Tuesday, April 30, 2013


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This is our drive into White Rock Monday morning.  Bright blue sky but windy and cool.

After dad signs in and does his test and after we decide to celebrate by going down  to the beach and enjoy the ocean view.  The ocean is amazing, powerful and majestic and mysterious.
This is the cute main street with all kinds of quaint stores and tons of fish and chip eateries!

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I did not get a good picture of the waves as I would have needed to go out on the pier.
YES a bit worried with the blood numbers going up but we will face what we have to face when the tine comes.
It sure restores your energy just being near the ocean.

Worries drain my energy and I was concerned to hear Sandra has hurt her back lifting boxes and cannot move her leg.  I hope she will rest in Cold wintry Edmonton! 

Larry is driving to take Randy to get his car in North Van. left there after his minor  accident.

I believe that the gospel of good news reassures us that in our moments of weakness, despair, frustration, inability and helplessness God is there with us.  I have to keep reminding myself to rest in the silence that is God or goodness or a higher power! !

P.S.  I do not know why dad was complaining when I started making the bed with him in it, after all that is one of his jobs.  Time for me to go for a walk.


        First Dogwoods this spring.
P4280751 Dad and I started out for the   hospital in good time but due to a few delays arrived right on time except we were to be early. 

Going into that tunnel that the M.R.I.is  is a very enclosed space is no fun.  It is very uncomfortable and confusing but dad did a great job. I have found meditation and prayer helps and keeping your eyes closed,

 After we decided to celebrate and went to the Boat House in White Rock.  Neither one of us can eat much but it was lovely sitting at the window just enjoying the view.  The wind was causing great crashing waves and it would have been fun to go to the end of the pier but enough for one day.

The blood results came in and everything has gone higher again so that is disappointing.  We see the doctor on Friday but the results of the M.R.I. will not be available.

Carol dropped by and had a visit.  We were in good spirits.

Facing our fears means being honest;  but deciding to enjoy life with the knowledge each day is a gift for each one of us.

Monday, April 29, 2013


P4270716Very chilly out again on Sunday morning. Haiti has even gone back to bed which is Kim's bed.

Little did I know that Theresa; would be attacked by flying chucks of rocks from a truck in front of her which damaged the wind shield, so scary, on her road to school.

This is the first park we come to on our mourning walk, with a huge playing field.    The trees are magnificent and all is quiet on Sunday morning.

                                   This is the street we walk back home along. 
After I returned home the accidental spilling happened.  First the dog crunches and then I stepped into his water dish so there was wet crunches all around.  Cutting into the passion fruit the little seeds sprouted wings and flew all over the floor.  But the worst was the sticking sweet and sour sauce because it took three washes to get the stickiness off the floor.  Things always happened when my patience is just about gone.  I count myself blessed to be able to get down on my knees to clean up because I am a very messy person.
I agree with you Rick that we are apart of something bigger than we can know or understand.
One by one I think of all the young people in our family and how we find our happiness in different ways.  And that is my only wish is for  my children and grand and great grands find happiness and joy.
Ken phoned to check up on us and give us his news and also to give dad a blow by blow of the hockey game which was blacked out here.l day for Jesse and Mathew if he is well enough.  At least there weather i improving and hopefully all the colds will get better.
Dad was having pain last night and it is such a worry.  Kim came and got Haiti last night a long drive back and forth from Chilliwak.  She house sits on Tues. for Sandra and Randy.  How exciting to be going to Edmonton!  They need a break from fixing up their house and trying to find a place to move to.  I sure miss all them.
Today dad goes for his M.R.I. and hopefully we will find out what he is really facing.  We both are so very grateful for the years of good health we have had.  I know that I am feeling nervous.  I think the test takes a long time and means drinking yukky stuff.
Cold and dreary this morning so I will have a quick walk.  Dad will go have his blood test and then to the hospital at 1:40.  Seems like a bad dream and I am so thankful for all the prayers and good wishes,  Thanks guys!
Anyway we will focus on the positive!  Our world is full of love!

