefully it also inspires a compassion that also wants to be helpful and generous with my time and my resources.

Turning on the television we are confronted with floods, famine, earthquakes and daily disasters.  A child bit by a cougar now in serious condition. 

I live in a comfortable house, in a moderate climate, I have fresh running water and I have all the money I need to buy food and clothing.  Sometimes when I hear a siren I stop and pray for a moment.  I think we all prayed desperately when we saw the twin towers collapse if only we said "O God! O God! O God!"

Nothing I believe can change some of the harsh realities and limitations that life brings our way.  Sometimes tears are our prayers.

Today Kim will be bringing Ben and Morgan and Tyler here.  It will be a busy day and I hope Theresa has a good rest, she has been very busy,  and there is also school to be prepared for.

All pain limits our lives but the soul that is touched by the pain of others softens and matures and becomes more compassionate and sensitive to the feelings of others.

Life calls for us to be tender and tough! !

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


When I feel the darkness of despair and finding myself worrying too much
 I look up and remind myself that there is hope in prayer.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
The wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time
Enjoying one moment at a time
Accepting hardship as the pathway to peace and maturity.

Our lives are so complicated and stressful that we need to learn to relax
and to let go.  Changing ourselves and the way we think and feel takes a lot
of courage.

I know I find strength in prayer and I know that only God knows the pain we bear.

Reaching out in times of darkness remind me of my human frality and that there is healing power of surrendering prayer.  I also need to reach out to others and share my true feelings.  Doctors and medicine are ways that God uses us to help us understand what is wrong and how we can help ourselves.

I am very happy that our bodies have been created with amazing ability to heal.

Prayer helps this healing process within me although it may take time, prayer also lifts me into the atmosphere of divine love.

I believe in a loving God whose ways I do not understand. 

Monday, August 29, 2011


Chopping and bringing wood for the fire.  A camp fire is one of the best things about camping.
It was good Mikie brought his chain saw along.  All the boys helped with unloading after they had taken the truck and chopped some logs.  I should tease Randy about his heavy load! 
this was the last trip I guess.  Yes, the weather was perfect.

Ron shares his chicken cooked over his fire.  Because we knew it was one of his own nobody wanted to eat it.  We would not make good farmers.

We left about 7 Saturday evenning.  The rest stayed until Monday morning except Craig and Leah because of work and Leah had appointments to go to. she appears to be doing much better.  It has been a long time.
Singing and telling stories and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows are great fun out camping.  A big group also went swimming and Sandra and Ben made a big sand castle.

Story Telling.
Maybe if we where to view Christianity more like a group of camp fire tales; people swapping tales and memories we would get a different view of the story that is the story of Jesus and his followers.

Christianity has a story that is a part of it's history.  This has become our tradition which is basically making connections through time.  It appears that spiritual seekers of today are taking a new interest in making a connection to reality past and presence.

I think we long for a life that is meaningful and also joyous.  No matter what I am doing, taking a walk, shopping for groceries, cooking a meal, waiting for the results of the tests that others are taking I need to breath in and practice being peaceful and not worry too much. 

I do worry about my children but I also pray. 

Dad and I are both looking and feeling older but we have been together through many sad and many happy times.  We are so blessed to have one another and to have shared many stories together. 
We share our concern for our children.  Like any mother I wish I had the power to take away the pain.


Sings of fall appearing on my walks.  The leaves are beginning to change color and the acorns are falling.
It is quiet this morning with no little doggies following me everywhere, up and down the stairs, in and out of rooms; etc.  It also seems cooler.  We must have been tired last night because we left the garage door open all night.  The raccoons and made a mess of the box of dog biscuits.  I was very thankful Craig and Leah's camping gear was still there.

I just couldn't believe it when I got up this morning.

Yesterday unfolded slowly as walking in the park replaced church and my own morning walk.  Then dad and I went to buy food for supper not knowing just when Craig and Leah would pick up the dogs.  Our group met last night to watch a D.V.D. on Buddhisms.  This is one of the series called "The Great Courses".  It started with a small comparison of Christianity and Buddhism.  One I think may be called a religion and the other a philosophy although both contain some of each of these traits.  We had a good discussion with a lot of questions raised.  Questioning what I have learned over the years about my faith has been very healthy and I have also discovered changes in the beliefs and ways of being a follower of Jesus.

