Saturday, January 31, 2015


First picture on my morning walk.  Yes it is light when I go now.  I am sleeping in till 6:30, soon the sun will be getting up before me!  A little breakfast and a little prayer and off I go.

Later I take Haiti for a walk to the park.  Lots of dogs there and Haiti loves to play with them all.  Lots of friendly dog owners too.

Lots of places to take pictures.

Sometimes shadows are more interesting that the object that I am trying to capture.

Have you ever been amazed when a shadow comes over where you are walking and you look up expecting a huge winged creature but it is only a normal small bird not a huge eagle.  Shadows can be beautiful but also deceiving.

Dad has another try at grouting the tile in our bathroom downstairs.  He even found some matching paint where a touch up was needed.  He did this at the old place and he is improving.  I may be able to hire him out as a jack of all trades.

I did manage to have a long visit with Gundy and she is doing much better.  She likes to talk and I just listen.  She has some interesting stories to tell.   Dentist that are improper where around in her day and now there is the scandal at the school of dentistry back East.  I am so pleased that the fear that caused a shadow that darkened her mind has now been overcome.

I think I may have to refrain from walking  on my visiting day and save my energy for the afternoon because I think it is important for me to continue on doing this as long as I can.

Dad and I both take B 12 but I will try it at night.

Psalm 91:  I will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 

Friday, January 30, 2015


P1291556The sky gives us many signs of weather changes.  A band of clouds  dad says  means a warm front is moving in.  My early morning walk was crisp and cold but by the time the mailman was passing by it almost seemed warm enough for short sleeves and shorts.
It was certainly warm enough to sit out on the porch.  I wanted dad to pose in his bathing suit but he did not seem in the mood.  He was not feeling that great so maybe wore himself out with all the hard work he had been doing.

I  did not go visiting but had a restful day reading.
By evening it was very cold again and the stars shining so brightly you felt you could reach up and touch them.
 The morning sky again showed great promise as the sun chased the clouds away.  
The church no longer has the authority to claim it is the source of ageless truth. 
The church no longer has the monopoly on the teachings of spiritual education as more and more people react to the intelligent culture in which we find ourselves.
The church that moves with the changing ideas while remaining committed to a new philosophy not of power and self preservation but let the words of Jesus speak into our lives as we befriend the weak, feed the poor and bind up the broken hearted by word and by deed.

We have a minister who is more interested in what we believe than telling us what he believes.

The sky is no longer the home of God but the life of the spirit moves within and about us all!

Thursday, January 29, 2015


P1261517Another sunny day, a good day for many, except for those caught in a nasty  traffic jam caused by a big truck over turning and catching on fire.

I do a bit in the yard because it is so easy, as I get older to feel useless; but I reuse to believe it.

I am complacent about going to Bible study but enjoy the group when I get there.  It seems like Paul is arguing with an unseen correspondent
about things that had great relevance in his at the time of his writings but no relevance to our daily lives until we find a message in his letter that applies to us.  We too have to let go of some of our deeply cherished beliefs. 

I do not want to be complacent about my faith and beliefs.  Studying and learning with others is very helpful.

A very intellectual letter that seems to forget that faith is opening the door to the fresh breeze of newness. One must nurture the joys that we experience so they will bloom and bring joy to others.

Dad is going very well.  Worked on the finishing touches of the bathroom, had a good report from his skin cancer doctor and went for a bike ride.  I am so thankful for this improvement.

Today dad and I will visit the library and I will visit at the home.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015


 Yes the project is finished and is looking great!
 A before and after picture would have been good.

Our dad at the Clinic was an answer to prayers I am sure.  We were not only given a perfect parking spot right at the door but also a ticket paid up for an hour.  The doctor took a lot of time with dad and it was agreed that he should start hormone treatment right away.  Hopefully the side effects
will not be too bad.  A few hot flushes at this time of year might be just the right thing for cold nights!

My little fellow is back in my garden and followed me into the house.
 Yes he is a lady bug!
P1271542This creepy vine is creeping all over everywhere so I am creeping behind to try and stop the spreading.  I also manage to scare people who are walking by and do not see me hidden among the vines and I poke up my head to say "Hi."