Sunday, April 28, 2013


I look in the drawer for a least one matching socks. I have a wonderful collection and variety of unmatched pairs. Is this all there is I ask myself?

How sad to think of when this life is over that that is all there is to life. I know Rick would have something to say about this but he is not tuning in for a few days so I can say this. The funny thing is that sometimes when my head feels empty, words appear like magic as I seem to tune in to something greater than my own feebleness!
 Most of my walking Nancy is through quiet neighborhoods with lovely flowers and trees.  I take a lot of pictures and I meet a host of fantastic people.  We may stop and chat for a minute or two and it is amazing how we get to know each other.  One older fella  approaches me saying he knew he would be meeting me so he hands me a banana.  We laugh together.  He is an old-fashioned character.
How sad to think that when my life is over that that this life is all there is.

P4260711This is the park where I walk through when I take Haiti for a walk.  It has a eield to play soccer on.
Often there are lots of dogs there too.

P4190581This is a picture of some unique apartments near to where Carol and Panteli live and Carol says there are many for sale if we are interested.  Right now I really like our nice little neighborhood.

I have heard of stories of angels and I believe in their existence.  I believe that they act on us sometimes to motivate us to do certain things, whether it is a phone call or a visit or some act of kindness. I believe that they have been seen.

Carol came and took me out to Winners and Chapters so that was a good break. Dad had a quiet day, a few phone calls one from Kim, checking o  Haiti and dad.

I started the day doing laundry and now I have finished and I am very glad that is all there is!

No Church today I have a very upset stomach'

Saturday, April 27, 2013



P4220661There are so many beautiful places to live and to walk to from my house.  Places where you can use your imagination and picture all sorts of things.

A family having a picnic, young lovers enjoying each other and the beauty they see in each others eyes, families playing catch while dogs try to run and catch the ball.

A place just to lie and read a book and dream.

A place where bunny rabbits can dance in the moonlight with sheer delight!

You let the stress fall off of you even as you would shed yourself of a warm coat.  Back home there is an awareness of unresolved issues, but they can wait.  We need flights of fantasy to forget about blood tests and M.R,I  and doctors who look so serious telling you only a little of what they may be expecting.

I am aware of the strangness of truth andthat there are other ways of knowing than only those of the intellect.  We gain knowledge through our experiences

"We are way too complex and so is our world-
too many surprises, two many possibilities, too much that defies our limited logical categories-
to fit everything through the filter of reason alone,"   -Rob Bell

Dad and I had a nice big fruit salad for lunch and sat aroiund discussing the situations.  Two different opinions make it difficult.  Actually we have a third from Gundy which just annoided me and I found myself getting impatient.  People who have been healthy and hard working all their lives thing they know all the answers.

Maybe God, who cannot be located tangibly and rationally, is just a flight of fantasy.  Not!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013


"Sunrise-  an event that calls forth solmen music in the
very depth of one's being as if one's whole being had to atune itself
to the cosmos and praise God for a new day!"
                                                                            Every beautiful spring morning seems like a gift from heaven itself.  A new day full of possibility and hope.  One cannot help but praise our Creator as we see all the variety of beauty that waits to be discovered.

Yesterday Carol stopped off on the way home from work and Kim came and made them both supper.  We now will be looking after Haiti for the week-end.  We have nothing planned but have to choose between two funerals.  One is an old friend from dad's work and the other a young handi-capped girl from our church.

Haiti and I are off for an early morning walk.  We walk in the silence and simplity of being ourselves.

Thursday, April 25, 2013


Missing energy.  Missing calmness.  Missing my book club meting, my church meetings, my long walks, my helpful and cheerful hubby.  But I still am enjoying live and know that I am happy!  Happiness that is always underneath it all.  I have such a wonderful family.

