Sunday, May 31, 2015


Early in the morning my day started with two robins drinking from the back yard pond.
Very quietly and beautifully.

After my walk with Haiti I drove over to the church, dad did not feel like going.  He felt better in the evening and even had a short bike ride.

  It was Trinity Sunday which most minister try to get out of preaching the young substitute minister told us. 

How do you explain the unexplainable?

God is a multi coloured every changing force that has created a dance of life to which we have all been invited.  The Trinity is all about relationships that dance together.

To say yes is to be open to the love that creates beauty within our hearts.

When I allow my heart to be still His presence is the calmness within that is alive and has the potential to life burdens from my soul one by one. 

I can believe that my life is not just a straight path through a forest but also a circle that one day ends where it began.  Everything happens according to a plan that I do not understand nor do I need to control others.

Peace of mind calms and strengthens me spiritually to see that I am worthy of receiving His gifts that are expressed in all our lives differently.

Our relationships are like a dance where we are learning the steps that keep love alive!

How wonderful and amazing it is for us to see children dancing and putting their heart into it.

I picture God wanting us to feel that joy and freedom of dancing!


I am fearful that I am getting too serious.

This is our cherry tree which is loaded with cherries,  believe it or not.

I woke up early hearing the crows making a terrible noise out side our bedroom window.  It was only 5 clock and I was not happy.  I look out and it is a raccoon way up at the top eating the cherries.  The crows would swoop down and fly right near and it would just continue eating.  The noise continued for over an hour. I was not amused.

Downstairs I go to make toast and coffee and when it is ready the paper girl arrives.  No front page scandals  for me I open first to the funnies to have a few chuckles and reach for my second piece of toast but it is not there.  I cannot believe I ate it all.

All the time Haiti has been staring at me and I have to tell her to go sit down as no begging is allowed by order of Kim!

I take Haiti to the park but my new shoes make me walk like a drunken sailor.  I know my feet just have to get use to them.

I write out birthday cards, mail a parcel at the post office, pick up a few groceries and pull out some nasty weeds that are threatening to take over my lawn.

Dad and I had talked about going to visit Sandra and Randy, who are always happy to see us, but neither one of us has any energy.  I am sure our children do not want to see us get old but as I said to dad "it's a little too late for that"  ha ha

I have heard that humor is good to side track emotional pain and it does help.
 I hope you can see the cherries on the cherry tree.

Early mornings at the park are refreshing!  Today it is time for church if dad feels up to it.

Friday, May 29, 2015


The trouble is that finding the root cause of a disease especially a chronic one is not easy.  The focus has been  on curing but it is now being realized that a life that has meaning heals many things that are beyond curing.

Dad finally got his blood work done and it looks good.  He is also going to continue the massage treatment even though it is extremely painful.  I think we all feel better is we can at least try new things.  The doctors are not helpful.

Medicine men would heal by curing the pain in the soul believing this to be the root cause of many stresses and illnesses.

"We did not know there is a healthy way to have a disease, a way to use this difficult experience to come to know who we are and what is important to us.  Certainly pain and fatigue limit what we can do. 

Finding meaning does not require us to live differently, it requires us to see our lives differently.  Many of us live far more meaningful lives that we know.  Meaning may change the way we see ourselves and the world.

Through illness, people may come to know them selves for the first time and recognize who they genuinely are but also what really matters to them."    Rachael Naomi Remen

She is a physician who has had to deal with a very painful chronic condition (Crohn's disease) herself and turns to helping others face cancer and other diseases.  She found within herself the courage to live in new ways and an unsuspected sense of compassion.

"At such time spirit is strength."

I know in my life one of the root problems has been fear, but I am over-coming it by writing.  My prayer is that my fear based thoughts will be healed even if I still have health issues, my soul is being strengthen without me being aware of it.  I am well aware that stress and worry contribute to physical ailments.  Fear reveals a lack of trust in God not only to heal me but my loved ones in His way and His time.

