Thursday, April 30, 2020


Impatience asks for the impossible,
wants to reach the goal
without the means or effort to get there.
I think we are all feeling impatient about staying at home and missing family and friends.

The curve is flattening and new infections are on the decline.  There still needs to be guid lines about about reopening.  It appears that the sacrifices we have made have slowed down the pandemic. 

When should we reopen?

What would you reopen first?

The Safeway Store near us has done a good job in helping people keep their distance.  We follow the arrows up and down the rows and stand apart on the big footsteps.  They clean off every buggy  that is returned to the store.  They limit the number of people who can go in.

This was not a problem at 7 in the morning.  I caught myself going the wrong way and I felt very guilty.  I saw a friend I would have loved to talk with but we did the right thing.

We are waiting for a big truck to arrive to pump out the drain the city is responsible for.  It actually came yesterday but the job was not done because the help's wife got sick.  You worry when you hear this.

"Honor the space between no longer and not yet."--  Nancy Livin

"Things come suitable to the time."  -Enid Bagnold

We have made it so far lets keep going for awhile longer.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


I do not think we will forget these difficult days.
Although it may be fun to tell stories about it.

I was up early planning to go to the store for a few things.  I have looked everywhere but have forgotten where I put my wallet.  I often forget what I have put in a safe place.  The last I remember was taking the money out to pay the girls upstairs in my bedroom.  Tore the bed all apart and looked under the bed and in all the drawers.  I did not put it in a safe place.

Well I might as we;; look in my purse again and there it was when I took everything out!  What a relief.

It is good to remember the good things in life especially that all life is precious and I am wondrtfu; even though I am forgetful. 

I am thankful that I can make a choice to forget the pain of the past.  

Forgive (myself) and others and forget!

I think we will have forgotten how to be normal.

Now dad has lost his wallet.  I think this will be our new normal.

Monday, April 27, 2020


My garden does need cultivating.
Thankful for all the work Sandra and Randy did.
I love to see the different colors.
This picture was taken on the way by the Safeway
where Spenser and I walk every morning.

It is important that we learn to cultivate a kind and warm heart that cares about the feelings of others.
Cultivating new friendships as well as the old is very important.

Dad and I needed to do something on Saturday so we drove to Ladner and while we were there bought a few groceries.  It actually was fun especially seeing some new items to try.  I am low on ideas of what to cook.

Sunday I mostly read.  I am reading "The daughter's Tale" about a Jewish family during the time of the Nazi's.  They are trying to escape but they get captured.  The mother and father are killed but the two girls find a refuge in a Catholic Church where there are other children.  I am hoping for a happy ending.

Several of our neighbors have a cleaning lady so I decided to put our names down on the list.  They came this morning and have done a good job so we will have them come once a month.  Why not?

Carol may drop by later today which would be great.

I phoned Craig but no answer.

I hope all our stories have a happy ending with new jobs for all!

Saturday, April 25, 2020


Nature has a voice that uplifts our spirits.
It may be a beautiful flower
or the song of a bird
or the sound of the rain or the wind.

It was wonderful to hear Thema Inkster's voice again.

Spenser and I went on a different walk across 64th.  This is where I used to take a long walk.  It was so good to meet two old friends and hear their encouraging words.  They tell me I am doing well and they like my new friend.

Last evening we had a visual chat with family.  So good to hear their voices and join in laughter together.  You have to be quick to get a word in with this lively group.  They were Carol and Kim, Sandra and Rick. Theresa and dad and I.

It was fun to look forward too!

Some of our family news is a bit discouraging.  Ken is not sure when he will start work again.  Craig also is out of work at this time.

The ultimate act of bravery does not just take place on a battlefield but in your heart when you have the courage to keep going, to honor your abilities and your strengths and yes your very soul. 

Life is a challenge.  Both dad and I have to be very careful we do not fall.

