Thursday, April 16, 2020


Thank you Simone and Sebastien and Mary
for the beautiful hearts 
and the the loving words.
I love surprises.

The heart symbolizes our feelings of love and gratitude and energy.

I think one of the greatest miracles of life is when a baby is born and its heart starts to beat.

Jesus encourages us not to let our hearts be troubled but to trust in the love that never lets us go.

"Becoming heart centered is a matter of choice, responsible choice..  A choice to make for yourself"

"The wisdom of the heart will see the power and beauty of each moment that ou live and cherish each one.- Gary Zukav

Today dad and I were to talk to our doctors.  Dad's doctor did not get through on our home phone and we did not hear the cell phone in time.  We could not return the call.  Very disappointing as dad had several health issues to discuss.

My doctor told me my tests results did not reveal any problems.  I still feel everything is an effort .  He will re-order the heart test and send me to an internist if I want.  Nothing can be done at this time.

The men were depressed and felt deserted after the death of Jesus.
They were joined by a stranger as they walked along.
They were surprised to discover the stranger was Jesus.
After they turned to one another and expressed that their hearts had burned within them before they realized it was him.

There are deeper meanings to be discover as we search our hearts for answers.

We were surprised by a visit from Carol.  She always cheers us up!


Anonymous said...

Yes Dear, we are both so very blessed - Children, Grandchildren, Great grandchildren
and friends'

And each other. All the hearts sent to us - now in the windows.

And each other - perfect - love me

beth bennett said...

Yes we are so blessed.

Love mom

Sandra said...

Nice surprises are wonderful, good to see you are getting lots of them. How is are your plants doing? Have you got a sprinkler set up or just watering by hand with the hose?

Catching of the kittens was as traumatic as I expected and the new mom cat growls and hisses all the time. : (


beth bennett said...

I am watering by hand.

If Spenser decides to run away it is hard for us to catch him.

Good luck with your kittens.

Love mom