Kim is coming over to have another visit with the dogs and then coming here and Carol is coming too.  The first visit with the three dogs went well

Dad has an appointment with his family  doctor at 2( a waste of time)  and on Monday has another blood test and an M.R.I.  so that is amazing to get it so quickly.  Right now I am not sure what he should be eating and if it makes any difference.

Gunty was extremely rude and opinionated on our walk and really made me furious.

Dad and I had a quick trip to the library and I tried to be silent knowing that I pray and write out of the comfort of knowing God's Presence.  Don't the heavens reveal his glory?  Look at the stats the clouds the sun and the moon so beautiful!

 I will now have a rest.  I am feeling drained.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


          On top of all my many sins I laundered money again.  Cleanest money in town! !

Dad is getting stronger, had a very short bike ride.  We saw the doctor and the good news is that most of the blood work shows improvement but one has gone higher.  He has more blood work next Monday and will be book into a M.R.I. at Peace Arch as soon as possible, hopefully next week.  He had a lot of pain last night so that is a worry.


Kim warns “no pictures.  She has been such a amazing help.  She shops and she cooks and she is so cheerful.  No time to put on make-up.  She is just a blur in motion.  She is excellent in making Haiti behave but there are so many of us it must be confusing.  We all need lessons to train Haiti right.  She certainly feels that this is her home and looks to watch the cats and squirrels that visit our back yard.
She does worry about leaving her dog Haiti but she thought it had all been worked out but some situations have changed.  Fortunately we have no dog of our own to complicate the situation.  For us it is a nice problem to have (Haiti) as we enjoy her so very much.


Spring awakes new hope into  our world of confusion.  The birds and the flowers sing a new song of creation.  The soul within us wants to join in the song of creation.  "Its melody can carry even our disharmony and bring a healing of wounds." - Church bulletin

This is the living proof of the music  of God's grace

"We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. 
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop."  -Mother Theresa

We may not feel special but we have been called to live as Beloved Ones of great importance,  just being ourselves.


Being in between one place and not knowing where the path will lead you is difficult.

Dad and I are in that in between place waiting to see what the doctor will say about his latest blood tests.  Are they improving?  He has good and bad moments but we are trying to be positive.  So it is off to the doctor for him to-morrow, hoping for good news.

Brian and Traudel are in between trying to make a decision about whether to take this potentially harmful drug to prevent cancer returning.  On top of one health problem after another they are waiting to hear news about Sherri their daughter-in-law who was rushed into to hospital to have surgery for a brain tumor.  Was it malignant?  Trying to reach Mark by cell phone which is turned off has added to their worries.  They believe the more people praying the better!

A busy day here for us taking Haiti for a walk, getting our neighbors (94) prescription from the drugstore, having a long wait at the doctors but glad to have my worries confirmed and to know I have been doing everything right, then Kim invited Sandra to have supper, that she shopped for and cooked, and then two tired old folks headed to bed.

Hope Leah did well on her test and the future plans will continue to fall in place.

Haiti is good going for a walk and I enjoy it.  \kim worries that she is too much for us but she is happy here.  She goes to Chilliwack for a few days and then we need to work out a plan for China.
Kim thought it was all taken care of but the situations is changing.

But like I told Mary our neighbor that it is good for us to feel useful and we are only to glad to help.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


What a difference a day makes!
Sat. and Sunday dad was feeling very tired and had some pain which is a big worry for us both.
I try to get him to drink lots of water so maybe that helped.  Monday morning he was a little tired but perked up during the day.  The sun was shining and that always feels good.  He did some cutting of the lawn after I had done the first cut.
Later we took Haiti for a walk in the water shed park and she sure had a great time running around.
What a difference going in the forest when the sun is shining and with our own dog.

