Thursday, March 31, 2016


We are so blessed
to have such amazing  weather
and to be surrounded with
so much beauty
and the scent of spring.

It makes you want to get working
on all the things you have been
putting off.

We were going to give this old bench
away but after sanding and painting
it has come to life again.

Yes dad did find the camera.  It stayed on the roof of the car for two days while we were driving around.  It slid underneath the roof rack.  That was pretty amazing. 

My computer is now telling me I am not authorized to look at my pictures.  What does that silly thing know?

I am now finishing up my serious reading.

The resurrection is important to me and must be even more important to Pakistan's Christian minority.  A suicide bomber wounded more than 200 in a park in Lahore killing 72 others.  A Easter gathering of picnicking Christians.  Also killing Muslims and the saddest thing is the 29 children who died.  This ruthless attack was reported to be the Pakistani Taliban.

Christianity there has become a resilient force.  Their faith being the foundation of all they do and believe.  Armed  guards are on the buses that take girls to the convent school.

What does the resurrection mean to me?

We do not need to look for crosses as life gives them to you.  Sin may be the cause of some of our suffering but most of it is not because of it.

We are invivted by God as Jesus was to accept our cross.  Suffering is a part of everyone's life, a human reality.  It is real not an illusion as some Buddists teach.   Some days I complain but I try not to be bitter.

We are encouraged to die to self which encompasses selfishness and greed and pride and a critical spirit.  We meet God at the cross  to give us strength and forgiveness,

The Resurrection is an invitation to New life.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I am terribly frustrated with my computer.

It will not put a picture on and has been going off all day.

I lost it my temper I mean.

Dad had a good but tiring day painting the garden bench.

He overdid it and his feet are very, very painful.

Yes I have a picture but. . .

I feel like I need a soul adjustment.

It would seem that also religion is in need of adjustments too

It is sad when Christians are seen as intolerant and judgemental.

The church too needs adjusting.

All I know is that I need to find some answers.

  My computer is now working I do not know why?

"The rock has been rolled away
the light of the world shines as we see
every person, every situation,
in it's soft reflection."

_Michael Coren

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Easter means many different things to different people.
For most it is the Easter bunny and  chocolate Easter eggs and a big Eastern dinner.
For many it is just a holiday.
For some a time to spend with family.
For some a time to travel,
to the beach , or to visit family or to visit Holy sites.
For the Pope it is time to visit the prisoners in jails.
For others to suffer the lose of a loved one or tragic accidents.
For many others life continues to be a struggle.

A time to acknowledge the sufferings of Jesus and the suffering of others.

For gardening or dreaming of gardening!

For Jesus it was a time for his message to be lived out in suffering and sorrow.
For his followers a time of despair and grief.
A time of overwhelming emotions.
For angels to reach out to bring the dead to life.

For women to lead the way to the tomb and rush to tell others the news.
Jesus is alive and there is spiritual life available for us all.

I felt that God was smiling on me as the receptions at the dentist told me I could come right in as there had been a cancelation. 

I can now smile again.

For many a time of spiritual rebirth that transforms our pains and brings comfort and peace.

Monday, March 28, 2016


An old back up camera.
It was amazing how many people were at the beach but we had the best picnic!
Are you having fun yet?  Rick?
The hard workers
The fire pit
The happy couple expecting a new little one in Sept.
Morgan soon has her jacket off and is running around looking for Easter eggs!  Yes she and Kate did find some.
  Kate is her cousin.
Carol has the perfect jacket!
The girls!
Yes Haiti was there too.

Chuck and Penteli
Ben would leave early to play goalie for a team that was missing a goalie. 
A long walk to the washroom!
Carol, cousin Kate and her mom Michelle
Theresa giving Chuck a helping hand.
Dad and I head for home by the duck pond.  Warmed by laughter as well as the fire!

Sunday, March 27, 2016


Woke up to sound of rain on the window,  Did not sound too good for  a lunch at the beach.

Put on my straw beach hat to wear along with my best blouse.  The music at church was the usual happy and joyful Easter hymns.  There were about twelve children from teen ager to just babies.
It was so good seeing dad's caring for little ones.  The children were a big part of the service.  They marched in
from the back carrying a basket of butterfly decorations to be hung on a barren tree.