I try out my new shoes on my walk to the park with Haiti.  I am wondering if there are people who break in new shoes for you.  They sure feel funny after my worn out but so comfortable pair.


Man's best friend
We are becoming just like all those other people who take a million pictures of their animals.  It is hard  to see who is the happiest, in this picture.  Dad or Haiti.  There is a lot we can learn from dogs especially as we try to teach them obedience.  They are naturally loyal and respond to encouraging words. They are always happy to see us! 
Dad did not get his blood test but plans to go in to a placer near the massage area and do both at the same time.  Carol will be meeting him there.  He had a painful day while I was at the Seniors Home doing some shopping.  A lot of finding parking and walking to the stores and in them.
My trip did not seem really worth while, but you never know. Jim was feeling extremely low and did not want a visit at all which is understandable as his life looks pretty with his daughter gone missing.  My other visits were also short.  At the end of the day one is always thankful is you have lived from the heart.
I am also grateful for my many friends who have helped me through difficult times.  Nancy you are one of my good friends too! !

Thursday, May 28, 2015


A hard day trying to get my picture on, both dad and  working on it, and I ended up with the wrong one.  The day has not gone well except I did clean out the laundry room and then made a mess of the kitchen.  Into this mess came Pat and John for a visit.  Old friends understand and know making a mess is just human.  Dad cleaned up the mess after they left.

If, as Ram Dass, has suggested, life is the ultimate spiritual teacher, we cannot learn unless we attend school.  This means being touched by life and to learn from experience.

Dad did not get his blood test done as the line was out the door and down the street with everyone who had been fasting trying to get their early.  To-morrow he will be there early.

My plans did not work out either.  The clothes that  washed were too smelling (dad hates smelling soap but he bought it) so will have to be done all over again after I buy some new soap.  I started to bake but did not have enough of the right flour.  I planned to hop over to the door but was not successful with that either.

Before I realized it, it was time for me to walk with Haiti, too bad she cannot go in the store.

Today is visiting day!

What are you experiencing in your life right now?  Success, health, friends, cold weather or sunny, friends or family, worries or contentment?  Doctors or dentists?  Art or work?

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Every day we have choices.  To walk to the park or to the pond or to the water shed park?

It is good to have choices.  Sometimes our energy level tells us what we can do.  Dad and I both were aching and coughing again.  I felt chilled as well as lethargic.  It was good that Haiti wanted a walk because the fresh air did me good.  Dad also drove over to the pond and we sat and chatted to people, mostly dog people, walking by.  They can also tell you all about the ducks. 

One duck made a nest in a hanging basket and sad to say the raccoons came and got the eggs all except one.

Sometimes we suffer because of bad choices, ours or some one else's.

We definitely suffer when we have no choice when disaster or illness strike.  The only choice we have is how we will re-act.  Will we become  stoical  or turn to  philosophy  or Eastern religion which has a lot to say about suffering.  I am referring to Buddhists or the faith of Hindu's as well as others.

I believe that woven into the stories of the Bible is a message of promise and hope.  Jesus was the fulfillment of God's promise and his words and his live give us hope.  Our hope is in the knowledge that God is with us and will walk through our suffering along side of us.

Pain is a powerful destroyer of faith unless we can reach out to others for help.  They will pray for us when we cannot pray for ourselves.

I managed to cut the lawn and visit Mary across the street.  She is a very positive person and a joy to visit even when I am not on top of the world!  Life has it's ups and downs for us all.  It is important not to hide your true feelings.

Dad is going to have his cholesterol levels checked at the blood clinic today.  Yesterday he had planned to get another foot massage and he may do that too.   So it will depend on how he feels today.


Yes it was raining this morning but it is time for our walk.  I am thankful for the rain.  It was sad to see on the news the damage down in Cache Creek with the heavy rainfall ending in a terrific mud slide.
Thankfully Craig’s family live in Ashcroft.