I am trying to get dad to drink water with a little lemon added.  Dad was not content with just a small piece of lemon in his drink he decided to put the whole lemon in the blender and then drink it all,  you guessed  it he did not put the lid on and what a mess.  He thought it was funny so that was good.
He got the blood tests back on his computer and some of the results are still high.  Thankfully we see the doctor on Wed.  Now if Shawna or  Leah or Michael John  were here they could explain it to us.  But not knowing what the first test results were it would be hard to say if it is improving.
 Prayers can make a difference I like to believe!
The good news is that dad is feeling the difference and seeing improvements.  Life is a challenge that at times seems like we have poured out all of what we have but we keep going hoping that someday we feel find meaning.  There will always be questions and one thing I am remind of is that never compare your life to anyone else's.

Today I see the doctor about my shoulder which is painful especially at night but I do not expect anything.

Monday, April 22, 2013


Carol and Panteli are in the process of making decisions about where and when to move.  This apartment is just a stopping off place.  Sandra and Randy are also trying to decide where and when to seel and move.  Also Leah after she completes and writes her final exam will be looking for work and her and Craig will probably move.
Our experiences, our expectations, our choices can reshape our lives.
In 1972 Abraham Joshua Heschel was asked in an interview if he had anything to say to young people.  This was his answer:
"Above all, remember that the meaning of life is to live as if it were a work of art.  You're not a machine.  When you're young, start working on this great work of art called your own existence."
This blog is even shorter.


I discover the cat hiding on me early on my morning walk. 
I rediscover the beauty of spring every time I am out walking this time of year.

 On a sunny day there is always new beauty to be discovered.  Just to breath in fresh air renews me
and helps my day start with a positive attitude.  I have to make an effort not to worry.  Meditating on the beauty of nature or on some words that have spoke to me really helps to calm my mind.

I have discovered the words of one of my favorite authors Alexander McCall Smith; who writes about characters that lead very ordinary lives, their habits and their beliefs, so that  out of the ordinary we can discover the extraordinary.  He believes that he is accessing the subconscious mind which he believes actually creates fiction.  I, too, believe that there is much more that we can always rediscover about ourselves and our abilities.

His latest book is called "The Uncommon  Appeal of Clouds".
Dad has a blood test today which will reveal how his liver is actually healing.  It is amazing how the body can heal itself when we allow it to.

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Friday Kim heads over to Victoria and then to Salt Spring Island.
Saturday  -Pictures from the tea at Susan and Keith’s. a happy time for us all.

Sunday  - Church for me but dad stayed home.

After a friend came over to visit and stories were shared about the emergency and hospitals and pain and dogs and weddings.  Just to mention a few.


P4140532The word according to Leah is that Rick has one miserable cold; so Rick I hope you are over the worst of it.  Have you been to the doctor?  Not like you to miss work.

It was a little tricky finding Susan and Keith,s house.  Carol did an excellent job driving which started out as a traffic jam on the way to pick up Sandra because it was a special day of celebration for the East Indian people.  They were walking in great crowds with their colorful dress.

I got turned around as usual and thought we should be going in another direction.  Having the house number helped and we discovered we were close to where we were suppose to be.

Leah looks happy but also a bit tired and it was good to see Chris there; also Craig's mom and dad.  He would have liked to have had a visit with dad so that was too bad                 
I am reminded again of all the good things this life offers and the amazing gift of family and friendship that anchors our souls.  Being with family was good,

I like to remember the spirit of joy that runs through all that I believe in.

Words of encouragement, hope and forgiveness help me to regain the feeling that life can be normal even as it changes.  Dad and I are entering a new normal.

I hope we got Kim to the ferry on time on Friday to travel to Victoria and to Salt Spring.  Before coming home we had a nice walk around Tsawwasen with Carol as we dropped off  Haiti to spend time with her.  Then Carol brought her back here to spend time with dad.  They had a quiet time together napping after dad attempted a trip to the store with his feet more painful now and also his hip acting up.  Leah reassures us that dad will need time to heal.  Again it is to drink more and more.  It will be good to see the doctor next week.
Hopefully Rick you are doing better even if you are not quite back to normal.

