Friday, May 29, 2015


The trouble is that finding the root cause of a disease especially a chronic one is not easy.  The focus has been  on curing but it is now being realized that a life that has meaning heals many things that are beyond curing.

Dad finally got his blood work done and it looks good.  He is also going to continue the massage treatment even though it is extremely painful.  I think we all feel better is we can at least try new things.  The doctors are not helpful.

Medicine men would heal by curing the pain in the soul believing this to be the root cause of many stresses and illnesses.

"We did not know there is a healthy way to have a disease, a way to use this difficult experience to come to know who we are and what is important to us.  Certainly pain and fatigue limit what we can do. 

Finding meaning does not require us to live differently, it requires us to see our lives differently.  Many of us live far more meaningful lives that we know.  Meaning may change the way we see ourselves and the world.

Through illness, people may come to know them selves for the first time and recognize who they genuinely are but also what really matters to them."    Rachael Naomi Remen

She is a physician who has had to deal with a very painful chronic condition (Crohn's disease) herself and turns to helping others face cancer and other diseases.  She found within herself the courage to live in new ways and an unsuspected sense of compassion.

"At such time spirit is strength."

I know in my life one of the root problems has been fear, but I am over-coming it by writing.  My prayer is that my fear based thoughts will be healed even if I still have health issues, my soul is being strengthen without me being aware of it.  I am well aware that stress and worry contribute to physical ailments.  Fear reveals a lack of trust in God not only to heal me but my loved ones in His way and His time.

I try out my new shoes on my walk to the park with Haiti.  I am wondering if there are people who break in new shoes for you.  They sure feel funny after my worn out but so comfortable pair.


nancy-Lou said...

haha....I would like someone to wear my new shoes too....they always feel so strange don't they, Beth? I have a new pair waiting to be worn, sitting in my closet saying, " wear me today, please"? BUT they remain closeted until one day I will give it a "go". I will take my "old friends" along with me in case the new ones are just too uncomfortable.

Chronic illness is so debilitating in many ways. Depression is one of them and it is very hard for everyone to deal with it, not only the person who is afflicted. I see that in Carl often and it is nearly impossible to cheer him up. They say the best way to deal with ones own problems is to volunteer and you and Larry are shining examples of that!

I am sorry to hear that Larry has Peripheral neuropathy. Anything to do with the nerves is extremely painful isn't it? I didn't realize that it could be hereditary...and Carol and Sandra are having problems with it too. rheumatoid Arthritis is hereditary too and we are very thankful that our sons haven't developed it too. Carl has it as did his mother and sister and their maternal grandmother. We haven't seen it in the next two least not so far. I guess these diseases are genetic diseases.

It is cold here this morning, especially for almost June. We had a frost of -2 overnight and it may have killed the flowers of the Saskatoons,Blueberries etc. It could be a summer of no berries and that means hard times for animals like the bears and even birds. Let's hope they didn't get frost bitten.

Today I am teaching piano and art lessons. My Saturday piano student has her grade 5 exam with the Royal Conservatory in two weeks. She is well prepared and should get a first class honours mark.

I hope you have a good walk with Haiti in the park. Our neighbours little dog was missing last night and the poor little boy came here looking for her....they were crying. I felt so badly for them. I am hoping she wasn't taken by the coyotes, wolves or cougar. They leave her outside unattended all the time and she is about 6 lbs...but a feisty 6 lbs. Pixie is her name. She is a Maltese cross.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Sorry, when ever my routine gets thrown off, like having Randy home today, I sometimes think I have already read your blog but in fact I have not!

Had a early morning run to Home Depot, then off to pilates and then after a quick bite I went out to the nursery. My heartburn is bad though and I was not feeling the flowers today. I bought some but the main area at the front door remains unplanned.

I am not sure what we have planned for tomorrow, Randy is off again. Maybe we will stop in if we are out that way.