Spending a week-end camping is one way that all the different personalities come to light.  A good way for Tyler to get to know his cousins.  I think the plan is for Ron and Donna to bring him here today. 

Susan wants to plan a birthday party for Leah on Saturday and other plans are for Kim to bring Ben and Morgan for a sleep-over on Wed.  Where will everyone sleep?  Don't worry that is dad's plan.  Kim wants to go to Salt Spring maybe on Thursday.

I am inviting Tasha and Justice and of course Randy and Sandra to come on Wed. night.  But plans may change.  My energy levels are low and that is just my personality, as I have always tired easily and am not improving with age.  But I am learning to accept myself as me and not try to please others or be like them.
At least I think I am.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Surrounded by the beauty and freshness of nature our family gathers to celebrate Tyler and Kim joining us from the Grand Cayman and Brisbane.

Tyler and Kim

The fire makers Craig and Mikie

Ron and Donna

Oliver too

Leah has a turn preparing supper

Thedresa and Mikie on her birthday!

Sandra and Randy and dog

Ben shows off the small unsharpened axe which Randy tried to sharpen on a rock.

The end of a happy day
Missing where Chris (working) and Rick.
Maybe we will see Tasha this week.

Although I usually find going to church refeshing and renewing I am a bit too tired today.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Tyler arrives from Brisbane to start his holidays here in Canada.  The airport is a mass of people and it feels like I have looked at a million faces before he arrives.  He looks up just as my flash goes off and starts laughing.

We have arranged to meet Sandra at the White Spot where everyone orders their same things. Tyler is allergic to nuts and fish so we have to remember that. Sandra has brought over camping gear for him.  It will get cold at night se we hope he keeps warm.  As soon as we arrive home Craig and Leah arrive with the two doggies which are going to be looking after.  But not before dad shows him the shade deck which is perfect now the weather is warmer.

Then somehow they get everything loaded into a already loaded down car and set off to the lake.  We will join them to-morrow for the day,  Leah was sqished in the front with bags all around and Tyler was in the back somewhere with more camping stuff packed all around. 

I am sure they will have a great time

Molly and Sohie are sad to see them go.  They are very excitable and bark at every little noise.  I took them for a short walk and they slept quiet in the Spare bedroom all night.  I was so thankful.  We all seem to need our sleep these days.

They follow me all over the house and I have to be so careful on the stairs. 
Right now they are under my feet.  We will go for a walk in the park later with dad.
They are cute and good company!

We will drive out to the camp grounds later in the day to join the happy campers!

Happy Birthday Theresa!  !

Religion fights for holy ground Jesus says go into your closet and pray! !


I wake up full of energy thinking about all the things I need to do and especially what I need to remember.  So many birthdays coming up and what are we going to do for them all. 

I love the quiet of the morning and the stillness of my worries as I pray.  Today will be a good day, I will walk further and faster, I will find all the things that I have been losing, I will be cheerful and energetic.

We have already been at a birthday celebration for Ava that was great fun.  I managed to do some hospital visiting so that was good. 

Today Tyler arrives from Australia and that is very exciting.  He is one of the birthday people! 

Craig will be dropping the doggies off at about 6 before going out to the camp at Chilliwack.  Tyler can go with them or he can go with us to-morrow.  Sandra and maybe Randy will be going tomorrow.  It will be Theresa's birthday and we also remember little Madeline. 

The days ahead will be filled with lots of fun and laughter and I am trusting that I will keep positive.

Life isn't always easy and especially for Ken whose office has shut down and now he willlooking for new work,but as we overcome challenges, hopefully new strength comes and we can be grateful for new opportunities.  What really matters are the lives we touch a long the way and knowing that we are loved.

Loving life and using our gifts and talents is the best way to be happy.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


We make our plans and then the unexpected happens.

This world that seemed a friendly place becomes insecure and hostile.  Those in power frustrate and mis-use the responsibility they have to make the world a more equal place for all.  Instead power and greed that has corrupted the souls who have placed their security in money, is now causing unrest in many places of the world.

Jobs are not secure as companies seek to use workers who are willing to take less wages.