"To live at all is to be vulnerable."  C.S. Lewis

"Each of us has a voice that longs to speak from the depths of our hearts and feel worthy of being heard and contributing to making the world a better place."  Unknown

Friday, April 24, 2020


Expressed on our homes
On the Vet. Clinic
In the hospital

Thankfulness for all those who are working and risking their lives for the rest of us.
Thankfulness from our hearts with deep appreciation.
Thankful for our family and their love and support at this time of uncertainty.
Thankful for Spenser sitting beside me!

We will build stronger families and communities as we work together to do our part.

These hearts help us express what is in each one of our hearts with one voice!

It is tough that we cannot see our doctors or have the tests we need.  We have been so fortunate to have free health care.  We will appreciate it even more when it returns.

Dad's toe is still painful so we realize the next step has to be searched for.

Thankful that dad and I have each other.

Thankful we can keep in touch with all our family!

Praying they will keep well and connected!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020


                             I remind dad how important it is to be responsible about our own health.
Finally he agreed to go to Peace Arch Hospital about his painful toe.  It is not getting any better and I know he needs antibiotics.  Especially since he has bad circulation in his feet and legs.

The doctor said he did the right thing and may need another appointment with a foot doctor.

I was not allowed in the emergency waiting room.  There were only two people there.  They asked dad all the questions relating to the virus and took his temperature.

Spenser and I had a long dreary wait in the car. 

As soon as we got home I dropped off the prescription and returned to pick it up in an hour.  It was very busy at the pharmacy and a long wait.

Both Sandra and Ken told him it was important for him to go. 

We also got a phone call from Thelma Inkster who also said he had done the right thing.

I have been thinking how important it is that we give to one another.  We are very grateful.  We have to learn to accept love and advice in many different ways.

Sometimes no words can really express our thankfulness.
                                         Spenser looks heart broken when we leave him.
                                            He is so happy when I come back and join him.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020


Disruption has the potential to help us see what is important in life.

I was thinking about Melina and Ken and Jasmine all day yesterday.  When Jasmine couldn't breath because of a bad cough and her lips turned blue they feared the worst.  They rushed to the hospital in a panic I imagine, where first thing she was tested.  

The answer was that it was not but could have been a reaction to antibiotics.  She came home after spending several nights there.  That is so stressful for a child and for their parents.

I can still remember the fear of a young child having my tonsils removed.  You feel so alone.

Later in life you learn that you have to have the courage within you to deal with  anxiety and fear.

Ken is waiting to hear if he will go back to work.

All our lives have been disrupted by this virus.  None of us know what the future will bring.

Dad's painful toe has disrupted his sleep and it is time to decide what to do next.  Ken knows what this is like having had surgery on his big toe.  

There are the nice disruptions like our neighbour T.J. coming to join us on our front porch for a visit.  Both he and his wife are working from home.

Randy earlier in the day dropping off some groceries and telling is stories about cats and kittens.
A welcome disruption.

Life will never be the same.

The tragedy that happen in Nova SCotia is painful to listen and hear about.  Our hearts and our prayers are with them.  

How could this happen in a quiet little area?

Prayers will be expressed in many hearts at this time.  

God is bigger than any religion or any dogma.

The prayer that we can all say is "Thank you."

The love and support of our family helps us get through difficult days.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


We felt so much lighter and happier
when we went fora drive and discovered
the White Spot drive through open.
Yes dad enjoyed his fish and chips.

We know things will get better for most of us.  The sad thing is that for many they will not be able to do what they done in the past.  We must come together to help one another.

I know for me it is important to have something to believe in and something you can give your heart and soul to, something you feel passionate about.

This beings me back to the Bible.  Yes it contains stories of senseless violence caused by hate.

This takes us into a dark place.  We see the light when we learn to see this book as a place that reveals what is in our hearts.  We feel lighter when we know God is with us to renew our strength and to give us new hope.

Stories that can transform and inspire us to search for the truth.

There are messages for us in many other stories.

Keep learning.

                                 Keep believing!  Keep believing in yourself and in each other!

Friday, April 17, 2020


Our neighbors tree just like the one we had on the ridge.