  One little tot had a hard time putting it on but did not want her dad to help her.  Another three year old danced in and around everybody

I took pictures but dad put the camera on top of the car to open the door and we drove off and it is lost somewhere between here and the church.

The first message we got when we got hoe was we were meeting at the house. then the sun came out and we were back at the beach.  Yes it was fun being with the young people in our family making me feel young at heart!  Lots of good stories and laughs and good food.

It was a hoot!

Came home and my second front tooth has fallen out and I feel depressed.  The dentist will not be open to-morrow.  It will be a big expense that I dread.  It is also painful.

These things are suppose to make us stronger but . . . .  
I am thankful it happened at the end of this day not on Sat. night or I would have missed everything.

Just happy to be home!

Easter brings the hope of renewed life and the hope for a meaningful relationship with the One who continues to live within us all!
Hallelujah!   Hallelujah!  Jesus was risen and is risen and will come again!

Saturday, March 26, 2016


Sat. was a good day to get things done outside like cleaning off the outdoor furniture and cutting the last bit of lawn. 

I hope it is not threatening to rain on Easter Sunday.  The plan is for a beach party.

I am caught up in the Easter story with all it's passion and drama.

Jesus a man who faces the future with a sorrowful heart takes three of his friends with him as he prays with deep emotion. 

If I was facing a life threatening situation I would want to share it with those who are close to my heart.

He did not want to die.  He reveals his humanity and his divinity as he throws himself down to pray weighed down will intense emotion and honesty.
A man like one of us threatened by the religious authorities continues to bring truth into the light.
A truth about religion that sets people free instead of ensnaring them with dogma and doctrine.

There is a Heavenly Father who longs to be the father to the fatherless.  Jesus fully reveals the loving heart of His Heavenly Father.

This is important because our earthly fathers can be a barrier to having a relationship with God.

They are the first to teach us about obedience and authority, provision and security, and belonging and caring unconditional love!

Jesus taught me that religion at it's best can be a great adventure even in a world where there be cruelty and violence.  Sickness and death. 

Even Jesus cried out to God with great emotion feeling that God had forsaken him on the cross of
unbearable pain after having to carry this cross bruised and beaten until he stumbled.

He was willing to die for his beliefs.
Happy Easter!  Off to church after I find my Easter Bonnet!  then off to the Beach!

Friday, March 25, 2016


Theresa dropping off Kim after their visit
with Ron's mom who is here house

She picks up a red shirt to wear at the game
game in Vancouver.  It is the World Cup game with Canada playing Mexico to be World Cup qualifiers.   

Plans to park and take the sea bus to the stadium
as parking will be a traffic jam in itself.

Dad and I have a quick visit with Morgan.

She had an accident when Haiti's leash got caught and she knocked the table down on

her check.  She was very brave and left with an ice pack on her check.

Dad and I had been sitting in the sun with Haiti on her leash as she is prone to run across the road at the first sight of a cat  or a dog or even a person jogging. 

A lady stopped to take a picture of our flowers that are blooming like crazy.  I am so lucky a lot of the bushes are getting settled in and decide to make a home in our yard. 

Here they are anxious to get moving.

After they leave we watch hockey boo and Soccer and a DVD


I had planned going to church on Good Friday but. . . .  I did scripture reading and praying.

Sometimes life does seem like you are lost and cannot find your way in the forest.

Love can be revealed to us in painful circumstances.

The young boy in the story of the Invisible Thread remembers the day he first knew his mother loved him.  His day had taken him away from his mother when he was about two saying because of her addictions she could not care for him.  He returns later and his mother did not recognize hi at first he was so skinny and shriveled looking.  She was horrified  and cased after her husband with a hammer.

"He will remember this as the first moment he knew his mother loved him."

Will Good Friday be remembered as the day we feel the amazing love of Jesus in his sacrificial death.?  A powerful message that is important to be relived.

Confusing changed started happening on the night before when Jesus insisted on washing their dirty smelly feet.  Not me said Peter unless you wash all of me.  Jesus replied that would not be necessary.
I have very ugly feet and would feel embarrassed and confused to.  Yet our feet takes into the darkness of our future and they do get dirty and weary and painful and worn out.

