Sunday, April 19, 2020


We felt so much lighter and happier
when we went fora drive and discovered
the White Spot drive through open.
Yes dad enjoyed his fish and chips.

We know things will get better for most of us.  The sad thing is that for many they will not be able to do what they done in the past.  We must come together to help one another.

I know for me it is important to have something to believe in and something you can give your heart and soul to, something you feel passionate about.

This beings me back to the Bible.  Yes it contains stories of senseless violence caused by hate.

This takes us into a dark place.  We see the light when we learn to see this book as a place that reveals what is in our hearts.  We feel lighter when we know God is with us to renew our strength and to give us new hope.

Stories that can transform and inspire us to search for the truth.

There are messages for us in many other stories.

Keep learning.

                                 Keep believing!  Keep believing in yourself and in each other!


Sandra said...

I wa wanted to see if white spot still had the drive up window open. Fresh us aways better. Glad you are finding things to keep you busy.

beth bennett said...

Dear Sandra
You are keeping busy too!
Love mom

Ken Bennett said...

Hi , Jasmine went to the hospital with allergic reaction on Tuesday night (1am Wednesday)
she now has to carry an epipen in case it happens again. we think it was the antibiotic that caused the reaction.
we are all just hanging out ....getting slightly sick of each other . Joan ,Melina's
mom is here too .
we have been home schooling the kids for over a week now. Matthew is way ahead of the class and Jasmine is catching up after missing a couple of days at the hospital .


beth bennett said...

Dear Ken.
So sorry to hear about Jasmine.

That is scary for you all.

Dad is having some asthma problems now too.

I find it is my sinus at this time of year.

Yes this staying home together is not easy.
We can disagree about the little things.
But when we look back we know that things that annoyed us like noisy children we now miss.

I think it would be hard to be a teacher as well as a parent.

Hope Jasmine keeps better.

Love mpm