Sunday, April 28, 2013


I look in the drawer for a least one matching socks. I have a wonderful collection and variety of unmatched pairs. Is this all there is I ask myself?

How sad to think of when this life is over that that is all there is to life. I know Rick would have something to say about this but he is not tuning in for a few days so I can say this. The funny thing is that sometimes when my head feels empty, words appear like magic as I seem to tune in to something greater than my own feebleness!
 Most of my walking Nancy is through quiet neighborhoods with lovely flowers and trees.  I take a lot of pictures and I meet a host of fantastic people.  We may stop and chat for a minute or two and it is amazing how we get to know each other.  One older fella  approaches me saying he knew he would be meeting me so he hands me a banana.  We laugh together.  He is an old-fashioned character.
How sad to think that when my life is over that that this life is all there is.

P4260711This is the park where I walk through when I take Haiti for a walk.  It has a eield to play soccer on.
Often there are lots of dogs there too.

P4190581This is a picture of some unique apartments near to where Carol and Panteli live and Carol says there are many for sale if we are interested.  Right now I really like our nice little neighborhood.

I have heard of stories of angels and I believe in their existence.  I believe that they act on us sometimes to motivate us to do certain things, whether it is a phone call or a visit or some act of kindness. I believe that they have been seen.

Carol came and took me out to Winners and Chapters so that was a good break. Dad had a quiet day, a few phone calls one from Kim, checking o  Haiti and dad.

I started the day doing laundry and now I have finished and I am very glad that is all there is!

No Church today I have a very upset stomach'


Anonymous said...

I believe that when a person dies then "they" return to what/where they were before they were alive. I'm not sure what that means, but I am quite certain that this is correct and - even if I am wrong - I find it quite comforting. It has something to do with god, whatever god is. So perhaps, as living individuals, we are like a flake of the godness and we flow down the waters of life and when we cease to take breath, we cease to be god in the alienated individual flake and rejoin the original god shape. This sounds more mystical than I really conceive it to be, but the words aren't really there.

There are no rules about this.

There are no human doctrines that effect this process. Religion, as I have said many times, is for those who can't handle god.



craig decraene said...

You got some really mice photos there,

Shandel said...

I like the way you explained that Rick, that we go back to what or where we were before this life. I mean where were we as spirits before we were chosen to be in this body/vessel to live of earth?

Gorgeous photos!

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I hope that it goes away and is not a bug.

Out of all the domestic chores that are part of living in a household and being a married couple laundry is my favorite! hahaha we live on one level though and its about 10 steps away to do. I enjoy folding and putting away my clean clothes. Vacuuming and cleaning bathrooms ugh that is another story. Sometimes i wish i could hire someone to clean for a few months lol.

We are finally experiencing some Spring weather. Its still a wee bit chilly in the mornings but when the sun peaks out its very warm. I think i might start taking two walks a day if i am able to fit it in. I want to start walking through the forests here in Spruce Grove.

Happy Sunday. XO love Shandel

Anonymous said...

Hi Beth . Sorry you are not feeling well today. We missed you at church . The new organist was playing and l think she is great her playing has life.
l think that after l have left this life l will have greater understanding ..As Paul says now we see through a glass darkly but then we shall see face to face .
l feel the same about what may be to come as l feel about all the eons of time that have gone before ,
much love , Jane,

Anonymous said...

I believe in the Canucks.

nancy-Lou said...
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nancy-Lou said...

Rick's comment gives me each drop of rain falls to earth and finds it's way home,to the that what we are...a drop of rain that falls and rejoins where it started out, as one, with our God. Perhaps, to rise again to begin the journey once again?

Thanks Rick for the inspiration.

Makes me think of the circle of life and a mandala...hmmm could be a painting coming up!