Sunday, April 12, 2020


Mary Magdalene went to the tomb where the body of Jesus was placed and mistook Jesus for the gardener.  Once he spoke her name she knew his voice.  His words are live giving.  A voice thar called her into wholeness and healing for her body and soul.

So it was very appropriate to have two gardeners come over, bringing supper and also plants.

They make a good team.
Randy tells her to smile!

Our day was brightened up by a phone call from Kim and the visit of Sandra and Randy.

It does not feel like Easter but everything has changed and is changing.

Everyone is offering to help us, even a stranger at the park.

This day will be a special memory for us that is for sure!
Spenser is not going to go anywhere as long as Randy is hre/


Sandra said...

Not your typical Easter that is for sure, but lovely non the less. Sorry we did not give you more notice, but never really know what time Randy will get off work and if he will want to go back out.

I spent the morning cleaning and disifecting the kitten room to get ready for the new mom and her 5 babies.

Now I am working the next two days and Randy will be home.


Shandel said...

Such good helpers and I'm sure happy to as it's nice and gets outta the house. We are very cold here still! Its driving us all batty.
I sent you something last friday and I had really hoped it would have arrived already. I am really hoping it didnt get lost in the mail!

beth bennett said...

Yes Shandel I have been expecting a card.

It finally arrived yesterday.
The hearts are awesome!

Love grandma

Steady-as-rain said...

Great that Randy and Sandra helped with the gardening. And that Spenser took an interest as well, it sees!

And the sunshine seemed very bright. Spring time is here.