Saturday, April 20, 2013


P4060438Life is full of expectations.  I expect my computer to work when I press the start button.  I expect certain things of myself and also of others.  These should not be too high that failure is guaranteed.
When tragedy happens we have expectations that the cause will be determined and also that it will be prevented from happening again.

Dad and I are expecting to enjoy our day at the  graduation tea that Susan is hosting for Leah.  It was nice to go with our two daughters.  We are proud of all the hard work she has put into achieving her dreams.  Dad may not go as he is not feeling quite himself.  I will go with Carol and Sandra and hope we can find the place but even though I have been there I will be of no help.

We expect Sandra to do well in her exams today because she has also been working hard.

When I start out on my walk I have different expectations; sometimes to go as far and as fast as I can but other times just to do the least I can do but believing the fresh air will help clear my mind and help me wake up.
I expect my faith to help me answer some questions about life and it's meaning but also to stir up more and more questions.  What do I believe?  How should I act?  Why am I here?  All of us have felt that religion creates false expectations and false demands; but on the other hand everything has the power to be used for good for good or for evil.
I understand that beliefs about the Bible have changed with this generation who have had many more influences speak into their lives. 
Less people are seeing the need for faith because they do not feel any expectation of its knowledge to bring life and hope to their lives. 

Friday, April 19, 2013


P4060443Trying to put out our junk for the yearly collection is hard because even junk has a memory attached.  Going through books to donate to the church is especially hard

I am always thankful to have something to read and every time I go through my books especially it is hard to decide which ones should go.

I will go visiting today and to-morrow go over to the church to help put out articles for the big garage sale at the church.

Right now my mind seems a jumble of "junky" thoughts and also find my mind wandering when I am talking to people.   Visiting will be a good test for me today.

 I pray that I will find the grace and peace to still my mind and heart.  For worry will not change or heal our world.

Reading scripture I find the writers seem to have the same worries and fears and questions that I do.  They are a product of their time and their culture so their ignorance about modern discoveries affects the direction and the meaning they find in their situations.

Reading the Psalms one discovers the existentially meaningless and hostile world and the agonizing decisions to be made in light of this.  Choose life we are encouraged to do.  A life worth living means having goals that flow out of your own soul.

Dad not quite so good, indigestion and bloating but No pain.  He did not go to his Hospice meeting;it is too late and he does not have enough energy,  Neither one of us likes driving on wet dark rainy nights like last night.

He  watched the disappointing hockey game instead.

Today I will help at church and later visit Jane.  Sounds like she has enough chicken casseroles!

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Congratulations Leah You worked hard to achieve your goals. I think you have chosen a great profession.  So sad we could not be there but looking forward to seeing you Sat.
Love you lots.  Lobe G @ G

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Sandra sits with dad after driving us to the hospital Sunday morning.  We were sent home as there would be a long wait to see the specialist.  Dad drove us back at 12:30 as he was feeling okay to drive and is nervous with me driving.  By Wed. dad has shown a great improvement, woke up ready to get up and start doing things.  He has a few minor side affects and his feet have become more painful so he realizes the pills did help.

He heped me put out some things for the junk so that was excellent.

Thanks Rick for putting the pictures of you and Leah at the graduation.  She really looks lovely and you looked so proud of her as I am sure you are.  Glad she had beautiful roses.

So thankful Randy's mom's operation was successful and they took out all the cancer.

I felt a strong support and a sense of community in our family which gave me support and encouragement during this worrying time.

There was also a strong sense of community at the hospital emergency.  The doctors and nurses working so hard and calmly to take care of us.  There was also a sense of community with the other people who also were waiting and going to the various places to be tested just like we were doing.

I will always remember when I ran the Sun Run with Mary, Sandra and Suki.  Yes, there was a strong sense of community among the runners, even though it is in some ways a solitary sport.  The goal is about living life to the fullest.  It was a happy occasion with bands playing along the way and everyone seemed to be enjoying the day.  Michael John wants to compete in the Boston Marathon one day and he almost made it this year.
One of the big pluses about going to church is the sense of community and that people really care.