I had a ministry and personnel meeting at the church in the morning which was with some dear old friends from Colebrook.  No news as yet about the recovery of our minister. We have a church full of amazing people who come together and support each other and now our new interim minister.  She is full of life and confidence and puts her heart into our worship services.

Had a call from Traudl and Brian with the bad news that her breast has to be removed.  She will have the operation in Cranbrook on June 10.  They appreciate our prayers.  Brian nearly lost his eye with a case of the shingles which is often caused by stress and worry.

They do not know about radiation at this point.

"The desire to make suffering intelligible is one of those dignifying peculiarities of our species..."
We search to find some meaning in pain in suffering rather than in the pursuit of pleasure and personal success.

As a Christian I have the freedom to be angry at God and express my grief while sobbing uncontrollably with unanswered questions.

Monday, May 25, 2015



Well-being comes in quiet moments of relaxation.

It is healthy to allow yourself to feel calm and at peace. 
Beware of thoughts that are negative and destroy the sense of well being.
Reducing anxiety helps to reduces inflammation in our bodies.  It is also helpful for the brain.

We know that when we feel stressed we can also feel confused and sometimes even angry.

P5210474"There are risk factors that we can control and the  result is optimizing both your bodies health and your brain health.  Cognitive decline can be due to a head injury as well as inflammation caused by poor diet and poor emotional health.  It is also a normal part of growing older."

I feel stressed when I cannot remember things.
I feel stressed after a poor night's sleep.
I do not enjoy cooking but am thankful  that dad is well enough to clean up my mess.  A sense of well being returns.

I feel peaceful when I walk and enjoy my surroundings.
I feel relaxed when I read and get caught up in a good story.
Even walking in the rain is fun with Haiti.

I find it helpful talking with friends or family.  I try to be creative in my writing and I know keeping a journal has definitely been good for me.  Listening to music also.  Surely God is in this place!  This is the theme at church but also the thought we are to carry with us during our day where ever we go.

Saying a prayer and knowing that God's love surrounds me and is alive within me gives me a sense of well-being.

Dad and I enjoyed our time at church or at least I did.  After we came home and had left-overs for lunch and naps it was time to take Haiti for a walk and dad to have a bike ride. When he got home we watch the bike race in Europe.  Amazing to see how fast they can go and riding so close together.

  Well-being comes when we take moments to be thankful.  Enjoying what we can do and doing the best we can each day.

"Surely God is in this place, and I did not know it."  Genesis 28:16

Sunday, May 24, 2015


Pentecost when tongues of fire came upon the heads of the followers of Jesus as they were praying.
It is the promise that is for all believers that prayer can produce joy.
There once was a saint so good that the angels came from heaven to see how a man could be so godly.  His day could be summoned up by two words-he gave, he forgave- words expressed in his smile, his kindness and his charity.

Surely the angels said he should be given the gift of miracles.

Would you like the touch of your hand to heal the sick he was asked.  No I would rather God do that.
Would you like to convert sinful souls and bring back wandering hearts to the right path he was asked.
No that is the angel’s mission.
After many questions he said his only wish was that he would continue to do  good  without knowing it. the angel’s decided that as he walked along a path and his shadow fell on others it would have the power to cure disease, soothe pain and comfort sorrow.  Many followed him not speaking and even forgot his name and simply called him the Holy Shadow

“A truly humble man does not know he is humble.  Yes. . . humility must be a part of a person’s  subconscious.”    Elie Wiesel

A rabbi asked when is the exact moment when night ends and day begins.  None of his students had the right answer.
It is when a stranger approaches and we think he is our brother answered the rabbi.
People are born that they may learn how to live a good life=like being loving and caring. but some who  already now how to do that sometimes their lives are very short.  This is where the phrase comes from the good die young.

I ask myself  what kind of shadow I am casting.  Is my faith strong enough to overcome my fears and am I able to be a witness to the saving power of the spirit of Jesus to restore and renew my heart and soul each day.  Dad and  are off to church.  Haiti has had her walk and said hello to Rocky!

