Sunday, April 5, 2020


Palm Sunday was always a happy day at church.
Young and old we would wave our palm branches in the air.
Jesus was cheered as a hero by a large crowd of people.

I was reading about the captain of the USS Roosevelt who was cheered by his sailors as he left the ship after being fired.  He put his life on the line to protect his crew.

The world as we know it is being changed because of this coronavirus that is out of control causing sickness and death along with fear and isolation.

Dad and I have a quiet day especially with dad not feeling great.  

I work out a bit in the garden but find I am discouraged as I get tired too quickly.  I know I just need to do a bit each day.

It will be a disappointing time for us all. 

Our love for each other will still be there even when we cannot be together.

It does not look good for any Easter celebrations this year.  Very disappointing.


Sandra said...

We will have to try and do a zoom supper with everyone on having dinner at the same time.

At least the weather is dryer now.

Spencer should be due for another hair cut, is the lady still doing it do you know?


beth bennett said...

Yes he is.

I do not know.

I will find out.

Love mom