There is some comfort in knowing that others are going through difficult times; and maybe as we help one another we can help ourselves.  Are we really prepared for the unexpected?  Can we be patient while waiting and praying for better things to happen?

I am reading a book about an Australian man who was born with no arms and no legs.  His parents met in a Melbourne church.  After he was born the family moved to Brisbane where the climate was better for him because of his allergies.  Eventually they where able to move to the States because they thought there would be better care and access to new prosthetics.

Today he travels around the world where he comes face to face with unbelievable suffering and poverty.  Even in a place called Garbage City where their lives where searching through garbage every day to find objects to sell, recycle or somehow make use of people overcame despair.  One thing that helped was their faith.

As our circumstances change it takes courage and a fighting spirit to accept the things we cannot control and trusting that good can come from uncertainty.

His mother who had rejected him as a new born baby was able to see his beauty and when he faced rejection at school she was able to share his feelings.  She came to believe that God had a plan and a purpose for his life and that one day that would be revealed.

I remember as a new mother I would unwrap the little bundle that was my new baby to check the fingers and toes and feel reassured that all was well.

Many years later he became a motivation speaker and travelled to the poorest places to share what he had learned.  Yes, our faith does not allow us to live life in a happiness bubble but to count our blessings and to try to help and care for one another.

Prayer does help me, a worrier, not to worry quite so much but in all things give thanks.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Fate seems so cruel when a young, vibrant a\nd anazing leader dies just when his career in politics seems to be the most promising.  Everyone in all the political parties are mourning his death.

Hopefully his words will live on and take root in the hearts of those who want to make it a better world.

"Love is better than anger'
"Hope is better than fear"
Optimism is better than despair"
"So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic"

What decides our fate?

Jesus who died at an even younger age prayed for the will of His Father not his will be done as he faced certain death.  He too had spoken words of wisdom and touched the hearts and souls of many.  He had spoke out against the evils of religion that controlled the lives of people creating fear when it should be bringing freedom and joy!


Tuesday, August 23, 2011


A house becomes a home when it is filled with happy  family`!  My beautiful grand daughters!
Even the dogs get loved.  Craig has become a wonderful part of our family.  We will be getting an opportunity to look after Sophie and Molly on Friday till Sunday while they all go camping.  The dogs would be great at scaring away anything, and I mean anything that moves; so they would not be welcomes if they barked all night.  They would hear even more noises than I do at night.

It was a happy and exciting day for me.  I knocked over the barrier to greet Kim as quickly as I could while dad came solemnly up the right way.  I also took a picture of the ceiling.  I was ordered to have a rest, but was too excited, and also ordered not to do anything to make supper.  Everyone got involved, except me, from the oldest grandpa (the cleaner upper) to the youngest.

What an inspiration my family are to both dad and myself!  I love them all!

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I am writing Sunday evening because I will be busy in the morning.

Off to visit my friend Judy in the morning, then out to the airport to pick up Kim.

Then home to have a visit with her, and Theresa and the children before Leah and Craig arrive and then Sandra.  Having sorta a picnic supper although they say it may rain.

Dad seems a bit better, his eyes that is, could be the prayer at church or his trying some meds. he had before.  Anything with the eyes is not good.

Anyway I will cut the tiny bit of lawn that is growing and make the potato salad.  I will try and make it up to Sandra's standard.

Monday will be a fun day, always good to see family.


David Hume, one of history's most famous skeptics, said it was just barely possible that God exists and to say there is absolutely no possiblility reveals an arrogance that suggests a knowledge that is beyong human knowledge.  Intellectually arrogant!

"Only in a world where faith is difficult can faith exist."  from the Case for Faith.

"If there is a God, why is there so much good?
If there is a God, why is there so much evil?"  St. Augustine.

The question remains does the presence of suffering necessarily mean the absence of God?

Is not the very outrage we feel at the suffering and evil around us a feeling that exists because the living God is also outraged and calls for us to respond?  He has given to us a standard by which we may judge good and evil.  It would appear to me that if evolution where still in progress then evil would have been destroyed by now.

Maybe, just maybe, with God's help and guidance of His Spirit I can ease some suffering in this world.

Even after Immaculee Ibibgiza told her story about the miracle of her survival in the book "Left to Tell"
she finds that her life was now filled with new and terrifying challenges; struggling to find meaning and understanding while feeling hopeless and alone.  Most of her family had been killed in the genocide in Rwanda.

