Monday, January 12, 2015


It was fun to have a visit from Sandra and Randy.  I suggested taking their pictures and they were out the door as fast as they could run.  No good bye hugs or anything.  But I got them anyway.  Ha ha.

It is always good to see them and they were on a mission  to drop a carpet off for Kim’s future home.  When she grows up she will have a place of her own but for right now she is a great blessing to us all.

Anyway it was a good time to take a break rom her studying.

Dad and I managed to get to church I felt bad because we were late again.  I would sit at the back but he marches right to the front where he prefers to sit.

There is time in our service when we can say a prayer or say what we are thankful for.
I felt this spontaneous urge to stand up and say how thankful I am for the children who come every Sunday and to thank their parents who make the effort to bring them.  They are all so special.   Another lady came over after and said how touched she was and how she had wanted to say the same thing.  Meanwhile the children who had gone to Sunday school made special cards saying they were glad that we had come and hoped that we had experienced God's love.  I was given one.

After all we are on a journey together and the children are the hope of our future!
Sometimes it is good to do something spontaneous!  I had felt the urge that it was important to say something.  Each of us have special gifts and sometimes the time to speak can move by so quickly like a fast moving cloud, if you stop and think too hard.

Have a fun spontaneous day today!


Anonymous said...

Great photos of Ben and Morgan's visit. We have unpacked about 1/2 of the boxes so far, and finally have room to move around. glad to hear you guys are all feeling a bit better. Once we get settled in, we will try to be more spntaneous too! xo Panteli

Sandra said...

Oh, maybe I did miss reading yesterday. That is nice that you got up and thanked the parents, it is so nice to hear thank you. I would not be saying that if I had my picture taken yesterday!

nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful to feel the urge to spontaneously stand up in church and speak about the children! Good for you, Beth! Some people might never think of that, others would think and not act...but you courageously took the "bull by the horns" and did it! As you say, the children are the future and important.
The gift of a hand made card made it all the more precious.

Sometimes an act of spontaneity and kindness makes one feel good the whole day. That happened to me at Costco last week, when the chap bagging groceries was just so up beat and had a wonderful smile. Now IF more folks could be more spontaneous and positive, it would be a much better world!

There is a cold warning again for our area...but it will be short lived this time with warming temps later in the week.

Now, hmmmm, how can I make this a spontaneous and positive day?

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

I'm glad there are young children still at Colebrook. I'm always worried that church will have to be closed what will falling attendance and an aging congregation!



Anonymous said...

I am off to the dentist. Going to find out the cost of implants and getting my bridge fixed. I am guessing $20k .
Or I may go to Asia where it's half the price. Tyler should be home in an hour or so.

nancy-Lou said...

Well, Beth, I think your daily writings are wonderful..always motivational and interesting. A good mix of family news and spiritual thoughts. You do a great job of networking with your family and keeping " the bonds close".Just the fact that many of them write almost daily is very special....I can see how much they care about you! You are special to them....and to me too, a very distant relative in law!

This reply is meant to be on today's blog, Tuesday,January 13/15, but I wrote it here instead...cannot copy without here it is!

Love, Nancy