Saturday, April 13, 2013


Waiting even at home is hard to do.  then waited for the ultra sound and cat scan at the hospital.

Finally the doctors have decided he has hepatitis.

I had left the hospital with a headache and stomach pains thinking he was going to have surgery.

Sandra drove down to bring him home about 8 as they had decided no surgery.  I am so thankful for the help I have received.

He was in a lot of pain and so happy to be home and get into bed.  He has to go back this morning, Sunday, and see the internist.  A very intense young man who I had hoped we would talk to when we were there. 

Kim and Carol are hosting a luncheon here for the family.  It was planned last week.  It has now been cancelled as I will be driving dad at 12 for the interview with the internist.  We have to be prepared for a wait which may be long.

Well one thing about sitting around the emergency for days was I got to tell people where to go!

Anxious to find out actually  what is wrong.  It is 10 and dad is not in a great amount of pain which is good.  We are both resting.

Sunday two more trips to emergency but after tow more lots of blood taking released after talking to the internist.  Very through.  Seems it is a re-action to the medicine he took for his peripheral neuropathy which caused inflammation of his liver and boy was it painful.  Dad goes back to the doctor in ten days so there will be a follow up and re-checking that he is improving.  No Advil or Acetaminophen and no liquor for awhile but free to eat any food.

Sorry we missed Rick and the party for Kim was canceled.  Turned out a sunny day and we were pleased to come home and relax.

Now dad is on the road to recovery!


Anonymous said...


nancy-Lou said...

My goodness you sure have had things tough..spending so much time at emergency and Larry feeling so sick. I hope you don't have too long a wait today. Good thing he doesn't require surgery. Hopefully he can recover at home. I had a chuckle when you remarked that after all the time in emergency, you could tell people where to go....I took it both ways Beth! One time I told an emergency room doctor "where to go" after he treated me in a subservient manner and was going to send Carl home, when he needed to be admitted. Which they finally did. So be pro really have to stand up for yourself these days...especially in regards to health issues. I hope today was easier for you and you both can rest at home now. Love to you both...keeping you in my prayers...Nancy

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Larry's illness. Well I hope they have diagnosed it right and that they can treat it easily because I know there are several types. My dad is in acute care on multiple IVs right now. Still taking it a day at a time. Thinking of all you guys back home.