Friday, April 24, 2020


Expressed on our homes
On the Vet. Clinic
In the hospital

Thankfulness for all those who are working and risking their lives for the rest of us.
Thankfulness from our hearts with deep appreciation.
Thankful for our family and their love and support at this time of uncertainty.
Thankful for Spenser sitting beside me!

We will build stronger families and communities as we work together to do our part.

These hearts help us express what is in each one of our hearts with one voice!

It is tough that we cannot see our doctors or have the tests we need.  We have been so fortunate to have free health care.  We will appreciate it even more when it returns.

Dad's toe is still painful so we realize the next step has to be searched for.

Thankful that dad and I have each other.

Thankful we can keep in touch with all our family!

Praying they will keep well and connected!


Sandra said...

Day by day, it is good to have some things, big or small to be thankful for.

Though, I was thankful when the rain first started but really wish it could have stopped by the weekend.

I hope dad's toe pain gets a little less with the infection being taken care of.


beth bennett said...

Thanks Sandra
Dad has been having a painful time.

We are doing the best we can.

Love mom