Saturday, April 11, 2020


Good Friday finds us at the park
with our old and new friends.

A day that is called Holy and it stirs up the questions of why we call it good, when it was a day of deep sorrow and agony.

 This time we gather not in church but in the park.

Did the disciples remember the words of Jesus about those who want to save their lives must first lose their life.  Matthew 16;25 ?

Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and he was cheered as a liberator who would bring freedom to all who had been held  hostage. Joyous celebration,

Jesus broke bread with his disciples and told them to do this in his memory.  A  warning.

Jesus was betrayed by one of the men close to him.  Deep hurt.

He was condemned and judged .  Unfairly

He hug on a cross for all to see his suffering death.  Grief stricken and fearful.

We are all feeling the fear of death that is covering our world.  We question when will it end?

A time when many are risking their lives to save others.  A priest in Italy gives a young man his ventilator he  dies.  True religion.

Death will always be a part of life.  We live on in the love of our family.

We question the wisdom of joining Sandra and Randy at their home for fish and chips.
We all decide it is not a good time to do this.

Very disappointing for us.

In life there seems to be too many questions and not enough answers.
Especially right now.


Sandra said...

I do not think I would use the word religion to describe a selfless act.
Shawna's brothers wives Grandad has died from the virus.
Once he was diagnosed he choose to just go home and die. Not sure how old he was.

We have gotten the word that a mom cat and her kittens have been brought to the shelter and so before these ones are even gone we will be getting more.


beth bennett said...

Interesting news Sandra.

They are all very lucky cats.

Love mom