Spirituality is good for brain health.

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Saturday In the morning Haiti and I had a huge walk with an old friend whose has been through some tough times and needed to tell someone her troubles.  We walked all down Lyon road to her house and since she was still talking back to my house.  That was some walk!  Some listening!
We left for Ben’s game which was disappointing as they did not win.  But as usual I am very proud of Ben!  Being a soccer goalie is impossible!
He made another save!

Morgan and I had a walk back to the car.  It was cold and rainy.

Morgan and her mom Theresa do a dance to keep warm after Morgan has put signs on her back.


Grandpa helps me over the fence but I tell him to take a picture instead.

Afterwards we gather at the Spaghetti House!


Yes, Carol was persistent in wanting dad to try having his feet massaged, believing that it could help him.  I invited myself along for the fun; and it was fun.

Very skilled practitioners worked on the three of us.  I have very beautiful coloured toe-nails to make my daughters proud of me.  My hands were also treated to a beauty make-over.

Dad experienced some pain with his treatment but afterwards his feet felt a little better.  Pain is a difficult thing to cope with and after a while one believes that there is nothing to be done.

One of my brain books remind me that low expectations can mean low results.  The brain believes what you tell it.  It eavesdrops on your thoughts.  It is never to late or you are never to old to try something new!

We are never to old to try new things with enthusiasm that others may inspire in us.  My new way of looking at health issues has been the earlier one addresses a problem the better the results may be.  This is easier to tell others than to practice this myself but I am willing to learn.

Becoming apathetic about life as one ages is an easy trap to fall into.  Remembering stories from our past and the emotions that we have experienced and our achievements are vital to renewing us and giving us an awareness that we must keep on trying to do all we can every moment of every day.

P5220472After our amazing rejuvenations we drove to see the plot of land where Carol and Panteli are growing their own fresh vegetables.  There are many little plots all looking so well cared for.  This little garden is close enough to where they live that they can ride their bikes down to help it grow.  It needs lots of water right now and sunshine to help it grow.

Panteli guess we would head back to eat out for lunch so he was at the restaurant before us waiting for us.  We have a new place called Mario's and they have good gluten-free food as well as good fish and chips for dad.

Another happy day finished off by taking Haiti for a walk over to Wade Park.  And yes another hockey game.  The team that is persistent and never gives up will be the one that wins!

Friday, May 22, 2015


Having a walk in the Water Shed Park is definitely good for the brain.  Almost as good as a flying visit to Edmonton to see your family and the wonderful grandson.

  Having a dog with dad and I increased our happiness.  The air was so fresh and all the new leaves so brilliant  and green.  The warmth of the sun highlighted all the colours and even the water in the small stream sparkled.  The only sad part is that the park is losing its natural beauty by people creating too many new paths.  Dad knows all the old paths which is good because I still get lost.  Even to find your way it helps to be brainy!

Your current health affects your brain health.

One of the things to be concerned with is your cholesterol level.    A healthy level is good for it is an essential component of every cell that coats and lubricates the body.
If too much is produced it begins to build up in the walls of blood vessels in the form of plaques.   It then becomes harmful.  This is bad LDL cholesterol which comes directly from the liver and if overproduce causes problems.

The good cholesterol travels the other way from the arterial walls to the liver, where it is broken down and removed from the body.  High levels of HDL cholesterol may help reduce the risk of all cardiovascular disease and in doing so may prevent decline in memory.

One way  to control LDL levels is through diet and exercise.  Fiber rich foods are excellent.  And of course lots of vegetables.

One thing I want to try to prevent is a stroke.  Blood pressure is often unpredictable and also needs to be controlled.  Diet and exercise.  I am also taking medication for cholesterol regulation.