I think dad had a better day today.  He was up early to organize our blue box, which he does very well.  Then he started cleaning up his tools in the garage and finally trim the grass.  The trimer keeps breaking so that makes it frustrating.  I feel better when he is more like his old self.

We had chicken and mashed potatoes and peas for lunch.  I find it an effort to get everything cooked at the same time.  And I dropped the chicken taking it out of the oven.  

Dad drove me to Shoppers to get some things I needed.  Spencer was so excited to go in the car.  Then when I got out he jumped out and ran into the store.  The door to go out was open.  The security person was very annoyed.  No dogs she shouted at me as I ran by her to catch him.  It took both dad and I to corner him.  On the way out the girl laughed at us.

I do not know what to do about shopping.  I wish I could just go.

I was looking up where the word for heart is used in the Bible.  It is amazing.  Instead of seeing the war and violence one could look instead of how often Heart is used.

There is the heart that loves, the broken heart, the contrite heart, the faint heart, the kind hearted, whole hearted, the courageous heart and even the doubting and hard heart.  There are even more.  One could say it is a book about the human heart!

"God speaks into our hearts from His heart."  -Maya Angelo

Thursday, April 16, 2020


Thank you Simone and Sebastien and Mary
for the beautiful hearts 
and the the loving words.
I love surprises.

The heart symbolizes our feelings of love and gratitude and energy.

I think one of the greatest miracles of life is when a baby is born and its heart starts to beat.

Jesus encourages us not to let our hearts be troubled but to trust in the love that never lets us go.

"Becoming heart centered is a matter of choice, responsible choice..  A choice to make for yourself"

"The wisdom of the heart will see the power and beauty of each moment that ou live and cherish each one.- Gary Zukav

Today dad and I were to talk to our doctors.  Dad's doctor did not get through on our home phone and we did not hear the cell phone in time.  We could not return the call.  Very disappointing as dad had several health issues to discuss.

My doctor told me my tests results did not reveal any problems.  I still feel everything is an effort .  He will re-order the heart test and send me to an internist if I want.  Nothing can be done at this time.

The men were depressed and felt deserted after the death of Jesus.
They were joined by a stranger as they walked along.
They were surprised to discover the stranger was Jesus.
After they turned to one another and expressed that their hearts had burned within them before they realized it was him.

There are deeper meanings to be discover as we search our hearts for answers.

We were surprised by a visit from Carol.  She always cheers us up!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020


I expected a card but what a surprise to see these lovely colorful hearts.  I can put some in every window of every room.  Hearts bring us happiness and creates a feeling of purpose in our lives.
Thank you Shandel!

Dad is going for a bike ride as it is even warmer today. 

We both are feeling tired but maybe this is the new normal.  Our doctors  phone

I am looking up words about the heart and it is inspiring.

"The seat of your soul-your spiritual essence-is within your heart".   -Baptist De Papa

"A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge." -Thomas Carlyle

Your heart connects you with all of creation. the Universe and with God.

A heart full of compassion has the potential to transform you as well as others.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020


We opened the door and welcomed these friendly faces bearing groceries.  It was great to have a visit even from a distance,

It gets warm for a while as we welcome the sunshine but then a cool breeze makes Kim thankful for her warm coat.

We will welcome the time when we do not have to do social distancing.

It has been such a blessing to have our groceries delivered. 

I am sure the girls at the Safeway will welcome me back.

We know it is wise to be careful in making this decision.

Sunday, April 12, 2020


Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where the body of Jesus was placed and mistook Jesus for the gardener.  Once he spoke her name she knew his voice.  His words are live giving.  A voice thar called her into wholeness and healing for her body and soul.

So it was very appropriate to have two gardeners come over, bringing supper and also plants.

They make a good team.
Randy tells her to smile!

Our day was brightened up by a phone call from Kim and the visit of Sandra and Randy.

It does not feel like Easter but everything has changed and is changing.

Everyone is offering to help us, even a stranger at the park.

This day will be a special memory for us that is for sure!
Spenser is not going to go anywhere as long as Randy is hre/

Saturday, April 11, 2020


Good Friday finds us at the park
with our old and new friends.

