Friday, May 8, 2015


Yesterday I knew I would have to brave the busy tiring world of the grocery store.  My cough is better so I will not be coughing all over any one that may be with me in line.  I always think when people are coughing and hacking near me they should stay home.

One thing I have to get is milk and I was thinking back to the days,  which seem so long ago,  when milk was delivered to the door.  Every morning there it was sitting waiting for you to open the door and take it in.

Do we each appreciate that each one of us is a spiritual being.  Some of us are afraid to open the door and even look at what might be there.  Spirituality is to be experienced in the ordinary every day life that we all live.  It can be experienced in the dark moments of despair, in our confusion, in our stories of healing and forgiveness, and especially in our listening.  Our words and means of expression may be different.

Spirituality is a way of life-a way of being true to who you are and who you are meant to be in appreciation of the simple things.

Religion has tried to capture it and tie it up into neat packages of steps to take and things to believe and has lost a lot of the mystery.

Jesus said to watch the wind.  We can never see it but just see its movement around us.  Aware that every breath I take is a loving gift of life!

Today I have to brave the doctor’s office.  I enter and sit and wait for the door to open.  I question myself  as whether I really need to be there.   I fight the urge to leave.  A good visit is when I can express what I need and the doctor knows what I expect and appreciate what he can do.  I have decided to go on the pill to lower cholesterol as it prevents that nasty plague stuff.

I want to be as healthy as possible and so keep getting things in my body checked up in ways that only the miracle of modern medicine can do is important.


Sandra said...

And what about dad? Did you decide that he did not need to go the the doctor?

nancy-Lou said...

I don't like going to the doctor either Beth. I hope you have a good visit and get to express your needs and he has some good answers for you.

I have high cholesterol too and use flax seed in my cooking, such as in my morning cereal and in baking like muffins. It is OK for people with celiac disease.

Three of my paintings were accepted for the REgional Health Authority corporate office so I am taking them in today. They are large pieces...over three feet and heavy because of the frame and glass. I will get someone to help me carry them in when I get there.

We are so fortunate to have our health care in Canada....I appreciate it very much.

Have a good day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Dad seemed so much better and then he got extremely bad last night coughing.
It is exhausting for both of us.
He is going over to the clinic at 11:10 this morning.
I want to ask Dr. Nolte about this cholesterol pill what a horrible word to spell; he has suggested I take to prevent plaque.
My cough is not completely gone but we are both very tired.
Dad wants to go into see him with me but he can hardly talk this morning. Maybe that is an answer to prayer as he can talk too much.
Take care.
love mom
Congratulations Nancy I love your paintings.
love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Beth that picture of the pink Clematis is so pretty. Is the Clematis one of yours?

I hope Larry got some help at the doctors today.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I am fret ty sure you can shop online for groceries . You can here in Australia. Get Dad some Valium to help him sleep.