"Do you know what I have done to you?
You call me teacher and Lord for that is what I am.
I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one an other's feet.
John's gospel

  Jesus knew that it would be difficult for his disciples to live and carry on without him..  He is going into the forest alone and we can easily loose sight of Him.  He is Invisible!

Kim is insisting on doing a good in-depth clean and I say no don't worry but there is no stopping her.

Our front door lock has not been working so dad went to get a new one and installed it,  one that is programmed.  Theresa Ben and Morgan dropped by to pick up Kim and go and have lunch with Grama Sabrien.   They hurried in for a bathroom stop  thenen they were off to the big soccer game in Van.  Ben is playing an early game Sat. Morning against Edmonton.  Kim left for work.

Two of the Mormons who used to visit Gundy dropped by and they were pleased to know where she is and they will visit her,  I am soo thankful.

"Know this day and take it to heart, that God is God everywhere, in the heaven above and the earth below, there is none other."  -Deut. 4:39

Thursday, March 24, 2016


                                    Lunch out with Jane and Geof on a Thursday afternoon.
Jane and I have shared 40 years of many life changing experiences.  They took time out from last minute packing and dropping off items at various places.  They have a smaller place in West. Van.
with a view of the water and a perfect location.  Our hopes and prayers go with this very brave couple!

We will continue to visit back and forth and maybe find a new meeting place back at the Sylvia.
Jane has promised to come to my clown birthday party in July.  She was a real clown and performed at many churches bringing her gift of laughter and joy.
Friends are joined  together with an invisible thread.

The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains
rivers and cities
but to know someone who thinks and feels with us
and who though distant
is close to us in spirit,   this makes the earth for us
an inhabited garden.
Johann W. Goethe

A friendship is kept alive by laughter and tears!

Most of us do not like change and it does not getting any easier as we get older.
Even in my spiritual life I have resisted change because of doubting and fear
I have wondered if God knew what he was doing in my life.

I am sure the disciples wonder about Jesus' actions too!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


What a difference a day makes.
It has been raining on and off all day,
I had two short walks and dad rode his bike inside while I was outside.

This is a picture of the tree at the library where we spent the afternoon.

We picked up at D.V.D about Venice and the scenery is beautiful.

What a difference one person makes.

I have just finished reading The Invisible Thread by Laura Schroff.
She was a busy woman who had no time to stop for a small boy panhandling
but she then something stopped her in her tracks and she went back.  And she continued to go back
again and again for many years.  She took him to McDonald's and gradually a relationship developed
that would change both of their lives.

She would learn about his live with a drug addicted family that never noticed if he was around or not.

She learned the value of simple little rituals in a child's life.  She wanted to teach him how to rise above his circumstances and even while playing games to discover he had worth and potential.  What she taught him would save his life from ending up as a drug addict or a criminal like his siblings.

The things he had learned helped him to see himself differently and grow into manhood taking care of his own family.

Jesus said: Change your whole way of thinking the kingdom of God is within you"

Being connected to a Higher Power can  make a difference!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


What a great surprise to have sun the whole day.

It is still spring break here.  The boys were out playing catch so baseball must be starting soon.

Dad had a big bike ride through the watershed park and through several neighborhoods.  This is good for him.

Dad and I drove to White Rock and stopped into Choices and Milestones.  The prices have gone up a bunch.  I guess that should not be a surprise.

I got the front lawn cut and it is suppose to rain to-morrow or actually to-night.

I had a nice surprise when I met Joanne on my morning walk as it has been awhile since we have talked.  She looked up as we were chatting and to our surprise there were 6 eagles flying around and around overhead.

I was surprised to read that Joseph Campbell taught about the hero's journey into the dark wood many years ago.  He talked about it as our path to discover who we are and what we are made of.  We are lured into the mysterious forest because we are seduced by the promise of great things.  The surprise comes when we face disappointment, failure and our own weaknesses.

When we find our way out we are wiser and stronger and the gifts we bring with us will be a blessing to others.

The hero's journey is one of self-discovery.  The surprise comes with the knowledge that hidden in our disappointments are miraculous blessings.  I know that looking back I can see what I could not see at the time because we all get caught up in our day to day struggles.