Reading about God's call to the people of Israel was a call to a group of wilderness wanderers and God's call to them to become a community of believers.  God invites them to make a covenant with Him to show the world that He rescues and saves so that they now live out a relationship of freedom. A relationship not of abusive power but one of grace and compassion, caring for one's neighbor and seeking justice for all.  They are being called into relationship; and Jesus comes to live out what this means in his life because the message has been corrupted by those in authority,

He is a Liberator. 

"The Hebrew Bible is a sort of a family spiritual pilgrimage, a record of a communal journey to and from God that reveals a deepening awareness of what it meant to be a Jew, and a widening understanding of God and God's love and justice."  from Christianity after Religion by Diana Butler Bass.

As a Christian we are called to be a community but one that is open and welcoming!


Terrorism.     When will it end?  The future can look dark but there is always hope.
                                                     We cannot let  it win!

 Bombs destroying a day of accomplishment for all those who had trained and worked so hard to achieve their goals.  Men and women of courage and strength and determination do not deserve to
be treated with violence. 

A country that acts like a bully betrays its citizens and allows deep feelings of hatred to build up against the people.  And as usual the innocent suffer and once again many are forced to live in a state of fear.  We cannot treat others like they do not matter and that their lives do not count.

Even  our own country is guilty of acts that are unjust.

What now?

Strangely for most people normal life will continue on even in spite of tragedies occurring all around them.

I can only hope that their will be passionate young people that can see the truth and be willing to do something about it and speak out against injustice. 

We are both felt lousy.  I had a short, slow walk and dad has rested a lot.

Dad and I are very grateful for the help our family gave to us during his trips to the emergency.  Sandra was such a good help driving to pick him up and also drive us in the next day.  Carol surprised us with a visit to the emergency and I will always remember that too.  Kenny with his phone calls and Rick with his visit before his long drive home.

Ava phoned to offer her help which was very kind of her.

Ladies meeting at the church today not sure if I will go.  The minister is going to drop by later today.

"When we encounter pain and suffering our lives are disrupted.  Our normal paths and expectations come to a halt.  Suffering forces us to take a new path, to create new expectations and to see the world differently."  from Drops Like Stars by Rob Bell

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Slowly the blossoms fall off the trees to carpet the ground.
Slowly our life will return to normal and dad and I have learned to live a healthy life keep your liver happy.  What you eat and drink and the pills you take,  even natural remedies can be harmful. 
Slowly realizing we cannot  help our family so much any more but that's okay; a part of life changes, yet there is a bit of sadness.  Also everyone is getting more involved with changes in their own lives, new careers, and new homes, and new places.
I know that you can not change the past but you can learn from it.  Dad has to listen to me when I know that his health is failing, and it is time to see the doctor. 
Rick did drop by after his conference.  Too bad his car had been broken into and some change stolen.  His window was smashed and he had to get it fixed.  Phones Leah and she said it had been snowing again there.
Spring does seem to be very slow in coming.  The sun did come out here but then we had some rain and hail; not so good for the gardens.  We can be slow in appreciating the grace and gratitude and gift of life that may bud any day now.  There is joy all around in many ways.
Kim amazes me the way she finds things to make supper with and Carol managed to drop in to.  They both think dad looks so much better and that is so good to hear.  We were very lazy today but to-morrow is another day.
Looks like a nice day this morning so maybe I will get the lawn cut.
...   P4110499

Monday, April 15, 2013


Surprise surprise no blog on Sunday.  I just kept adding up-dates as we went in and out of the house.

The picture of the trees was taken on the way to Peace Arch Hospital.  The internist is pretty sure it was the medication (Cymbalta) for his feet that  caused the liver problems.  No pills, no Advil. No Acetaminophen, no Liquor only aspirin if he is in pain for the next while for sure.  He has another blood test next week and then goes to see the specialist.  He is already having less pain which is such a relief.