I went for my first morning walk with Haiti and then both of us walked in the park with dad.  I do not know which one of us was the most tired.  Needless to say I was a mite tired when it came time to go visiting but I made the effort and was glad I had gone. 

It has been a good day!  Off to see Carol and dad is going to get a foot massage!

"One of the marks of a truly great brain, I had discovered, is the ability to feign stupidity on demand."
from "The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches" by Alan Bradley.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Front yard at Sandra and Randy’s.
Dad sitting at the table with Lucy and Peanut at his side.
Maybe Haiti has told them dad always makes crumbs when he eats.
A picture of three waiting to be fed.
“Hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well, 
                          but the certainty that it  makes sense, regardless of how it turns out.”
                          - Vaclav Havel

Often it is hard to feel hopeful especially when I feel impatient and things are not going well.
I continue to need to learn a clear-eyed acceptance of getting older and what it will mean.  Relationships have ended and the loss of friends has saddened our hearts.  My biggest hope is that dad and I will grow old together.  We will face continuing sickness and illnesses and disorders and even a lessening  of our mental faculties.  We have already lost physical  attractiveness of youth and the strength and agility that goes along with this.  Now I have gray hair and a sagging body but I hope I will be able to laugh at myself and still regain a sense of dignity. 

Will others look into my eyes to see the soul that is trying to live hopefully with the promise of being able to share with others this new stage of life.

I must not give in to feeling like a victim of old age but recognize I am still captain of my fate.  It is up to me to make choices that will help me regain strength.

I fear the loss of independence, will I be a burden to anyone?  will I matter to anyone? 

I do not know the answers but I do know that as I continue to have the energy and grace to continue to love that love will surround me.  It has taken me years to realize that we love hopefully wisely,  but free from the need of attachment and approval.  In the past our hearts have been broken but the future can be a time of awakening and opening our hearts to all that is good and beautiful.

Each moment is precious no matter what age we are.  Wisdom and compassion and love grow with us as  we ripen into spiritual maturity.  We have known disappointments and losses which are apart of being human.  We have known busy days of exhaustion and stress and now there is time to meditate and pray and talk and walk on forest trails  together.

Everything we long for can be  beyond the wall of fear.

Gundy shared more of her life story with me which included the tragic death of her mother.  Every person has a powerful story to tell waiting for the right time and a listening ear. We end up laughing together in appreciation of friendship.

"Love recognizes no barriers.
It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at it's destination
full of hope."  

"Because in this marathon of Hope" we go on loving life until it is time to pass the torch to the next generation.  This destination lies beyond death.


Dad and I were impressed at all the effort that Sandra put into finding and framing this picture.  I like it too.  Great job you accomplished!

Spiritually there are people who are more open to dreams and visions seeing into the future.  Gratitude is one of the gifts that helps open our eves to see beyond our daily lives.
Finding something that will be a treasure for ever is wonderful.  

"There was a very wealthy landowner who riding his estate came upon an old tenant farmer, his head bowed in prayer, before he ate his simple lunch.  If that were my lunch  the landowner said “I would not feel like giving thanks.  The tenant told him that he had had a dream that the richest man in the valley will die tonight.
The landowner immediately phoned his doctor who came and checked him over and declared he was healthy.  Just when he finished there was a knock at the door and the messenger announced the old tenant had died that night."  So true that simple treasures can be such a blessing.

Dad and I treasure doing little things around here as we slowly get more energy. We both cut the lawn and trim the tree and clean up.  Then we both read and had naps.  I had to finish my book before going to the library.  Last night it was hockey and feet soaking.

So thankful Theresa's car that was stolen was found.  A very terrible experience.  

Dad's feet a little worse but I am sure a massage will help on Friday.  I had two walks with Haiti and she had a ride in the car to the library with us.  She enjoyed that.  I will try and visit either Mary or Gundy today. 

We are treasuring these sunny warm days that feel like summer!       