Faith takes hard work, constant attention and deep commitment if the bond of love is to flourish.  There will always be questions that have no answers but a heart that desires to be loving will find the strength and courage to do so with the help of a God of Compassion!


Dad and I had a delightful day driving to the North Shore for our visit with Jane and Geof.  The weather was pleasantly warm and we enjoyed the fresh breeze on the big sundeck of their daughter's home.  A tasty lunch with good friends made for an enjoyable day.

The time just flew by and too soon it was time to leave.  For us it was like a little holiday in a beautiful spot where we relaxed and felt at home.

All too soon it was time to leave.

Since we have been home dad is having a lot of trouble with his eye's itching and feeling irritated.  He thinks it is an allergic re-action to his eye drops.  I will be making an appointment with the eye specialist as it is getting worse and bothers him sleeping.

I find as I get older I can worry more about health problems.  I woke up in the night to check a nasty bite I had gotten during the day that had swollen up and turn a purple red colour.  It was fine.

To-morrow I will visit Judy at home after her operation and then off to the airport to welcome Kim home.
Sandra will stop by here and so will Craig and Leah after work and appointments.  Theresa and the children will be here to meet us and help get some food ready.

Another delightful day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I was seriously tempted when this freshly baked, warm apple pie, was delivered to our doorstep.  Cathy and the girls had made it for Larry.  He has been enjoying it daily.

Life is full of temptations, most of them minor, but others seem to stare right in your face.  I have to make a decision about what I am going to do, or not do, or what I am going to let my mind dwell on that is negative.  Like the feeling of self-pity over not being able to eat what others can enjoy.

I am often tempted to try and do too much in one day and forget just to enjoy life.

I am tempted to make sense of a world in which there is so much suffering and pain.
Suffering is a part of our humanity.
Our response may be anger but hopefully that leads to action not despair.

I am tempted to put into words. what in reality, cannot be expressed
Words. . . . .words. . . .whirling in my brain. 
Words that make dreams come true.
Words that create pictures that bring color into our lives.
I love the story of Jesus turning the water into wine; it is so easy to picture it.  The spirit that brings beauty out of the ordinary and awakens the sacred within each one of our hearts.  Imagine tasting the most wonderful wine that flows through every part of your being to bring you new life!

The temptation can be to allow spirituality to be superficial and not to see that health comes with the journey inward, to a place of stillness.

I am so thankful there is so much wonderful fruit!  !  !

Friday, August 19, 2011


Dad will be studying the map this morning, along with the directions I have scribbled down, on how to get to visit Jane and Geof on the North Shore at their daughter's house.  There is one detour I know for sure that we are now aware of.

I am trying to map out the next four days because there are several things that need to be scheduled. 

I know that things can change at any time and although I do not believe that my life is mapped out by an invisible source at times when coincidences happen, or I feel lucky (like driving by an accident that just happened and I could have been involved if I had been there minutes earlier); why did I have the good fortune to be diagnosed with cancer so early so that is was treatable. 

Why do I look at things differently and trust that there is something tangible and yet not visible, that is at work within me and around me. I map out my days knowing that there may be detours which I cannot control.  Is my destiny in the hands of the Unknown? 

Can it be in the modification of my carefully arranged plans where I find trusting in God so helpful.  I did not choose the day I was born nor will I likely choose the day I will die.  I find that in trusting new hope is found and there is a potential for a new beginning. 

Blaming others, or God or religion may feel good for awhile but there comes a time to face up to what I am responsible for.  This is one of the shadows that sin takes root in.  Out of this comes the power that fuels hatred and mistrust.  Delusion and fear make us angry and rebellious.

The church has a role to play in helping us to find the truth and helping us strive to become the best we can be; but not giving in to the compromise that modern-day scholars would have us trust.  The scriptures become a map that is not always easy to read or decipher

"Peace that surpasses all understanding,"

Seekers will find the way.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Even the early morning light casts shadows on the walk below our window.

Shadows are restful places to be when the sun gets too hot.  They can make beautiful patterns.
Yesterday was a day for me when I did not seem to accomplish very much, even though I did fertilize my flowers, but there is no immediate change.  I keep thinking next year I will have everything in it;s right place in my garden and in my life.

