Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Being in between one place and not knowing where the path will lead you is difficult.

Dad and I are in that in between place waiting to see what the doctor will say about his latest blood tests.  Are they improving?  He has good and bad moments but we are trying to be positive.  So it is off to the doctor for him to-morrow, hoping for good news.

Brian and Traudel are in between trying to make a decision about whether to take this potentially harmful drug to prevent cancer returning.  On top of one health problem after another they are waiting to hear news about Sherri their daughter-in-law who was rushed into to hospital to have surgery for a brain tumor.  Was it malignant?  Trying to reach Mark by cell phone which is turned off has added to their worries.  They believe the more people praying the better!

A busy day here for us taking Haiti for a walk, getting our neighbors (94) prescription from the drugstore, having a long wait at the doctors but glad to have my worries confirmed and to know I have been doing everything right, then Kim invited Sandra to have supper, that she shopped for and cooked, and then two tired old folks headed to bed.

Hope Leah did well on her test and the future plans will continue to fall in place.

Haiti is good going for a walk and I enjoy it.  \kim worries that she is too much for us but she is happy here.  She goes to Chilliwack for a few days and then we need to work out a plan for China.
Kim thought it was all taken care of but the situations is changing.

But like I told Mary our neighbor that it is good for us to feel useful and we are only to glad to help.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear - lots of medical difficulties within the family. Hope all will turn out well!

I'm off to Edmonton to see my friend Randy for a few days. Won't be checking in with your blog as much, but will catch up when I get home.



beth bennett said...

I hope you have a fun visit and it will do you both good.

Always appreciate your comments,

Love mom

Sandra said...

My day will be spent waiting, starting by waiting for gas people. I smelt gas in the laundry room when I let the dogs out and where as Randy and millions of others might ignor it, I have to know that there is nothing to worry about. After that I have counter tops going in and kitchen cupboard doors coming off.

beth bennett said...

I think you are having a visit from Kim and Haiti to see how your dogs accept her. If they do she wikk dog sit when you go to Edmonton?

Report on dad's visit tomorrow.

love mom

Anonymous said...

My dad was discharged yesterday (wednesday) and I am coming home tonight (Thursday), so I can get all caught up witht he latest plans for everyone.

My dad now has to be on an oxygen machine 24/7, the kind that has the two small tubes going into his nose, so he can still talk and eat.

Glad to hear that Haiti has fans!

See everyone soon.


Anonymous said...

Matthew is on antibiotics now as his head cold/ chest cold is in his ears now .Two very bad nights sleep for me , up at 2am to go to work. Only one more early the 5 days off . I though Dad was better after stopping some of his medication??