Monday, May 4, 2015


                                 Every thing  blooms in its time!

I insisted I was not sick enough but dad insisted I go to the same doctor he had seem at the clinic.  I went because I wanted to know the results of the x-ray of his chest.  We both have bronchitis.  We are fortunate we can take turns being care givers and still are able to laugh together.

So dad was right This  time!

I am very glad I went as today I feel worse but just waiting for the pills and prayers to help.

Vera kindly brought us some delicious soup so we are getting spoilt!  What a character she us, over ninety and making a sharp  U-turn into my driveway with a box of several jars of soup and some bread and cookies.  I smile as I watch her white hair jump back into the car and speed off to her Senior's home.

"There once was an elderly cobbler who approached his Rabbi asking what he could do about his morning prayers.
His customers brought their shoes to be fixed at the end of the day wanting them to be ready for the next morning.  When dawn arrived he was still fixing shoes.  Some mornings he could rush through his prayers but mostly as he lifted his hammer he would just sigh,

The Rabbi replied "If I were God I would value the sigh more than the prayers." by Earnest Kurtz
from the book Experiencing Spirituality.

My prayers seem to include a lot of sighing.

I am thankful the message of Jesus is timeless and speaks to the hearts of the young and the old!

1 comment:

Sandra said...

It looks like you were not sleeping well? I was wide awake from 4:30 just waiting for the alarm to go off. I blame it on the full moon. Did you not get your medicine on Saturday?
Well, I hope today the tide turns for you and you are feeling better.