A day that is called Holy and it stirs up the questions of why we call it good, when it was a day of deep sorrow and agony.

 This time we gather not in church but in the park.

Did the disciples remember the words of Jesus about those who want to save their lives must first lose their life.  Matthew 16;25 ?

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and he was cheered as a liberator who would bring freedom to all who had been held  hostage. Joyous celebration,

Jesus broke bread with his disciples and told them to do this in his memory.  A  warning.

Jesus was betrayed by one of the men close to him.  Deep hurt.

He was condemned and judged .  Unfairly

He hug on a cross for all to see his suffering death.  Grief stricken and fearful.

We are all feeling the fear of death that is covering our world.  We question when will it end?

A time when many are risking their lives to save others.  A priest in Italy gives a young man his ventilator he  dies.  True religion.

Death will always be a part of life.  We live on in the love of our family.

We question the wisdom of joining Sandra and Randy at their home for fish and chips.
We all decide it is not a good time to do this.

Very disappointing for us.

In life there seems to be too many questions and not enough answers.
Especially right now.

Thursday, April 9, 2020


                                     Happiness is having shopping done and delivered for us,
                                         Happiness is a gardener who knows what she is doing.
                                                        Chairs are well spaced.
                                                    Sandra yelled :back off" if we got to close. 

Happiness is hearing all the family news,  It is hard to keep up.  It is very important to keep in touch.

Spenser loved his pumpkin and ate up his other food too.  He had a bad night last night dragging us out of bed wanting to tour the neighborhood.  It is no fun having an upset tummy.  At least he did not make a mess on our new carpet

Thanks Randy and Sandra. we really appreciate your help.  With help we can now stay home and stay safe,

Dad put some finishing touches cutting the grass and trimming the edge.

Coming advents will affect us all.  We will find strength when it is needed.  We need to help one another.  How it is a time when we can accept help graciously.

Easter has always been a time for happiness as we gathered as a family.  This year is different.  Next year will be very special.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020


"Times they are a changing."
Thankfully there has been a nice change in the weather.  Very cold in the morning but warms up quickly.  I have had to come home after starting out because my jacket was too warm.

We appreciate another order filled and delivered by Carol and Panteli.  We sat outside in our own little corner to have a visit.  Everyone is doing such a good job filling our orders we are both very thankful. 

We could order from the store but I am sure they would not stop and chat.

We could order from the Take out for Delivery but so far we have not done this,

Spenser has a stomach upset today so I have taken him out three times.  It is good because I meet and chat with other dog walkers.

Everyone is keeping their distance.

Both our doctors have phoned to set up phone appointments.  

Dr. Nolte is going to give me results from my tests.  I am not worried about anything because I am costing along and not getting any worse.

We had a good chat with Theresa that brightened our day.

Sandra is going to come over and attack any unwanted growth in my garden.  I am glad she can tell a weed from a flower because they can both grow so well.

Home schooling can be tough both for children and parents.
Good luck Melina and Ken.  A tough time for you all.

                                              Keeps wanting to go out.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


                                              The message of Easter is all about the unexpected.
                                                      Miracles have happened and still happen.

What an unexpected joy to receive a card from Kim full of loving words and full of hearts.  I am so happy to put them up on our window.  I hope the message comes across that we need to take heart and do our part to help all those who out helping us get the food we need and the health care we need.

Thanks Kim.

The world as we have known it will go under a big change. It is painful to watch the news especially the fact that people are not allowed to be with their loved ones.  Traudel's death was sudden but her last words to Brian was a faint "I love you."

Lent in the past was a time for seeing how spiritually empty we can become.  We struggle with unanswered questions and unanswered prayer.  We struggle with doubt and fear even when our faith is strong.  After all we are still very human and still make mistakes,

Easter is a time of renewal of hope and the awareness we are not alone.

God is with us all.