Monday, March 21, 2016


Yes we know the end must come for us all but it was sad to find that Jim
will not be enjoying his chocolate bunny, I promised to bring him,  because he has pasted on.  Of course I should have expected it and I am happy that he is not suffering any more but still a shock when you are told.  I still find it hard to believe.

Since I was not going to be visiting Jim I asked dad if we could drive to find Gundy.  We were about half way there but the Nursing  Home was in a very difficult place with dead ends etc. to try to figure out.  I was not sure about visiting Gundy.

It was a huge older place and the kind where you feel very depressed just walking in.

She was not in her room but playing bingo with a small group.  I put my arm around her and she turned to me with a blank stare.  She asked do I know you?  I talked to her about our visits together and then she remembered.  She then said she had been praying that some one would miss her as she felt so alone.  We both started to cry. 

She said she knew that she had to carry on as best she could.  She still had a mind of her own and was refusing sleeping pills.  Her son and daughter have not been to visit.  She asked if I could get her out.
So sad.  She thanked me for coming and I promised to come back again but did not know when that would be.

It brings back visiting my own mom when she was so helpless after having a stroke.  I would cry after I left her and would walk home to the bed and breakfast where I stayed in Calgary,

Yes we live in a world where there is a lot of pain.

I believe that every little thing we can do to comfort and support one another is important.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


It is a wet and chilly morning for my walk with Haiti.  All was fine until she picked up a piece of bone and it got stuck in her teeth and there was no way I could dislodge it. 

Fear does crazy thing like draining all your energy and making you feel weak.  After three tries trying to pry her mouth open and get the thing out I headed for home.  I was sure dad would be able to do it.

Fortunately she spite it out her self but then would have gladly picked it up again.

I was slow getting ready for church but dad drove quickly to Pat and and John's church.  He was leading a procession in, with the children singing Hosanna!  Hosanna!.  Sad to say we missed it.  It was an uplifting service except that I felt like a misfit coming in late and not being with people I know who love and accept me.

There is definitely spiritual strength being with others you know.
I am missing the wild energy of the spirit that has at one time burned bright within me.  It would seem to be just a part of the tiredness I am fighting. 

We leave the service after a few words with Pat and John.  It as great to have some nice hot stew at Sandra and Randy's home.  Dad was not tempted by any of her famous deserts which was a blessing
We skype with Mary and Simone and Shawna and Stephen.

.Dad's cold got worse by the time we got home.  He was coughing a lot so he laid down for a nap.

I come home to read a book on prayer and then take Haiti for another walk.

Every great faith has it's ancient mythologies and words of inspiration that encourage when all you feel like is a misfit!  I read of others who have had to find and renew their faith through prayer.

A true misfit is one who believes they can journey through life alone without the support of family and friends.

"Friends who you can reveal your triumphs and your failures to as well as  your joys and your fears"
come to your aid when you need help."
-The gifts of the Dark Woods

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Friday, March 18, 2016


Lovely sunrise in the morning
but the wind is cold for my
walk with Haiti. 

Yesterday when dad felt better we drove
to Tsawassen to put a plant on grannie's
grave.  It was such a beautiful day and it is so quiet and peaceful there.  We walked around
and looked at a lot of grave stones.  The little
ones are so sad.

Then we drove to Ladner for fish and chips which are dad's favorite.  So it was a fishy day with tuna for lunch and cod for his supper. 

Dad's cold has gotten worse so he has been resting most of the day.

I have decided to be like the GPS lady in his car who tells him where to go and where to turn, so I am telling him when to eat and when to take his vitamins etc.

I try to tell myself that even if I feel old I need to try and act young and laugh at myself.

"Eat what you like
and let the food fight it out inside of you.    -Mark Twain.

We had a talk on the phone with Mary and Michael John to cheer us up.

We have been missed at the study group and at the tea.  Too bad we missed a visit with Jane and Geff.  We are getting together next Thursday and then they will be moving to the North Shore.

Thursday, March 17, 2016


"Do not worry about the world coming to an end it is already to-morrow in Australia."
Charles Schults

Today I am going to have fun having fun.  The sunshine is awesome and I will put on some warm clothes to take Haiti for a walk, a shorter one so I will have energy to enjoy the tea at the church.  We have many wonderful cooks!

