Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Dad and I watching the hockey game with high hopes Montreal would beat Tampa Bay, but it did not work out.

Dad had high hopes his cough medicine would work but it was disappointing.  The good news is that he felt much better yesterday and wanted to go out for a drive to Langley.  This we did but I hope it was not too soon.  Last night he was exhausted but we did enjoy getting out.  The hockey game was disappointing but still exciting to watch.

Before we left Carol arrived with Kim and Madison and found me outside cutting the grass.  I was delighted and surprised because we thought they would be arriving at night in the late evening.

Haiti was so excited her whole body just shakes she is so happy.  I should have taken a picture but there was such a flurry of activity.  Carol had to get back to work and Kim had to start doing laundry and then took off to do some errands and shopping.  She will be leaving early Thursday morning for the fishing lodge.

We enjoyed our lunch and then a quick visit to Chapters.  As usual I was tempted and bought one book about aging with grace.  It was recommended me by Rachael Naomi Remen , author of Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather's Blessings which I gave to all my kids I think.  Maybe not the boys.  She is one of my favorite authors.

There was a new book about the brain and part of it was talking about the gut.  Healthy gut healthy brain.  I did not get it because I feel that there is also an energy that comes from the spiritual part of our brain that can also restore it.  I have high hopes as I regain energy by walking. 

I had high hopes I would be able to attend our Jet Lag luncheon but I am better but afraid of coughing.  Our energy levels are still low but I am improving slowly.  I was able to visit Mary sitting out in her yard as her daughter had been called in to work.  I also met my new neighbor who moved into Cathy and Jeff's place and she returned the visit today.  I think if we can help others it helps us too.

The author of "The Grace in Dying" is Kathleen D. Sing who believes that aging is a time to be transformed spiritually.  I agree. I enjoy learning about spiritual experiences and renewal.


Sandra said...

Even when you guys are sick and mostly home bound you do more than me on my best days.

I am home studying today for my test tomorrow.

Randy is home as well so he will have to be quiet and not tempt me with trips to the nursery.


Anonymous said...

Nice photo of your feet....looks very cozy! Yes, I am bummed about Montreal as well. I can only imagine how excited Haiti was, but the poor pup doesn't know her mommy will be going aay for a couple of months tomorrow! Let us knwo when you guys need a break from Haiti and we'll take turns having her over for sleepovers throughout the summer. xoxo Panteli

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't it amazing how attached our dogs are to us? Haiti and Kim must have both been so happy to be re-united....but for a short time! Well Haiti has two loving homes to care for her in Kim's absence.

Out little dog, Jewels goes back to the vet tomorrow...she is not doing well. She has fluid in her lungs and they are not sure why. This is trip # 4 to see if doubling up on the meds has helped.
Sure breaks the budget...but we have to do what needs to be done for her.

I am not sure about aging being a time to be seems to me some of the older retired people I know are cranky, depressed and bitter. They are the ones who choose to do nothing.
Then again, the active seniors are quite happy and feel fulfilled...but I don't think transformed spiritually.
Just my thoughts!

I looked at the photo of the two pairs of feet..side by side and thought how much those two pairs of feet have accomplished in the last 50+ years together....walking crying babies, walking at work guiding airplanes in safely, walking making meals and doing laundry, walking to church, walking helping those in need, so much they have accomplished together. You both have a lot to be proud of!

Well the outdoors is calling me...lots to do before the rain sets in. Welcome rain to wet the forests and lower the danger of fires.

Have a great day, you two pairs of feet!

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Dad had a good sleep and in fact is still sleeping.

My feet need to get out walking.

The new neighbor's name is Sandy and she wants to bring her two girls over to meet us. Kim has offered a piece of her pottery that I can give to them.

Sandy is from Tiewan and is taking English lessons and helping at school where the children attend. They are in swimming and dancing class.

She is very friendly and happy.

I guess I will walk while dad sleeps. Haiti had a good sleep with Kim and also a good walk.

I do not mention all the naps both dad and I have been taking which we are thankful we can do.

Love mom

larry bennett said...

Your first selfy In my opinion was a bit of a disaster - we cant look htat bad or or can we!!

Steady-as-rain said...
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Steady-as-rain said...

No, not the boys.

I'm glad the card eventually showed up.

Naps are good.

I'm busy at work now, for much of May and June.



Anonymous said...

I took the kitten to the Vet yesterday. The wound on the back of his neck won't heal. The dog keeps licking it. And he keeps scratching it, the cat that is.
On late shifts this week.