I now am creeping on my hands and knees in my garden. 
I have had two falls both with soft landings, which I consider fortunate.
  But find I am just a little more unsteady than last year.
 Good job I have good knees and good bones for my age I think.
I knocked over the pole with dad's airplane on it which was of the most concern or him.

I also am doing a shorter walk but today with no cane!

"One's destination is never a place,
but a new way of seeing things,"   -Henry Miller

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


P1261521Life seems to be one hurdle after another.

And for everyone it can be different.

Dad has successfully put the cabinet in our bathroom.  There was just a plain mirror there when we moved in and we wanted to have a place to put things away.  He worked very hard but he is of course a handy man kind of guy.

Talked to both Ken and Theresa yesterday.  Going to doctors and dentists and studying  and renovating etc. seems to be  very popular things to be doing.

  So dad will have his appointment today at the Cancer Clinic and make a decision of what to do or what not to do.

I think it is important to keep our dreams alive and for me prayer is helpful and a good sense of humor always helps.  I pray that we each will have the courage and strength to overcome any hurdles and always be willing to help others along the way. 
Being a part of a loving family makes all the difference.

I want to work on my memory and my balance and have a sense o well-being.

This what I think is helping dad so I am going to start taking it.

Monday, January 26, 2015


P1241483It is foggy and gloomy outside.  I plan a short walk through the fallen leaves and puddles everywhere.  Wish I could just jump and splash about in them like children do.  Another reason Grandchildren are a blessing.

A spirit of doom penetrates into our happy little home.  There is a part missing from thet heavy glass bathroom cabinet.  I took the receipt out of dad's pocket and put it on the table and it has disappeared.   Just a minor problem but frustrating. 

Renovations are never easy and dad should have realized it seeing all the problems Carol and Panteli ran into.  I am very sorry I touched the darn thing but I did.  Hopefully he can get the new small part without it and without packing up the whole thing to take it in.

  Miracles do happen I dug in the garbage and fun the receipt! 

I got the day wrong for dad's visit to the Cancer Clinic but fortunately we checked before we let.  I had it written down right but. .. .

Dad went for a bike ride it was so lovely and warm.  I am going to start taking his vitamins as I really think they are helping him.  They are called Focus Formula and aid for concentration and mental acuity.  Both of us are doing okay.

P1261526Good to talk  to Ken but he has lots of problems.  Mathew has an ear infection and is on antibiotics and so is Melina.  The dental work sounds awful and seems just like Sandra had and solves a lot of problems...    He should talk to Sandra.

I will pray and trust all will go well.

Out comes the sun!


The words in the bulletin reminds us we come into a place of knowing the spirit that gives life and gives us laughter.  A Sacred Laughter.

Dad and  actually made it to church on time the main reason being I had been asked to light the Christ candle.  I thought I might have some problem with it but it went fine.

The minister had us telling jokes in church.  I told how my daughter thought I was too old to get Alzheimer's or as I say Alzh timers I thought it was very funny when she said that and I do wish and hope that it is true. it were true.  We all need to laugh more as laughter is very healing.

The reading from scripture was from Jonah and the big fish that swallowed him.  Sounds like a big fishy tale to me too.  We all know what fishermen are like.  The writer was making the point one cannot escape from God even when you are running away in a different direction.  Sometimes stories that exaggerate do make a point!

Haiti is now back doing her hilarious tricks when she races around the kitchen in the morning ready for her walk with Kim.  She quivers with excitement and jumps all over when family she knows comes to the door.  Kim is best at controlling her as I am afraid dad and I often just laugh.
P1251513It was a lovely warm spring day and makes me think of things I want to plant.  I did a bit of cleaning up around the yard while dad put a second coat of paint on the bathroom.  He does seem to like having a project,
P1241491  I love to see the little brilliant green buds poking their heads up as I push aside the dry twigs.  Jokes come in many forms in dogs and stories, in flowers and in children when asked to smile make funny faces. Children love to make funny faces!