The ladies do a beautiful job putting on the Irish tea at the church.  Lots of good goodies to tempt dad but there will be fruit and cheese for us both to eat healthy.  Actually I will take my own cookies.  I should make something fancy so others will be envious.  First I have to shop for ingredients and for milk I did not buy yesterday because I was so busy getting the compost ready to be picked up today.

We all know laughter is the best medicine and dad sure enjoys the animal stories on face book.  He will be laughing when I am trying to settle down and go to sleep.  Computers should not be in the bedroom but ours is.

Certainly watching the news gives a person lots to worry about and the thing is there is nothing much we can do.

"Do not worry about to-morrow, for to-morrow will worry about itself."  Matthew 6:34

So I can choose not to worry about things that happened yesterday
and it is no use fretting about to-morrow for I need the energy for today.

So if I stop worrying and feeling anxious I will find things to laugh about and enjoy today.

I was fusing with my hair and wondering why one side goes perfect and the other seems to be rebelling and difficult when dad decides he is not up to going today.  This is unusual as he really enjoys this spring tea.

I find in my reading the Quakers do not believe Jesus is more than a good person so although I agree more silence is good I also have my faith that I am committed to believe.

I will now take Haiti for a walk and maybe cut the grass and party another day! !

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


I was lost in thought when the phone rand and it was my brother Brian and his wife Traudl.
Yes they, like us are facing health issues.  Traudl is still taking the anti-cancer drug but the worst thing is her knees are so bad she can barely walk.  They will do knee surgery but the date has not been set.

They both worry about each other and now my brother along with asthma and sinus problems has high blood problems and an enlarged heart.  He has to undergo some testing.

Dad and I were hoping to attend some of Ben's games but do not know what time he is playing.  Theresa has always been good at keeping us informed but we seemed to have lost contact with Mikie.   A busy time for him taking care of the children and seeing that Ben gets to his games on time.

Dad and I will not be attending the study group at the church although I continue to do the readings. I feel a bit lost as the group has gotten larger.  A great bunch of people, some old friends and some new.

I had an interesting day visiting at the Seniors home.  Joyce is so happy to see me and we talk about how we both miss going to church and not being able to do what we used to do.  Mostly she  is lost in the time of her past memories that seem very real to her.

I tell her about the Quaker Church I am reading about.  They believed that God did not dwell in church buildings but in their hearts.  They focused on simplicity and truthfulness and waiting worship.

Prayer meant to hold people in the light by picturing  them in the light of God's grace and trust Him to work in their  lives.

At times we do not know the words to say.

"Silence is the tribute that we pay to holiness,
we slip off words when we enter a sacred place,
just as we slip off shoes      - Pico Iver

"If we read the biographies of the great and wise,
we shall find they were people of long silences and deep pondering. . . .
Their roots stuck in the soil of spiritual silence."   Brigid Herman

Haiti stared as me silently with the friendly reminder stare that it is time for a walk.

Did a bit in the garden but it was cold and went down to the mall but it is tiring.

To-morrow their is a spring tea at the church.  What will I wear?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The mornings are still dark and cold.

Hero's  get up anyway.

I think wars are started just so that mostly men but now more and more women can be hero's.  Dragons were invented for the same reason.  Why are the hero's in the old Testament are the ones who fought battles and killed the most of the enemy.

What makes a person an enemy?

Dad and his dad watched his uncles march off to war and it was depressing for his dad to have to be the one who had to stay home to care for family.  We would not have felt  like a hero but he was.  It takes greater courage to face life when it seems like you are forgotten and of little use.

It takes great courage to face old age and the aches and pains and loss of energy.

Dad and I battle against pain and clumsiness and lack of energy.  My problem is a lack of patience and I easily get frustrated.  Dad seems to still like a challenge.  I know everyone feels tired to some degree or another.

If I can look at my past life as spiritual boot camp with all its joys and sadness, and realize that our lives are not over but we are in a stage of new beginning.  My challenge is to see that the keys to victory are internal.  It is about the spiritual character that can replace doubt and disease with a new sense of acceptance even with the vulnerability we feel.