Dad had a bike ride yesterday but was surprised at how weak he felt.  Yes, he had a fall and was not hurt but shaken up and had trouble getting up again.  I think in lots of ways getting old is a humbling experience.

Later in the day we had a visited with Pat and John out on our driveway spaced well apart.  It must have looked funny.

Well Carol and Panteli have offer to buy and deliver groceries so I better make a list.

We are very thankful!

I am expecting good news!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sights and Sounds of Cov-19

The park is silent and still
No children playing or dogs running around.
"In the silence we listen to ourselves'
Then we ask questions of ourselves.
we describe  ourselves to ourselves
and in the quietude 
we may even hear the voice of God."
Maya Angelou

Every day there are new signs in the windows.
"All great artists draw from the same resource.  The heart"
We are so very thankful for all who are risking their own life to care for the sick and dying.
"Perform good deeds, for that is truly the way to battle
the forces of darkness."

As Spenser and I went out for a little evening walk we heard a drum, a horn and some bells.
All saying thanks.
"One must nurture the joy in lie
so it can reach full bloom."

Easter has sunk up on me this year.  Lent is almost over.  It was a time to dig deeper into the meaning of the life and death of Jesus.

How do we find security in times of chaos and suffering?

As we approach Easter it is important to keep an attitude of thankfulness.

Faith and prayer are ways that I can connect with the energy of the spirit of Jesus.

Love never dies.  We celebrate each other.

Sunday, April 5, 2020


Palm Sunday was always a happy day at church.
Young and old we would wave our palm branches in the air.
Jesus was cheered as a hero by a large crowd of people.

I was reading about the captain of the USS Roosevelt who was cheered by his sailors as he left the ship after being fired.  He put his life on the line to protect his crew.

The world as we know it is being changed because of this coronavirus that is out of control causing sickness and death along with fear and isolation.

Dad and I have a quiet day especially with dad not feeling great.  

I work out a bit in the garden but find I am discouraged as I get tired too quickly.  I know I just need to do a bit each day.

It will be a disappointing time for us all. 

Our love for each other will still be there even when we cannot be together.

It does not look good for any Easter celebrations this year.  Very disappointing.

Saturday, April 4, 2020


Three people have suggested our water may be flowing from an under ground spring.
The water flows continually day and night.

Two were experts.
The man from the city department.
My new friend Cath. brought her husband over to see it.
He has had experiences with drainage problems.
A neighbor who had a neighbor whose land was on a spring.
I do not think anything is going to be solved soon.

                                      Meanwhile the flowers are still growing and blooming.

We are so fortunate to have a family that is teaming up to do our shopping.  The men are proving to be great shoppers.  Thanks Panteli and Randy.  We may have to see what to do now that this virus may be here for another month or two.

It is causing a lot of problems.

Watching the news can be very depressing.

What has the power to inspire us to do things differently.
Words of truth
Words of encouragement
Words of wonder
Words of kindness and humor.

Maybe we could put a tap on this water and it could be used for good.

Too bad it is not higher up we could make a water slid.

Could it be another pond?  

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Our park a beautiful peaceful place to be.
A place to forget all the panic and fear that surrounds us.
A place to let your soul breath in the love of life that is a gift to all.
A place to meet a new friend.  Kathern.
are two dog leashes apart.

I am now famouses because her two soccer boys know all about Ben and the White Caps.

The truth is all my grandchildren and great grandchildren make me feel like a special grandma!

I am now content to walk, and rest and read each new day.
Actually each day is much the same now.

I am on the look out for more hearts in the windows.
It helps keep us connected.
It is a way to thank those who are risking their lives to save our lives from the virus.

The truth is that the love of God is present especially when we need to feel it.
In the fear and panic of this virus.

The truth is that we have a major problem with water leaking out on to the road.
Dad is not feeling well and does not feel like dealing with it.

I informed the engineering department man who drove by, by
waving at him.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


                                            To a man with a big heart!

A sad day when birthday parties have to be cancelled.

I hope Sandra has made you a cake.

Have lots of ice cream!

We love you lots!

Happy you are a big part of our family now.