 Dad and I go to the cancer clinic this afternoon to talk about the P.S.A. going higher.  I cherish the moments of laughter as life can get very serious at times.  I think it is important as we get older to laugh often with a good belly laugh!

Give a smile away and you will usually get one in return.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


P1231477All great artists draw from the same resource: the human heart.

The writer's experiences shape their art of writing especially if they two write from the heart..    
Then there  is the art of knowing yourself.  Every experience shapes our writing our shares our longings and dreams.    
I know that there is a significant  slowing down of my daily functioning but we learn to cope to the best of our abilities.
"Without the presence and energy of art in our lives, we are in capable of engaging in heartless activities without remorse."   Maya Angelou

Dad is painting our small bathroom.  We drove through the fog to the birthday party.

Thankful the rain stopped for Ben's soccer game under the lights.   
    The water pouring from our drainpipe  and running into the bucket brings back memories of our rain barrel back home.  The water was so much softer than the tap water.
the soccer game.  Ben the goalie
Yurri the birthday boy!

The most important art is the art of loving kindness,

Two much in one day but I am glad we did it!

Church today!

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Pouring rain washing all our troubles away.  I get my gear on and head out into the fun of raindrops splashing on your checks or I guess if I was poetic I would say kissing your checks.  No that is not me I can never be bothered with an umbrella as I like to feel the rain.

First the sadness has to be washed away.

I would have gone yesterday but there are no port-a-potties  along my route for those with up-set tummies. 

P1171450Yesterday was exciting for Morgan as she will be having her first sleep over at the new house.  Carol and Panteli met Theresa in Langley to pick up Morgan  and then proceeded to our house.
After a bite to eat they are headed for the movies.  Wonderful to have grandchildren I count it as one of life's richest blessings.

Dad and I had a quiet day going to the library and then to Target to pick up a present for Yurri.  He is Ave and Jeff's little boy and is turning 4 (dad says 5).  I bought some cute shirts but if dad thinks they are too small he can exchange them in the morning.  The party is at noon which is in Burnaby a long drive away so it is much nicer for us to have it at noon.

At night Ben is playing a soccer game under the lights in Surrey about 5.  I should have told Sandra when she phoned to ask how Haiti was and about dad's hand. 

Dogs and old people are a big worry. 

Thank goodness I can believe that love heals.  I can concentrate on being more loving!

Friday, January 23, 2015



There actually were a few tranquil moments.

I am sure there will never be another week just like this one and or that I am gratefully.

I was just going to turn in our driveway after visiting at the Home.  Kim and Haiti arrived at the same time.  Haiti was so happy to see us all and be home but she looked exhausted.  She may have eaten something that was harmful or even got a piece of plastic stuck in her stomach no one is quite sure.  She has some pills and some new dog food and was soon curled up in her own bed fast to sleep.

I had my final appointment at the dentist and it was longer than expected.  Then dad and I went over to the Green Lettuce for a relaxing supper.  The music they play there is so peaceful and I really enjoyed it.

Dad cut his hand re fixing the bathroom tile which I think was unnecessary, consequently could not handle handling the bike.  A very deep nasty cut.

I am tired and the house is a mess but all is well!  !

Education is the best provision for the journey to old age.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


PC030981I had woken up with a sadness that I figured  must be just tiredness.  I was just going to lie there when I heard Kim hurriedly take Kim to the back yard.  Not too unusual but I decided to get up anyway.  Kim was putting on her jacket to take her for a walk but they soon returned as Haiti was spitting up blood.  Kim rushed out the door to take her to the vets.

Dad and I were very anxious as we had gotten very fond of Haiti and we were even more concerned with Kim.  After an hour waiting Kim returns Haiti was left at the vets with an intravenous attached and Kim
 was to be called if she had to be moved.  We also are available if necessary.  I am a very anxious worrier so I walked over to the nearest Vets but she had taken her to the  emergency vet place.

