Saturday, April 27, 2013



P4220661There are so many beautiful places to live and to walk to from my house.  Places where you can use your imagination and picture all sorts of things.

A family having a picnic, young lovers enjoying each other and the beauty they see in each others eyes, families playing catch while dogs try to run and catch the ball.

A place just to lie and read a book and dream.

A place where bunny rabbits can dance in the moonlight with sheer delight!

You let the stress fall off of you even as you would shed yourself of a warm coat.  Back home there is an awareness of unresolved issues, but they can wait.  We need flights of fantasy to forget about blood tests and M.R,I  and doctors who look so serious telling you only a little of what they may be expecting.

I am aware of the strangness of truth andthat there are other ways of knowing than only those of the intellect.  We gain knowledge through our experiences

"We are way too complex and so is our world-
too many surprises, two many possibilities, too much that defies our limited logical categories-
to fit everything through the filter of reason alone,"   -Rob Bell

Dad and I had a nice big fruit salad for lunch and sat aroiund discussing the situations.  Two different opinions make it difficult.  Actually we have a third from Gundy which just annoided me and I found myself getting impatient.  People who have been healthy and hard working all their lives thing they know all the answers.

Maybe God, who cannot be located tangibly and rationally, is just a flight of fantasy.  Not!!!


nancy-Lou said...

Spoken like a true your flights of fantasy Beth. Where does your walk take you through...the park? Walking for me too, is cathartic. I come home feeling so much better...I have many choices for walks too, down Ateah Rd to follow the lake....or just behind our house is the woodyard road that crosses through the old Ateah Homestead....all forest.I have met bears and wolves along this one.
I sure chuckled at the thought of God being and fantasy NOT!Great writing and great pictures. Keeping you and Larry in my prayers...for a good result from the tests.Love Nancy

Sandra said...

I was hoping for some out side time today, maybe the rain will stop this afternoon. The more Randy and I "clean" the messier the house is getting. We will try and stop by tomorrow, we go out with the realtor at 11 to look at a couple of houses. I needed to look even if I can not buy yet just to keep sane. Just 4 more days till we see Stephen and Shawna and the as of yet unnamed bump in her tummy. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I am sick at home , just chesty annoying cough. The little ones are off to a birthday party this afternoon.i have five days off now to get well.

Anonymous said...

Good that some sunshine has come your way and you don't need your coat during your walk. What are the two opinions you refer to? I should call tomorrow.

Still little bits of snow/ice on the ground in Edmonton but mostly gone.



beth bennett said...

The one opimion is the specialist at the hospital and thr other is his family doctor, Rick.

Sorry you are not well Ken. Sounds miserable.

Take care all.
love mom