There are people, dear friends, for whom there appears to be a shadow of uncertainty in their lives.
The idea of free will is no longer valid because circumstances beyond our control are shaping our destiny.
I my want to hide in the safety of what to me is the grace of God, and rest in the security that new strength will come from a source that is beyond me.

Today I will go visiting and enter the world where many are just waiting.  They know that life is not going to get any better but I am amazed at the cheerfulness with which they accept this truth.  Little thinks mean a lot, a visit and a kind word, lifts the shadow of weariness for a few moments. 

I like to believe there is a loving force that I imagine as Jesus calls me out of the shadows to come and follow Him.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yes, I have had my share of doubts as I am pretty sure we all have.  Yesterday I had no doubt at all that we where to go and take Shirley out for coffee, or breakfast.  It turned out she had not had any coffee or cereal that morning, which is her normal breakfast, because she was out of milk.  Also the men where cleaning her little sundecks so it was good for her to be out of her room.  Her room seems more homey now and she is getting use to being there.  She misses her old friends so was thrilled to have our visit.

We drove home 5 minutes faster than last time so that was an achievement.  I thought dad needed a rest from his digging especially when he gets that mad glint in his eye that makes him determined to dig up as many roots as he can find.

Today we may go shopping for a new printer as ours is not working.  Dad spent several hours trying to get it to work.  It is strange how something can work one day and then the next just stop.

The strange thing about doubts is that they do not need to rob you of your faith; but asking hard questions is a good thing to do.  Certainly from the beginning of time there has been the creation of gods who satisfied believers.  I know that I inherited my religion as a child and it was simple and for me so easy to believe.

The problem of tragedy, violence, suffering and injustice;  just to name a few,  are problems for us all

I do not see abandoning God making the problems go away, unless I blame him for all the evil in the world.  The problems are ours to solve because we have created many messes in our lives.  I agree with the people who think that punishment of the rioters should have been quick instead of becoming this slow process that has many people looking at pictures and trying to figure out who did what damage; but in actual fact there is no doubt.  We have their pictures as they where caught in the act.

It appears this violence is continuing in many other places and the innocent are being abused.  There is a time and a place for judgment and for punishment.  We have a great responsibility to see that justice is carried out to protect everyone.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The work in the garden continues but the enthusiasm in me is faltering.  You have to be so careful not to hurt the other flowers that are doing their best to grow and bloom.

Dad dug in the morning then took Ava out to lunch.  She is a very bright and determined young lady and I am pleased she is doing some volunteer work for Habitat for Humanity.

I am very proud of all our family that are working hard and contributing to the life around them.  Yes, we must never compare.  If we use the intelligence and skills that we have been given to be responsible and work at taking care of our own needs.  Some of us have a cheerful disposition and that is a blessing, but on the days I feel gloomy I can have more compassion on those who find it hard to see the positive.

Family helps to keep me humble in many ways.

I have been comparing the history and philosophy of fundamentalist religion and liberal religion.   have found that this can lead me into a spiritual "unreality" that intellectually continues to pose questions at me.  Tough questions.  I believe in the power of prayer even though I have experienced crushing disappointments and failures.  I have never let go emotionally of my belief in a God who hears and knows; because life is full of wonder and promise even when it can feel gloomy.

As Christians are concern is not so much for our own salvation, which is in God's hands, but to try and make this a better place for those who are suffering injustice, poverty and pain.  I turn a deaf ear now to skeptics, critics and cynics because they can suck the spiritual life right out of your bones.

The Bible, in the old Testament talks about a vision of the spirit bring life to dry bones and I believe in the power of the spirit to somehow transform and renew.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Who would think these pretty little, well actually they have grown very big and multiplied, would cause distress but when too many of them crowd out other flowers they need to be taken out roots and all.  For this I am dependant upon dad's help.  It is distressing when you start losing your strength even a little bit.
I do still carry heavy bags home from the store because I always bug a few more things than I went for.

I was distressed when I went to church and was told about some one else now in hospital.  Russ is in Delta Hospital with a blood disorder.  (But the good news was that we have 90 year olds who are in very good health and Joyce was one that just turned 90 and is very cheerful and faithful in attending church.)
This gives us hope and the desire to do our best to be healthy.