I very long depressing day.  Dad and I went to the vets but could not talk to anyone.  Dad snuck in and saw her in her cage with an I.V. and a cone on her neck looking very unhappy but she managed
 to wag her tail a little when she saw him.

Kim was able to take her out for two walks but they had no news for her.

We get ready for bed not knowing.

Haiti home this aterniin.  She us ikay,  We are very thankful 

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


P1171445"Be thankful in all things"

We are to love ourselves. My strange toe-nails, my straight hair, my awful eyebrows, my speech impediment, my horrible memory, my critical attitude ,my trail of dog hairs where every I go. etc. etc. but being toothless is a little more than I can accept.  But even the dentist things I am likable and I come home all frozen and sore.  \I think I had about 5 needles enough to stop me feeling anything at all.  Ands it did.    But my supper I feel very sore. ?But it turned out for the best as it will be much stronger now.

Yes, I am thankful it came out at a friends house and we even laughed about it, but \I did come home and cry.  I am thankful it can be fixed even id it is expensive. way.  The other choice is soup and pudding and never smiling again. 

We had a good morning visit with Carol and found she is taking painting and some other therapy
like healing touch.

We finally had our visit with the x-fireman next door.  He was so pleased to see us but very talkative

Dad and I may take the day and just go somewhere our selves.

and forget about everything and everybody.  Our minister is very likeable too but I think we will postpone this visit for another day.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


P1171452I like to walk early when it is still and quiet.  I am taking my cane for a few days until I feel more stable again.  I may have had another slight T.I.A..  It was a beautiful day dad had a good bike ride and cleaned up the garage.  I did laundry etc.

Then we set out to see Jane and Geof, first stopping at Chapters to spend my Christmas money.  I bought two more books on the brain as I want to keep learning more.

Enjoyed our visit with Jane and Geof.  There place has a big balcony with a view of sky and mountains.  They are feeling more comfortable there but Jane does miss her friends and activities here.  I certainly miss her she has been my best friend for years.

Sadly I broke my dental implant while I was there so that is depressing.  I look awful without it.  We have Carol coming today and promised to visit our neighbor Ken.  I think he would like Carol to see his new renovations so that would work out fine.

So please to see a brand new step stool and the tools of dad returned when we got home.  Thanks Panteli.

Saturday night the wind was blowing some thing frieze against the house and I could hear strange things bumping and banging.  So as I lay there I tried to picture what the noises could be.  Branches of trees for sure and maybe the odd shingle off the roof.  Lids off the garbage cans releasing some of the contents.  Then I had a picture of the Orange cat go flying by with its hair sticking straight up. Followed by a squirrel  hanging on to a bird feeder, and maybe a flying elephant or two. During the day there would be umbrellas, and hats and scarfs, and balls and clothes from the clothes lines, a h wig and a toupee and oh no my false teeth!  (this is a nightmare) .  

A great night for the Flying Nun!  I figure when I get to heaven I will not be able to be an angel but just maybe a flying nun.
Your mind can just get carried away at times. 

By morning all was still except for one older lady walking down the rainy street with her umbrella quite safe.  Other than having to hunt around for our garbage pails everything looked fine.

So off to the dentist first thing!

I was reminded the love and care and compassion we show to others is our love for Jesus in action.!

Monday, January 19, 2015


P1181467At the beginning of the service a candle is lit and it is called the Christ Candle to remind us of the light that is shining into all our hearts all the time.

The little girl is Eve who has just turned 5 so born about the same time as Jasmine. 

They are having a hard time getting the candle lit and to get it to stay lit,

Finally Daniel the minister lends a hand and magically the light is produced.  This light reminds us to walk on the path of blessing, which blesses each one of us and everyone around us.  We go to a quiet church some say that is not lively enough; but I find that the silence is sacred and the main task calls us to be compassionate.

"..every child, every person needs to know that they are a source o blessing; every person, needs to be celebrated.  Only when all of our weakness are accepted as part of our humanity can our negative, broken self-images be transformed."
-  Jean Vanier

Yes, I realize I am confused when I cannot remember the way to drive home.  Yes, there are new roads but I have been that way several times already and should know it, but I do not.