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Dad and I are in that gray area where we are not sick but still not feeling well.  When difficult things happen and life gets stressful it is easy to get thrown off track and start questioning life and God.  It is the love of family that keeps us moving on.

Everyone has the right to be free not to have a positive attitude for the day when facing truth.  Not even the truth about the tragedy of loss but the truth that often it is the little things that bother us.

“Any idiot can face a crisis-it is  the day to day living that weird you out.”  Anton Chekhov

It can be the offhand uncaring remark by a supposed friend, the traffic jam that ruins are plans for getting to our destination on time,  my carelessness or some one else’s.

P5160491Ben continue to play a great game,  rushing out and grabbing the ball etc.  The parents who were with us thought very highly of Ben and we were proud to say we are his great grandparents.

 A  goal was scored on Ben when the other team had a penalty kick which was so unfair.  How do you stop a soccer ball from going into that huge net?

It was fun to have Randy and Sandra join in cheering his team on. 

After the game dad and I had naps and then drove over to visit Sandra for supper.  We then played word games.  The word I was trying to remember was cognitive impairment.

Back home again I took Haiti for her walk as she let me know she wanted to go.  I took some treats so I could let her off leash and get her to come back to me to get her treat.  It worked fine except I ended up with about 5 other dogs all chasing after me wanting treats!

I am learning that some mistakes are in the gray area and do not need to be corrected but we learn to live with them.


Monday, May 18, 2015


It is very hard to communicate how big these trees really are.  I was amazed when we first moved here and still am.

I went to look for my pills for cholesterol-lowering medicine wondering what safe place I had put them.  I did not want to start them until my chest cold was cleared up.  I gave up looking and went to get something out of the frig. and there was the unfilled prescription.    According to the pharmacy this should be accompanied with a healthy life-style.  That is easier when Kim is around.

Dad woke up with a bit of a cough and sore feet.  Not surprising as he probably over-did it on Saturday.  We did not go to the early morning soccer and I did go to church.

I like the new minister Kimiko Karpoff.  She speaks of the mystery made known in the ordinary like the bread and the wine.

One of the prayers of assurance:
In the mystery of my hungers, in the silence of my rooms,
in the cloud of my unknowing, you are there.
In the empty cave of grieving, in the desert of my dreams
in the tunnel of my sorrow, you are there.
You are there and you are here and everywhere.

We yearn to be filled with the over-flowing presence sharing the sacredness of the spirit within each one of us.  We  share that spirit when we serve those who are hungry and needy by our actions and caring.  We also serve with words and with music and with art.  I love going for a walk with my camera and with Haiti!

Sunday turned into a perfect day just to enjoy.

I believe that Jesus was a great communicator by his life-style, his words and his healing presence.

 He treated all people equally and yet was not afraid to confront the evil in the religious beliefs of that day.

The more we communicate with each other the stronger our relationships will grow.  The tricky part is how to share and when to share and communicate our faith.  Love your neighbor as yourself is a good start.

Ben's game will be at noon today so I will go with Carol if dad decides not to go.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


I had just made my coffee when Haiti starts barking like she is really afraid as the paper girl pushes the newspapers through the slot.  I rush to try and stop her but she  before pays Haiti no mind and is away to the next house with great efficiency.
The orange cat is having a drink but this is one mean cat so we hurry right past.  Haiti has a visit with a dog at the park and a run so that is great.

When I get home dad is watching hockey Canada against the
Europeans.  Canada won.  I hurried dad up to drive in to Carol and Panteli's place where, even though they were home late, they were all up.  The early morning sun shines in and wakes up all the sleepy eyes.

Oliver looks happy and handsome and we share a cup of coffee.

  He shows dad and I the place he stayed in Mexico and the huge waves he tackled and some he wisely stay away from.  An exciting adventure that is for sure.

For day this is the miracle of the moment as he woke up feeling like he had some energy.  Pain does limit us but we are thankful for the things we can do as we make choices for our day.
After an amazing pncake breakfast we drive to Langley to Ben's soccer game.

