Friday, May 22, 2015


Having a walk in the Water Shed Park is definitely good for the brain.  Almost as good as a flying visit to Edmonton to see your family and the wonderful grandson.

  Having a dog with dad and I increased our happiness.  The air was so fresh and all the new leaves so brilliant  and green.  The warmth of the sun highlighted all the colours and even the water in the small stream sparkled.  The only sad part is that the park is losing its natural beauty by people creating too many new paths.  Dad knows all the old paths which is good because I still get lost.  Even to find your way it helps to be brainy!

Your current health affects your brain health.

One of the things to be concerned with is your cholesterol level.    A healthy level is good for it is an essential component of every cell that coats and lubricates the body.
If too much is produced it begins to build up in the walls of blood vessels in the form of plaques.   It then becomes harmful.  This is bad LDL cholesterol which comes directly from the liver and if overproduce causes problems.

The good cholesterol travels the other way from the arterial walls to the liver, where it is broken down and removed from the body.  High levels of HDL cholesterol may help reduce the risk of all cardiovascular disease and in doing so may prevent decline in memory.

One way  to control LDL levels is through diet and exercise.  Fiber rich foods are excellent.  And of course lots of vegetables.

One thing I want to try to prevent is a stroke.  Blood pressure is often unpredictable and also needs to be controlled.  Diet and exercise.  I am also taking medication for cholesterol regulation.

I went for my first morning walk with Haiti and then both of us walked in the park with dad.  I do not know which one of us was the most tired.  Needless to say I was a mite tired when it came time to go visiting but I made the effort and was glad I had gone. 

It has been a good day!  Off to see Carol and dad is going to get a foot massage!

"One of the marks of a truly great brain, I had discovered, is the ability to feign stupidity on demand."
from "The Dead in Their Vaulted Arches" by Alan Bradley.


Anonymous said...

Great that Dad is out walking. See you soon.

Sandra said...

Is Carol massaging dads feet or someone else is?

We had a nice fast flight to Edmonton. And then a nice supper made by Shawna, and of course lots of giggles and smiles by Lincoln.

beth bennett said...

No a proper massage oriental I believe.

Waiting for pictures.

love mom