I have found myself sitting on the stairs, because of a slight fall, when I should just walk down like everyone else.  These are just a few little signs like giving my wrong address that I am failing a little.  I do not want to worry my children because I know they do not need to worry yet, but I will let them know when.  I will  keep walking even if I wobble, and I enjoy my walks with Haiti.

I have a hard time getting the black leotards Kim bought me for Christmas on me.  I think there must be a secret!
They are to keep me warm but I need an extra long sweater to wear with them.  Dad and I had a good laugh!

Dad went for a shorter bike ride after the exciting football game which did not look too exciting at first.

I am finding more and more we seem to live in a noisy world and I appreciate moments of calm and peace.

We have not made plans as yet for today.

Sunday, January 18, 2015


Sunday morning and the race is on to see who can get ready for church the quickest.  The winner should get some grand prize I reckon if we do make it to church on time.  I want to be the one pushing the pedal to the medal and peeling out our driveway squealing tires and all while keeping the speed limit of course.  Sunday should be another fun day! 
But the truth is most things these days seem to take much longer than they used to but we do manage to arrive where we are suppose to be most of the time.

Saturday a  rainy morning but I did do a good walk.

Afterwards it  was a busy day visiting Carol and Panteli with Sandra.
It is amazing all the new talents these tow new home makers are developing.
Carol has a lesson from dad to ix the electrical outlets.
They were a great team working together.
P1171455Dad left her to carry on her job while I think Panteli was doing something with door.

Sandra gave Carol was gardening advice and it will be wonderful when they start growing and she finds out exactly what has been hiding deep in the hard ground.

We took time out to go out for lunch together and then Sandra drove me home as I was ready for a nap. 

P1171459This brochure was on our kitchen table with Kim's picture advertising the program.   The disciplines in the fine arts include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, print media, digital media, photography, performance arts, film studies, art history and theory.

Kim is enjoying what she has taken so far.  I believe it is ceramics right now along with an English Course.

Sandra will be back at College too with her accounting course but right now is doing first aid.

A busy family and I am so very proud of them all.

"It is time for parents to teach young people early on that in diversity  and there is strength."    - Maya Angelou

  Diversity makes a rich tapestry when all come together for the good of all!


Saturday, January 17, 2015


No I do not have any pictures to put on of my friends.

I am very happy to see the friendly flowers starting to bloom.  It is amazing how in all the different weather we have these early flowers always come about the same time.  We really have had a warm and pleasant winter and I complain about frosty mornings because I am a sissy now living here in B.C.

Dad and I will miss our good friends Cathy and Jeff who are leaving our neighborhood in March.  They are not going that far and I believe it is in walking distance so I had better keep up my training so I can walk over there.

A good friend listens to you no matter what kind of a mood you are in, but also it is important that we also listen to them in turn.  Both these Cathy's have been through some very tough years so it is so good to see things improving for them both.

Yesterday Cathy sat in our sunny living room to catch up on all she has been doing.  She is back at University to get a Masters in Theology which is a very strenuous course.  She is hoping to use her knowledge especially to help others who suffer with depression and anxiety.

I believe like her it is important to keep a mind that can be open to original thought and new teachings while processing past knowledge.

Today dad and I plan to visit Carol and Panteli and help with the electrical plug ins.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing  and right doing,
there is a field.  I’ll meet you there.
-Jelaluddin Rumi, 13 th century

Every day is a process.  Sunny today.

Visited  Gundy and Cathy is coming over this afternoon.

Religion is a process.

It may have been that early in our evolution we human beings were smarter than we are now because they believed
that there existence was at the mercy of forces beyond their control.  They felt that these forces had to be appeased by sacrifices.

They began to believe that there were people who should be in charge of these sacrifices.  This began the priestly and prophetic roles and then the temple became the sacred place.

Today there is still some who feel that there is the sacred and that there is the ordinary.  There is your home and there is God's house which is the church.

The temple was important because it points to a sacred and holy reality;  an unseen dimension.

