Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Slowly the blossoms fall off the trees to carpet the ground.
Slowly our life will return to normal and dad and I have learned to live a healthy life keep your liver happy.  What you eat and drink and the pills you take,  even natural remedies can be harmful. 
Slowly realizing we cannot  help our family so much any more but that's okay; a part of life changes, yet there is a bit of sadness.  Also everyone is getting more involved with changes in their own lives, new careers, and new homes, and new places.
I know that you can not change the past but you can learn from it.  Dad has to listen to me when I know that his health is failing, and it is time to see the doctor. 
Rick did drop by after his conference.  Too bad his car had been broken into and some change stolen.  His window was smashed and he had to get it fixed.  Phones Leah and she said it had been snowing again there.
Spring does seem to be very slow in coming.  The sun did come out here but then we had some rain and hail; not so good for the gardens.  We can be slow in appreciating the grace and gratitude and gift of life that may bud any day now.  There is joy all around in many ways.
Kim amazes me the way she finds things to make supper with and Carol managed to drop in to.  They both think dad looks so much better and that is so good to hear.  We were very lazy today but to-morrow is another day.
Looks like a nice day this morning so maybe I will get the lawn cut.
...   P4110499


Sandra said...

Yes, I think it is suppose to stay nice all day. There is so much I want to do right now too, but since I do not have a young brain I am forced to just keep studying to try and make it stick. When I get out of my test on Saturday I swear I will feel as happy as if I just graduated for 10 years of university.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are picking up. I bet Haiti feels like she is in boot-camp now taht Kim is back! Talk soon!

Anonymous said...

There are lots of ways to help. And I'm sure you always will.