Like Marianne Williamson  says we may skip some lessons at school but we can't skip any of the lessons of life.  A lesson will repeat itself until we have learned what we were meant to learn.  Pain can burn you up and destroy you, or burn you up and redeem you.

Dear God
May my spirit be reborn that I might be a better person.
I give you my weaknesses
I give you my shame over my past failures
knowing that not all will be healed but hopefully transformed by Your Grace
and that my hopes for what I can still become will give me new life,
With Your Help.

Off to visit at the Senior's Home.

The sun is coming out.

Kim is home.

Dad does not think I should drive.  I would not want to cause an accident.
I have never liked driving and always found it stressful.
Yes it did help to pray silently as I drove!

Monday, March 14, 2016


This picture is from Sat. evening as we drove to Tssawassen.  Lots of storm clouds hanging over us but Tassawassen is still in the sun shine.

The reason I write my blog is to help our family keep connected.
Most of them do not read it but that is okay  too.

Kim and Theresa are over in Salt Spring and were going to enjoy seeing Ron play in the band.  He has come a long way since we first hear him plucking a few notes.  This is a big event for him!

Ron used to do a lot of colouring eggs with the children, Oliver, Theresa and Kim. 

The time change is not good for dad and I to keep on the same schedule.  I look at the clock and see it is time to get up.  Of course I have to walk Haiti first thing as Kim is away.  Dad looks at the clock and figures it is not really that time so he doesn't need to wake up.  He likes to argue even with the clock!  I am fortunate I always have things I want to wake up for, even if it is just to spend some quiet moments reading and praying.

I am trying to stay connected to our church community so I am reading the book about the gifts in the dark wood that the sermon on Sunday and the study group on Wed. is based on.  Last week the chapter was called lost and I felt I was still lost after reading it.  This week is on temptation.  If we read about the temptations of Jesus he was being tempted to do good and prove his power over the natural.

The point was made that often we are tempted to do good when it is not the right thing for us.  So many believers burn out from doing this.  Small acts of kindness to family or to strangers is important.  Life can be a struggle that calls me to try to be in harmony with God's will,  who wants what is best for me.

Let go of fear and embrace courage.

Listen to the music that flows all around us.

Receive the gift of joy that no one can take away from us unless we allow it.

Rest and receive by trusting and believing!

Saturday, March 12, 2016


I am thankful to be able to walk!

Not only is it good exercise but it is also good spiritually  Spending time in quiet reverence can take place as we walk breathing in fresh air and enjoying nature. 

My day was all planned but things quickly changed.  My walk was delayed as Cathy and Glen stopped in for a visit bringing us a nice salad.

I think she must have heard me muttering about having to make three good meals a day.  Carol also phoned to ask us for supper and to have a visit with Ben and Morgan.  They went for a walk at the bird sanctuary and then to the dollar store.  Morgan purchased some crafts to make and decorate the table with Easter bunny cups.  We even had healthy chocolate cake!  Yes dad had some too!

I am trying to go a bit further on my morning walk and was surprised to see Sandra walking down towards us.  Haiti started wagging her tail furiously as soon as she saw her.  She and Randy were on the way over for a visit before going home to start work on their bathroom.  We are so grateful for our caring family.

Later Pat and John dropped by as John was teaching dad some things on the computer, while Pat and I had some tea.  We have a lot in common as we face some common problems together.  We would like to be busier doing something worthwhile but I know for me it is a lack of energy.

I enjoy my walks and often have a good chat with God as I am walking!
I have to learn to listen better.

I want to walk with God in fellowship all during the day!

I am not feeling well enough to attend church as I have intended to do.

Friday, March 11, 2016


"Nickolas Herman  was a second-century
French cook who came to faith in Jesus at the age of eighteen.  He saw a bare tree in winter.  He stopped and marveled that it would soon be full of flowers and fruit.  He was so overwhelmed with God's goodness that he simply fell in love"   - Living Prayerfully by Jared Brook.

Religion points to that area of human experience where man comes upon mystery and an overwhelming sense of the divine.

"Real prayer comes not by gritting our teeth but from falling in love."  -Richard Foster.