This is part of a process to remind us of the spiritual value of our lives.  I am thankful that church for me has been a meaningful and joyous experience where I have met so many good friends.

I am thankful to be Me!


Beautiful sunrise!. Dark and cold. ,.

Maybe it is just January blues and I am thankful for every moment of more daylight.

Darkness can be enriching.
Soft and gentle,
In the darkness the stars shine their brightest to give us light..

I do love the different seasons and am so thankful each day there is a little more light.

P1151432Dad came home and did the vacuuming and I went to the Senor's home so happy to bring them some happiness.  Jim is so grateful now so that has been a big change.

My bad mood has passed, as all things do!

"Recovery is a process-no matter what it is you are overcoming.  Do not compare your recovery progress with others.  Remember each of us heals physically and mentally, and emotionally at a different pace.  At a pace that is right for us."  -  Demi Lovat

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Dusting off the old Bible I settle down to do my lesson on a cold frosty Wed. morning.  Yes it has gotten dusty over the busy holiday season when I was busy coughing and sneezing and wanted easy reading when I felt like reading.

 I would take a picture of the sun rise but my camera has disappeared now.  It was a glorious sunrise full of bight colors and I only see a tiny bit of it from our house.

It is hard making sense of my lesson until I really put my mind to it.

"Just as rain water comes down in drops and forms rivers, so with scripture one studies a bit today and some more to-morrow, until in time the understanding becomes like a flowing stream."  -Song of songs Midrash Rabbah 28

Modern technology have given us new tools and new information to use as tools to help  us study the Bible.  (I think probably written by too many male brains.)   I had a friend pick me up so that dad could use the car planning to go to Costco.  We had an unexpected visit from our friends Pat and John haven just been to the dentist so not happy about the expense and still having pain after a root canel.

Getting to my study turned into a problem as I had told my friend the wrong address.  I come home realizing I need to do some brain work.  Taking a minute to focus first on how I am feeling in the moment.  Take several breaths and relax and let go of all worries.  Rest and relax in this growing peace.  Bring into your mind the things you are thankful for and what makes you happy.

Let yourself  feel appreciated, liked and loved.  With peace and contentment and love woven into your mind there comes renewed energy.  One of the reason there can be a problem with religion is there is a feeling of rigidity.  A simple few moments of allowing yourself to feel good about yourself and about your life can be very healing.

We had a hilarious meeting as usual although some liked the lesson while others disagreed with a lot of things.  I wonder if we will ever get to meet Paul, a product o his time and culture who felt the end of all things could be soon.

Meanwhile centuries have passed. 

Today I will be visiting Jim and a few others at the Home.  Thursday seems to come around so quickly!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


I think this is my least favorite time of the year.

The house looks bare and needs re-arranging and tuning up.

The garden looks very ugly and bare also.  I went out and did a bit of mucking about but it still feels chilly and some of it is just too hard.  I will be asking for help.  It is so easy for me to lose my balance now.

I am very thankful for your  comments that lift my spirits.    Yesterday I started cleaning out cupboards with a ruthless intention looking for dad's expensive camera, and finally get a big black bag filled and ready  to put it into the car and the whole both falls out.  The good news is that dad had left the camera at Carol's house.

Dad had a good bike ride and met Carol for coffee.

I listened to the program on the teen-age brain and boy it sounds just like mine.  I do things impulsively without thinking.  I have poor judgment and risk control.  I climb on chairs to stretch and stretch to reach things.  I pick up objects far to heavy for me and wonder why my back aches.  I am sure my wires have lost a lot of their insulation and my synapse are not well connected to the frontal lobes.  I am easily confused and find impulses hard to control.  I am addicted to sugar and have to have some every day.  I do try to eat good things but today I have eaten a lot of cookies (I made) which is not good for me.  Today will be a better day.  Off to Bible study.  Should be funny we are taking about sex as Paul thought it should be.

I am thankful I do have a female brain.  The best kind!

Our good friend Vera has fractured her pelvis and is now in a wheel-chair but fortunately they were in a nice Senor's home where meals are provided.  I wonder is she is getting any nursing care as Leah is still working part time.  There were plans for a birthday party for her today as she has just turned 90.