I saw a book called "The Power of the Mind to Heal" and I do believe the mind does influence the body.  A person's thoughts can trigger stress hormones that affect the immune system

People who have a job they enjoy doing are truly blessed.  There are some people who have stressful jobs and yet they enjoy the stress.  To know that you are needed no matter what the job makes it a little more meaningful even when it can be boring and repetitive.

After church dad and I went to visit Marg at the hospital.  I was distressed at seeing all the very sick people and also distressed at the crowded corridors. 

Why is there so much suffering in the world?

Why unjustly on the good and seemingly to often spare the evil?

It is hard to find words to comfort those wounded souls in body and spirit.

Does suffering have a purpose and is that why in this imperfect world we are faced with the reality of pain and death? 

Jesus was the redeemer who touches the heart and soul with the power of our prayers to redeem and even to stir up healing strength in our bodies.  Faith has an ability to cure what science cannot!

I live in a culture that puts it's faith in medicine and science.  Faith was discarded and thought unnecessary so it was thrown out like the baby with the bath water.  True many disbelievers have lived very long lives.  I know that the times that I have been able to sense a divine presence especially when tired and not feeling so good that the distress was lifted and there came a peace.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Am I free to really make my own choices?  How far into the water should I go? 

Can I enjoy the beauty of the moment and forget worries and regrets?
Can I know when to fight for what I believe and when to just be quiet?
Can I see beauty in ugliness?

The Bible says that we can choose to bless life or to curse it.

Our personality makes it easier for some to make good choices than others.  I have learned by making both poor and wise decisions.  I have accepted that in some circumstances I do not have choices, like being able to live a pain free and joyous life.

I can choose to find happiness in reaching out to others and trying to help them find peace, which is the greatest blessing.  Some of my friends I feel we have chosen each other but there are friends who have seemed to chosen me.  I become the listener.  I believe that God has a purpose for each one of us and the patterns of our lives are all so different.  If I can help some one find strength and courage without judging or being critical then my life will be a blessing.

I can choose to go to church today and sit where ever I feel comfortable.  I can choose to take part in the readings and the singing or I can be silent.  I can allow my soul to be touched by the music and the words of the minister.  If I listen I will hear what I was meant to hear.

The choices I do have give my life meaning and I am thankful for this gift.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


Children are a gift that reminds us of the wonder and joy of life!
I had barely caught my breath from my early morning walk when in came my friend with her two very excitable dogs.  The time went by very quickly as I caught up on her news.

Theresa had phoned to say they were going to come for a visit which was delightful news.  Later she and the children would be visiting Mickie's dad who is having health problems.  He will be in my prayers.

I phoned Sandra and she came over with her two dogs who immediately found the whole in the fence and had gone exploring in the neighbor's back yard.  We really do need to get that fence fixed.  It is a joint project with our neighbor.  I was very please to hear Sandra had gone to the doctor about her painful hips, shoulders etc.  He is sending her to a specialist.  I am so very fortunate not to be in any pain.
Ben and Morgan enjoy coming here and is was extra exciting when the Ice Cream man came.  They play happily building a dam for our pond, playing with Lego, Morgan explores her little hide away and put the magic light in there.  The neighbor's children came home and they had a visit over there play soccer.
It was good to have a visit with Theresa and talk a little about the plans for the visits of Kim and Tyler and the trip to Edmonton. 

Tyler will visit around so that it will not be too tiring for anyone.  Camping is a good idea. 

Melina and Ken had a much needed and hopefully restful week-end away.  Looking after a 1 and a 3 year old can be exhausting both day and night. 

Rick is moving into Kamloops after living on a beautiful spot on the lake.  Having a long drive back and forth to work can be very tiring.

I hope to plant my new flowers called Bea Bombs with dad's help today.  My shoulder is much better.
And no Randy I was not up moving furniture! !  lol

I managed to stay up to 9:30 after doing the watering.  I was extremely exhausted, but happy as a clam, but missing my little power naps. 

I am so thankful for my loving family and that we can have fun visits together and I do not need to fuss over them.  Theresa is so good having the children clean up after themselves.  Ben is so helpful and reminds me of Rick who helped me a lot when the others were little.  Theresa also helps with the dishes and I do appreciate all she does when she comes to visit.

