Sunday, May 3, 2015


Early morning sunshine.

It is sure easy to feel confused when you do not sleep that well.  I do not know how people who work all different shifts and hours do it.

It is late by the time dad is able to stop coughing and yet I find myself wide awake at three, I think maybe these
sleeping  pills are confusing me.

Sandra was very confused when she arrived at our house with dad's favorite stew to find no one was home.

I started coughing so dad insisted I go to the walk-in clinic.  I went because I was concerned that he was not recovering as he should.  We found out we both have bronchitis so we are both on the pill.

Thankful Sandra stayed around and gave my garden a good clean up.  The delicious stew and company did dad a world of good.  I am hopeful to-night will be restful.

"What do we do when we are confused?  Usually we get further confused by and about the confusion itself.  What should we do then?  Rejoice in the confusion?  Confusion means we do not understand something thoroughly.

Welcome to the human condition.

Zen and Christianity agree in honoring the concept of mystery, accepting the reality of mystery, not as something that  "will be eventually solved" but as a hint of a reality greater than self.

Confusion is often the sign of recognizing reality for what it is, a hint that we should accept our own finitude for what it is.

We are imperfect beings."

If there was a perfect religion that embraced all wisdom would we embrace it as the true truth?

Confusions may be humorous as this story suggests.
Late one evening a weary truck driver pulls into an all-night truck stop.  Just as he was served three tough-looking, leather-jacketed motorcyclists-of the Hell's Angels - came in and decided to give him a hard time.  The verbally abused him, one grabbed the hamburger off his plate, another took a handful of his French fries and a third started to drink his coffee.  The trucker did not respond but paid the cheque and left. 

"Well he is not much of a man" they told the waitress.

"I don't know about that"  she said but looking out the window she said "he ain't much of a truck driver, he just ran over three motorbikes on his way out."

It is not by chance that the first question in the Bible is "Adam where are you?" 

Did God not know where Adam was?    God knew, Adam didn't.

"The purpose of religious observance is to make us aware that we live in the presence of God, to help us become better people, to increase our sensitivity, and to amaze us that even in our confusion miracles surround us at every moment."  Rabbi Lopez Cardozo

I will not be attending church because of my cough but should be all better in a week.

Thankful we both have bronchitis not pneumonia!  Taking our meds and drinking lots.


Sandra said...

No, I figured dad would be much faster to take you to the doctor since he knew how sick he got he would be worried that you would be even sicker if left untreated.

Sorry I did not make the stew gluten free, I did not have any gluten free bullion cubes left.

I have to close the curtain on the beautiful sunshine and work on my last assignment for this course. If I get it done in time Randy and I may run down to the nursery and buy a tree.

beth bennett said...

Thank you for the stew it gave dad a real boast.
Yes, you are right he was very afraid I would end up as sick as he felt.
Have fun picking out a tree!
Better sleep last nigh. We both were more relaxed.
Thanks again.
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

I am so glad you both went to the walk in clinic and received some drugs to help with the bronchitis. Hope you feel better soon.

What a treat it is to boot up your blog and see it first thing in the morning....I can read it with my morning coffee! Glad you reverted back to it!

Your garden flowers are beautiful Beth...especially the large purple that is a stunning flower. The only thing blooming in my garden is the forsythia shrub and it is bright yellow...looking in my window bringing me some happiness. The trees and shrubs are showing hints of the leaves are on their way.
Being surrounded by Lake Winnipeg, we always are about ten days to two weeks behind Winnipeg in growth.

The lake ice has disappeared and we hope it is gone for good....but one never knows as the winds can shift and wowsers...back it comes! I love our is always full of surprises and variety.

I had a small art group for lessons, here in my sunroom, yesterday. A very nice time was had by was a 13 year old piano student who we found out is very talented in painting too. She kept up with the adults, just fine and showed us how to " go with the flow"....she accidentally dropped about 7 drops of paint in her lovely most kids would freak out...not her! I told her it was a happy accident and showed her how to make seagulls on them and she did a magnificent job of painting in soaring seagulls. Did I say, how much I love to teach art and music? yes, yes I do!

Wishing you and Larry much better health,

Love, Nancy