I will now use mind over matter and collect a few bonks to( I think that was suppose to be books)to take over to Vera.  That dad and I did and she is in good spirits and not too much pain.  She had a nasty fall.

Laughter and smiles are essential spiritual factors in a joyous life!! 

Laughter chases the darkness away and allows sunlight to fill your heart.  -Maya Angelou

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Dad and I were so pleased to open your Christmas card with the special picture of the children and your kind and warm words Melina and Ken.  Your children are growing so quickly and look so bright and beautiful.  Yes, we look forward to seeing you all soon.  We do miss you.  Many fun and wonderful years ahead for you all!

Nature is amazing telling us how old a tree is when it has been chopped down.  Slowing down helps me look for clues in nature and I am seeing signs of new life already.  I somehow believes that if we slow down our soul will also capture pictures that are clues that what is happening in our lives right now.  I feel pretty clueless about a lot of things.
When I started writing I had a clue of something I was going to say but now I have forgotten it all.
Dad and I went to a huge very cold warehouse to look for rugs which there were plenty.  I felt clueless about choosing.  The one for Haiti in the family room is a good choice as it is small and a good color that won’t show too much dirt or dog hairs I hope.

The one for the living room I think will be okay but will try it out to-morrow.  They were dirt cheap so no big deal if they do not last a life time.

I was suppose to be at the dentist Monday too but since I still have a slight cough I postponed it until next month.  The cost is unreal isn’t it?

What ever it is we are searching for we have to start somewhere.  All of life matters, all work is important and especially every person we encounter is worthy of our time and energy.  I find the clues for these thoughts in the words and actions of Jesus.  He reminds us that the ordinary has meaning and significance that has deep spiritual roots.  Problems that seem very tough right now will eventually be solved!  Sometimes we do not see it at the time.

Monday, January 12, 2015


It was fun to have a visit from Sandra and Randy.  I suggested taking their pictures and they were out the door as fast as they could run.  No good bye hugs or anything.  But I got them anyway.  Ha ha.

It is always good to see them and they were on a mission  to drop a carpet off for Kim’s future home.  When she grows up she will have a place of her own but for right now she is a great blessing to us all.

Anyway it was a good time to take a break rom her studying.

Dad and I managed to get to church I felt bad because we were late again.  I would sit at the back but he marches right to the front where he prefers to sit.

There is time in our service when we can say a prayer or say what we are thankful for.
I felt this spontaneous urge to stand up and say how thankful I am for the children who come every Sunday and to thank their parents who make the effort to bring them.  They are all so special.   Another lady came over after and said how touched she was and how she had wanted to say the same thing.  Meanwhile the children who had gone to Sunday school made special cards saying they were glad that we had come and hoped that we had experienced God's love.  I was given one.

After all we are on a journey together and the children are the hope of our future!
Sometimes it is good to do something spontaneous!  I had felt the urge that it was important to say something.  Each of us have special gifts and sometimes the time to speak can move by so quickly like a fast moving cloud, if you stop and think too hard.

Have a fun spontaneous day today!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


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It is strange how when I get up early in the morning and sit in the family room, although it is dark and quiet, I do not feel alone.
It is like all the happy moments from the day before whether it was just dad and me, or maybe Kim or other family members I do not feel alone.  But in the same room at night waiting for others to return home the room seems too empty and I feel alone.
I think this is the way with God that at times it feels like a comforting presence is right with me and at other times I feel alone.  Faith and doubt can share the room of my heart!
We share the happy news about Ben and his success with his soccer and the promise of even
 greater things.P1101409
These are some of Kim’s cartoons.  Great fun!
Yes that is me. 
Theresa tells us about her work with the special needs children at school.  She is awesome!  Now she will be an even busier soccer mom.
A rare moment when Morgan looks quiet and serious.  She is taking up yoga now and wants to do gymnastics too.  She will be excellent at both.  Kim does yoga at school too. 
Kim and her art work!