We are looking forward so very much to seeing family here and in Edmonton.  The wedding will be a wonderful time just being together.  We wish Shandel and Cameron continued happiness as they deepen their commitment to each other.

Life is not easy and having some one to share your worries and your joys with makes life worth living.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Although I have far more than I need, and treasure all the little gifts that have been given to me, I sometimes am attracted to some item that is on display.  I know that it would be out of place in my house with all the variety of things I have collected through the years.

Seedsf discontent can easily be sowen.
Over the years I have searched for happiness but now am surr
ounded by rich memories that have allowed me to move from insecurity into a place of feeling deeply loved.

This morning I was searching for words; words that may as well be blown away like tiny seeds that have to find a place to settle.

Yesterday I visited a friend with shingles and a frozen shoulder and it may me realize how fortunate I was with a hurting shoulder, which is getting better day by day.  Both dad and I had itchy eyes from doing a bit of work in the garden.  The garage is looking very good and yes the paint has dried.  Thankfully the day was warm and sunny.

I stretch my arms up and it feels so good.
I am reminded how sacred each of our lives really is and that it is in the silence of our being the seed of faith is resting waiting to be brought to life by warmth and nourishment. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Each stage in life has it's own problems.

  At times I have felt over-whelmed and just too exhausted to face another day.  I remember especially when dad's Grannie lived with us when I had four small children.  I had to hep her with everything from bathing to dressing to taking tea to her room and she complained constantly.  Why weren't the children better behaved and why weren't the meals better.  One day I actually sat and cried not knowing how I could cope another day.  But I did.  Life can be tough and it's finding that inner strength to keep going.

I have been deeply moved by the stories people, who I am visiting, have told me.  They found meaning in the tough times that gave them unsuspected strength, and a deeper appreciation of love and compassion.  We do not always understand those we love because we are all as unique as our fingerprints.

Telling our stories, sharing our pain is a way wisdom gets passed along.  Things take time and so we learn to be patient and do our best.  We learn that having a good cry is therapeutic!

"You don't think your way into a new way of living but live your way into a new kind of thinking."
The Promise of Paradox by Parker J. Palmer 

Dad worked very hard painting our garage floor with some very smelly and slow drying paint.  The smell is sickening so I sit with the door to the back open and snuggle in a blanket.  It looks great and I hope we get some warmer days to help it dry.  Had a good talk with Ken on the phone and heard Jassy and Matthew talking!  I am hoping and praying Melina and Ken will be able to get away for a week-end of rest!

Dad would like to be a green coat volunteer at the airport which he would be very good at.  The trouble is the long walk and if his painful feet can cope.  He would probably be better to go by sky-train where you arrive closer to the door than having to walk from the parking lot.  I believe it is 1 day a week for four hours but I am not sure.  It is a popular volunteer job as the airport can be a busy and interesting place.

So we are continuing to find that life teaches us how to live in very ordinary ways.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Tried to capture the colours in my butterfly mobile my birthday present from Pearle.  It seems so long ago we use to go visiting at the hospital together as lay chaplains.  We were quite the pair!

Now that dad has cleaned out some, not all, of the wood ends in the garage he is going to tidy it up and paint the floor.  We need to get rid of an old chair and some footstools.  They can be dangerous.

I got two big garbage bags full of stuff to take to Value Village and of course we picked up a few things while we were there.  I am trying to sort through my books and give some away but every time I sit there and start reading them again.  I give things away because otherwise we seem to just get more and more stuff that we move from one place to another and then also maybe some one else can use them.

Dad and I were cheered up seeing Carol and Panteli on Skype and hearing Carol has been accepted and plans for their move into their home are progressing.  They looked so cool drinking their iced wine while I am drinking hot coffee.

It is darker here in the morning when I get up and a definite chill in the air.  The afternoon has been lovely and warm to sit out and read.

Darkness is a good lead into the spiritual although the word misty fog comes to mind as a better word.
Douglas Todd in the Vancouver Sun on the week-end talked about "secularization the best thing for religion".  People may say they have no religion and certainly do not feel any need to go to church.  If it means  religion losses it's state-sanctioned authority and its self-righteous morality then that is a good thing.

We benefit from religion when we experience the freedom to flit about like the butterfly!