Nickolas would later, after fighting in a war, become a monastery cook and he choose the name of Brother Lawrence.  He wanted to be drawn close to this presence he had experienced and after reading many spiritual books decided that the only way to do it was to practice and be aware of the presence of God no matter what he was doing.  It could be cooking or serving or washing dishes.

I think if I could do this I would be a better dishwasher.  Or I can let dad and Kim do the dishwashing.

His letters to a friend would later become a book called : "The Practice of the Presence of God".
This happened after his death and against his wishes but it has touched many, many lives over the years.

I would like to go back and take this picture in the summer after the miracle called spring would bring new life to these barren branches.  I am always amazed at how growth occurs in the hidden and unseen parts of our lives.

Carol surprised us with a visit in the afternoon.  Dad had just gone for an out door bike ride and we were finishing up lunch.  I had made a lemon cake but left out the oil but we ate it with her as Carol likes lemon.  It was almost like I knew she was coming but I didn't.

God works in an unseen realm to renew our energy and change us on the inside so that even though our circumstances are the same we can cope with them.

Thursday, March 10, 2016


I think that dad is dizzy because he is not eating enough and has low blood sugar.  It is a bit tricky this diet business and not only the diet but changing to eating more regularly.

We are both better today and I had a headache too so that did not help.

After the heavy rain the wind started blowing like crazy and kept it up all night.    Sure was noisy and I pictured awakening to a lot of damage.  Our garbage pail was blown away and our outdoor furniture was overturned.  The fall storms are worse as the branches are dry and get broken off easily.

Dad and I drove to the beach but the wind had already died down.  Too bad we could not go for a walk as dad's feet are too bad.  He did ride his indoor bike and his outdoor bike so that was good.

I went to the store and to the post office to mail some Easter cards.  Stamps are terribly expensive.  I have fun sending out the cards so why not?

Too bad Sandra lost her power and I hope it is back on now.

Just like there are storms in our daily lives there are storms in the spiritual realm.  Times when we lose the light and feel engulfed with darkness and dullness.  For me it is a sense of being handicapped.

I read again the four stages of prayer.

The first stage is purely mental.
 The second is becoming quiet.  Shutting out distractions.
The third is union where we feel God is listening.
The fourth is a state of rapture and joy and fulfilment.
The last for me is rarely felt but I pray anyway for you all!

We stop on the bridge on the way to the ocean.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


We were late arriving at Tavia and Shawn's house to see and hold little baby Oliver.  I phoned to say we would be late but I dialed Ken instead.  Fortunately he figured we had made a mistake.

Our friend Mary has had a fall and cracked her skull and now has a concussion.  She and her husband Ted where glad to have a visit and we stayed longer than we had planned to.

Tavia was pleased to see us and they are proud parents of a tiny short little baby boy will lots of dark hair.  I did hold him for a few minutes.  They put lots of pillows around me to keep him safe.

We are home again now after stopping to have a bite to eat on the way home.

I am very happy and glad to have made our visits but also exhausted.

Monday, March 7, 2016


It has been raining off and on all day.  Every time I put my coat on it would start again.

Then my computer was taken over by windows and nothing is working.  It says my browser is not connected?

Dad and I did go down to the new Walmart Store and it seems quite nice and bright.  It will be handy for picking up small items.  An older lady let me go ahead of her in a long line.  I did not object as all I was buying was some rice crackers.

Dad is hunting for something a little sweet but I have removed a lot of the temptation.

I read some of my book about The Gifts of the Dark Wood and it is talking about being lost.  I sure am lost in this computer world.  The author says my life is about more than this as there is the realm of the Spirit which intersects our world.  Even those who are lost can still help others which is dad helping me to get out of my mess.

Scripture talks about the voice of God speaking through our intuition; the spirit pokes and prods us in inaudible ways through gut hunches, intuitions and shifts of awareness.

This too is off and on for me!


 Morgan thinks her dad needs help blowing out the candles
Extremely good to have a visit with Mikie's dad Chuck.  Both he and dad had a great time telling stories.
 Some of the art that Morgan created at her visit to the Art museum.  I should have taken a picture of Ben on the new deck kicking the soccer ball around.  It was a little chilly for me.
Still a bit of snow on these mountains.