Dad and I are feeling pretty confused about it all and it will be good to get back to normal and go for my walk in the morning.

It was disappointing that we did not get together as a family as planned.

Seeing all the people in the hospital in pain makes one aware that pain has to be calibrated like all our emotions of love, anger, shame etc.  This means cutting out the background of pain that is all around us and responding to those painful things we can do something about.  The pain of the world can be a burden too heavy to carry.

We were very fortunate to have all the new tools for diagnosing medical conditions.

It is now known that the quantum theory that has broken matter down to a subatomic world, is responsible for everything from x-rays and MRI machines and superconducting magnets, to lasers and fiber optics and the transistors that are the back bone of electronics to computers that make up our modern world.

"Jeffery Kluger writes in the time magazine that they are grappling with something bigger than mere physics, something that defies the mathematical and brushes up- at least fleetingly - against the spiritual."

Somehow we are apart of this living energy that has created and is still creating our world.

So this experience has made me more aware of  the fact there is more than we are aware of in our world and even within our own bodies.

We did not get to see Rick on Sunday but he is going to drop by on his way back to Kamloops.  All the snow on the roads home can be a problem but he has a choice of taking a slower road at an lower altitude.

Dad too is on a slow road to recovery but he is recovering.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


Waiting even at home is hard to do.  then waited for the ultra sound and cat scan at the hospital.

Finally the doctors have decided he has hepatitis.

I had left the hospital with a headache and stomach pains thinking he was going to have surgery.

Sandra drove down to bring him home about 8 as they had decided no surgery.  I am so thankful for the help I have received.

He was in a lot of pain and so happy to be home and get into bed.  He has to go back this morning, Sunday, and see the internist.  A very intense young man who I had hoped we would talk to when we were there. 

Kim and Carol are hosting a luncheon here for the family.  It was planned last week.  It has now been cancelled as I will be driving dad at 12 for the interview with the internist.  We have to be prepared for a wait which may be long.

Well one thing about sitting around the emergency for days was I got to tell people where to go!

Anxious to find out actually  what is wrong.  It is 10 and dad is not in a great amount of pain which is good.  We are both resting.

Sunday two more trips to emergency but after tow more lots of blood taking released after talking to the internist.  Very through.  Seems it is a re-action to the medicine he took for his peripheral neuropathy which caused inflammation of his liver and boy was it painful.  Dad goes back to the doctor in ten days so there will be a follow up and re-checking that he is improving.  No Advil or Acetaminophen and no liquor for awhile but free to eat any food.

Sorry we missed Rick and the party for Kim was canceled.  Turned out a sunny day and we were pleased to come home and relax.

Now dad is on the road to recovery!


What a wet miserable day it turned out to be but the good news was the treatment at the Peace Arch Hospitalwas rxcellent  and they will continue the testing to-morrow. Dad is still having pain again now.  Third day at emergency.   @ 12:30


  I am amazed  in times of difficulty we discover new things about each other and ourselves. 

I am also reminded that the good things in life can be temporary and that each day is precious, even the not so good days.  Knowing that others are having problems and making the best of things is a comfort to us.
Thank you Nancy for sharing I can relate to what you are dealing with too.

Had a phone call from Ken and had a chat with Jasmine and Matthew and they sound so adorable.  It looks like Ken with be scheduling his eye operation soon.  Hopeful it will not be as painful as they are preparing him for; but it does sound miserable. 

Jane is in good spirits after her knee operation and I feel bad I have not been over for a visit; but the church are wonderfully caring.

Kim made an exciting discovery at the airport. Kim was so amazed that  the airport customs man was an Ateah and he came from the same part of Lebanon as her family.  He spelt his name differently but and they had older relatives with the same name.
Dad and I will be at the Peace Arch Hospital again today having a Ultra Sound and more tests but we feel very confident that we will have good care.  I will add what they have dicovered later today.