Thursday, January 22, 2015


PC030981I had woken up with a sadness that I figured  must be just tiredness.  I was just going to lie there when I heard Kim hurriedly take Kim to the back yard.  Not too unusual but I decided to get up anyway.  Kim was putting on her jacket to take her for a walk but they soon returned as Haiti was spitting up blood.  Kim rushed out the door to take her to the vets.

Dad and I were very anxious as we had gotten very fond of Haiti and we were even more concerned with Kim.  After an hour waiting Kim returns Haiti was left at the vets with an intravenous attached and Kim
 was to be called if she had to be moved.  We also are available if necessary.  I am a very anxious worrier so I walked over to the nearest Vets but she had taken her to the  emergency vet place.

I very long depressing day.  Dad and I went to the vets but could not talk to anyone.  Dad snuck in and saw her in her cage with an I.V. and a cone on her neck looking very unhappy but she managed
 to wag her tail a little when she saw him.

Kim was able to take her out for two walks but they had no news for her.

We get ready for bed not knowing.

Haiti home this aterniin.  She us ikay,  We are very thankful 


Sandra said...

Oh, that would have been so hard for Kimberly. Having Haiti who is so happy al the time be sick and at the vets.

I guess you did not get your drive with Dad?


Anonymous said...

I hope they find out what the cause of her illness is. I will try to stop by if I get some cancellations.

nancy-Lou said...

I hope there is good news regarding Haiti today. What an awful thing to happen and so distressing for everyone....especially Haiti, Sending hugs to everyone, especially Kim.

I hope you are feeling better today, Beth and can go for the nice drive with Larry.

Love, NAncy

larry bennett said...
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Anonymous said...

Good news about Haiti.
Our chicken is turning into a Rooster !!! We ( I ) put the kittens outside to play ,Rocky only chews on them never eats them. kid's have one week left of school holidays.

larry bennett said...

Nice to have Haiti home. She may have eaten poison or something.