I do my best to take pictures but the action is so fast it is difficult.  Ben plays a excellent game but there where only 5 shots on goal.
We are reminded how important our family is and also that we still have an influence over their lives just by making an effort to be with them.

I hope that they will remember how important each one of them is to us both and how it blesses us to hear about what they are doing.

Yes, Sandra, dad and I are accepting invitations unless we find yesterday was a bit too much.

I hope to go to church and to Ben's soccer and hopefully see Morgan who had a birthday party to go to yesterday.  We are taking it a day at a time.

Saturday, May 16, 2015


Nice to have some help in the garden!
Thanks Carol and Panteli!
Also nice to have Carol walk Haiti over to the park with me.
Dad very tired today.  An upset stomach too.
Haiti very sad after everyone leaves.
Me having trouble sleeping .  Old age!

Until you actually see and hear and feel the ocean it is hard for a young prairie girl to even imagine what  power those huge waves have and far you can see across them.

From ancient times people made us stories about God usually a God seen in nature.  Wild and angry and powerful and beyond belief.
Jesus came to tell us the true stories that as I have allowed them to be woven into my life have given me courage and faith and hope in the knowledge that I am worthy and that I am loved.  I was fortunate to hear many stories about Jesus as a child and see movies at my church about his life and crucifixion.  He was real and I had that child like  faith that I could pray and He would hear.

The stories that Jesus told were so real and so practical.  One should not build a faith on wild and crazy stories of fear and conquering others by words or by fighting, but on a steady foundation of the beauty and joy of holiness.

I remember stories of glass houses and one should not throw stones; or planting seeds that only some grew and some did not.

I have thought a lot about the little nun, whose name was Louise and even though she was a little senile her smile and her gentleness was a story her life still told.

I think of my own dad who told every one he was in the nursing home as a spy for his son who was a Mountie.  He had to make sure things were done properly and because of this he talked to other people who he accepted and they accepted him.

Truth is not always straightforward but is held in tension.

"A small snail was climbing up a cherry tree while all the sparrows laughed and teased him.  Hey stupid they said don't you know there are no cherries on that tree.  The little fellow did not stop but replied that there would be when he got there."

The main function of the story is to deepen awareness of the human condition and to remind us how very alike we are in our humanness.

"There are two kinds of stories: some tell how it was, and others reveal how it is."

"Over the entrance to Yal Vashem, Israel's memorial to those who perished in the Holocaust, is inscribed into the stone an aphorism to the Bael Skem Tov:
Exile comes from forgetting.
Memory is the source of our redemption."

We can never really forget but we can forgive.

Friday, May 15, 2015


“Because whenever you start the spiritual journey, the whole of humanity, and perhaps creation, goes along and shares the journey with you.”   -Thomas Keating

There are many reasons that we lose the joy and enthusiasm of life in life as we get older and start our last journey.  I go back visiting and as I talk to the friends I have made there I realize that for some like Jim there is fear and anger, for others it is boredom and loneliness.  The happiest ones are the ones that help others and attend the activities when they are able to.

Our aging years have their  challenges as we deal with aches and pains and feelings of uselessness.

"We now have time to explore the inner vistas that have always been within, available to us, often we just did not have the time to explore them in any depth while we were immersed in the busy-ness of our lives."

Every day is a day that comes only once and I have the choice to enjoy the moments that continue to create memories. 

"Aging can offer us the time to deliberately reorient ourselves towards the inner life, a more reliable refuge than anything the world can offer."  -The Grace In Aging  by K. D. Singh

I feel younger when I go visiting and so thankful that I can do it and am so appreciated.  My friend the little nun passed away and I will miss her sweet spirit and even Jim misses her as he told me right away that she had died.

Life is about learning and caring and sharing!

Thursday, May 14, 2015



A happy sad moment before departure
A big rush at the last!  Heavy luggage.  Very sad Haiti~
