Tuesday, May 12, 2015


P5110451Well another mother's day has come and gone.  Rick's card arrived by post at noon today.  It gets added to all the other memories
of a different kind of mother's day
but it has been fun receiving the flowers from Ken and Melina and family and from Carol and Panteli.The flowers from the family in Australia had a small necklace on them that I will treasure for years to come.

Thanks to you all

Thanks Rick

I love you too!

Driving down Ladner’s main street.  That was an amazing gift of an afternoon free of coughing before the next bout hit.  Dad is still coughing but the doctor says he is improving.  She ordered some cough medicine to take at night. 

I was thinking of mother's day when I grew up.  As I remember it,  it was more  dad that bought  mom a present not us  children. When I became a mom it was the children as it is now.

"God gave us memories that we might have roses in December"
J.  M. Barrie

All our memories contribute to making us who we are today.  The memories are even more important to me as I get older and find a few slipping away from me.  I am sure my children may all remember me a little differently.

"We are made of our memories.  We are what we remember ourselves to be.  We cannot dissociate the remembering of our personal past from our present identity.""

"We dishonor sufferers by not telling their story, we increase our humanity by hearing and repeating it."  -  Theodore Adorno

Our spiritual life is simply the effort of our memory to persist,
 to transform itself into hope, the effort of our past to grow into our future. -  Miguel De Unameno 

"Memory is central to being human."  Without memory we cannot communicate with other people, nor could we remember the ideas we wanted to express.

"It is only through the memories of beautiful moments that we leave behind something of permanent value."  -Rabbi Benjamin Blech

We share our experiences, our stories and our memories to help others cope with similar problems or to give others a laugh or sometimes a tear or to just entertain.

This bug that has been causing problems with many others has certainly robbed us of energy and strength.  Dad had planed to go for a walk in the forest but after putting his shoes on decided it would be too much.  So instead he took a drive over to pick up his cough medicine.  He was barely inside the store when he started having a nasty coughing fit.  He just keep coughing and coughing.  Extremely embarrassing.

So thankful and hopeful the cough medicine works tonight.


Sandra said...

So did the cough medicine help?

I think that it was a movie that we were watching that said something like "the moment our children are born we live to become their memories" something like that. I know with grandchildren I certainly feel that. I want to be remembered, and they will be that last ones to do that.

nancy-Lou said...

Memories, Memories....remember the song? I can hear Guy Lombardo playing it right now! Melodies I can remember, words are rather scarce! oh well at least I got the first two words!

I like to reflect back on my childhood memories and they have become especially poignant these last few weeks as a group of my childhood friends and I prepare for our elementary school's 100th anniversary. I have re-made friendships from 60 years ago...mostly through the magic of facebook. We are arranging a banquet along with the school's celebrations.

ahhh poor Larry, not able to go for the walk. Give it a few days and you both should be feeling lots better. Rest and drink lots of water. Actually I drink apple cider vinegar with water and it helps build the immune system, as well as many other benefits.

I am preparing my art to place for sale in the local business....framing, photographing and pricing. The long weekend is next and we will be inundated with many cottagers. The fire danger is very high and there is a ban on any outdoor fires....I pray they all listen to that! I worry because Victoria Beach is almost an island. It joins the mainland through a highway built through the marsh...our only connection.

I hope for a quieter night for both of you.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

That is very exciting Nancy having a reunion.

I hope that you are safe from any fires, that is a major worry,

Doing better so far today. Yeah!

love beth