Wednesday, January 21, 2015


P1171445"Be thankful in all things"

We are to love ourselves. My strange toe-nails, my straight hair, my awful eyebrows, my speech impediment, my horrible memory, my critical attitude ,my trail of dog hairs where every I go. etc. etc. but being toothless is a little more than I can accept.  But even the dentist things I am likable and I come home all frozen and sore.  \I think I had about 5 needles enough to stop me feeling anything at all.  Ands it did.    But my supper I feel very sore. ?But it turned out for the best as it will be much stronger now.

Yes, I am thankful it came out at a friends house and we even laughed about it, but \I did come home and cry.  I am thankful it can be fixed even id it is expensive. way.  The other choice is soup and pudding and never smiling again. 

We had a good morning visit with Carol and found she is taking painting and some other therapy
like healing touch.

We finally had our visit with the x-fireman next door.  He was so pleased to see us but very talkative

Dad and I may take the day and just go somewhere our selves.

and forget about everything and everybody.  Our minister is very likeable too but I think we will postpone this visit for another day.


Sandra said...

Wow, i did not know you had all of those faults, good thing you pointed them out because I had missed a few.

Had a late night last night, our neighbour had a chimney fire. The way the fire truck parked had its bright lights shining right in our bedroom.

Randy was able to go back to sleep once he knew what was going on, but not me. They left about midnight but I was up until after 2:00.

So, what did they do that required you to have all the needles? I will have to call later and get all the details.


beth bennett said...

Wow what a horrible night you had.
You will be very tired today. Our neighbor Ken next door was a fireman so we heard lots of fireman stories. I am thankful I did not marry a fireman.
Dad and I may go out for a drive just to have a special day. Maybe.
They were building up the bone or something. They sent dad out of the room when they were working.
Sorry I was so miserable on the phone sometimes I just feel mad at the whole world. Better today.
Hope you have a quiet day not too strenuous.
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Glad your smile is back in place.



nancy-Lou said...

Hey, Beth....look at all the positive attributes you have....don't even list the things you are not happy just makes you dwell on them.
Your wonderful sense of humour, your love of you family and friends, your strong faith and the ability to portray it to others in words that are understandable and inspirational.....and on it goes. So many good things that Beth has.....and I haven't even met you in person! Just imagine all the additional good things I could list if I knew you in person! So shut those self critical thoughts away in the bottom drawer. We all have them too....but leave them in that bottom drawer and they don't see the light of day!

Poor Sandra and Randy having the fire truck parked outside their window. I wouldn't be able to sleep afterwards either. Get a good night's sleep tonight!

I hope you and Larry were able to get out for that nice drive.

We were in the city today, running errands. The highways were icy this morning but good coming home. They salted them and now our van is wearing a coat of salt. oh is the lesser of two evils.

Have a good night's sleep,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I am faced with the same tooth problem. I have no choice either. Can't walk around with no front teeth. Very hot and . I got the pool pump working ,but it's not the best, waste of money really. We had huge dramas last night at work. Passengers and bags going all over. Who checks their heart medication in their checked baggage anyway ?.
Melina and the kids off to Visit Nonna. Quite day for me .