Monday, May 4, 2015


Early morning  promise of another sunny day.
Remembering Christopher's birthday and also little Madeline !

 We coughed ourselves to sleep and woke up early coughing.  Very tiring.  I think dad should go see his own doctor as he may need an inhaler.

The odd  (I do not mean they are odd)  person has asked what can we do for you?

I know I miss keeping in touch with friends.  I look forward to phone calls because visits are not the best thing for anyone to do in case they catch our germs.

It is good when we know what is happening in your life.  I know you are all busy and that is good.
It gives me life to know about what you are doing.

I am just writing this when Cathy G. phones and asks what she can do for us so I asked her to pick up a few things at the store.  Now, I probably could manage a trip over to the store  but have delivery is nicer!

Way to go Jassy best pupil of the week.  We are proud of you!

What and Who can give us hope when all seems hopeless and all light seems dim?


nancy-Lou said...

oh dear...what an awful thing bronchitis is....the coughing just racks through your body and is so tiring. Be sure and drink lots of fluids to loosen up the phlegm. I broke two ribs from coughing when I had it last May. What a strange time to be the spring. Usually all the flu bugs are in the winter, yet many around here are sick now.

Can I suggest when people ask what they can do...saying some ready made food would be nice...whether bought or homemade. soups especially. It was thoughful of Sandra to bring over the doesn't feel like cooking when you are ill do you? People really do want to help1 Glad Cathy is shopping for you...that is a help too.

I had a very moving and humbling experience today....there is a Mental Health Drop In Centre in Selkirk. I had no idea it existed...but think it is a branch of the Selkirk Mental Hospital. The director did Carl's income tax for him...( it was through revenue Canada ) .....the folks who dropped in and the director and staff were just so today I bought a dozen doughuts and took them in...well you would have though I gave the a wide screen TV or something....the visitors wanted to know my name and one sweet lady held my hand and as I left heard many voices saying thank-you, Nancy, thank-you, I got in the van and said to my son, your mother is crying, they touched my heart so deeply. I wish I lived closer and would volunteer there...but I will inquire about arranging some free art classes there. It is the simple things in life that mean so much isn't it? Much like your dedication to old cranky pants, Jim...

Soo my dear friend I hope you feel much better tomorrow and Larry too.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

cold wet and rainy here . Jasmine got pupil of the week for improved reading and writing. I am doing early shifts this week and Melina is doing late shifts...make for a long day. Tomorrow last 330am shift. Hope you guys are feeling better .

Mama Lee said...

Sorry to hear about the bronchitis. Dave is nearly at the end of his. He's had it for 3 weeks & I'm sure the worst is over now. The antibiotics & syrup that have been prescribed for him are a big help. Hope you two are back out & about soon!

Love, Lee