Wednesday, January 7, 2015


P1061383Yes I shuffe rather than walk but it feels good to be outside.  I figure I  can hire myself out to be a funeral walker and I would set the exact proper  pace!  Walking show is not easy, and can annoyed most people who are in a hurry but they should learn to be compassionate.  We never think that we will get old but it may happen. 

I was thinking today how fortunate to be able to have good days and moments when you feel young!  I had a much better day today. 

The picture is a reflection in a puddle. What you are seeing is the branches in the tree above. I have fun taking crazy pictures with my camera.

 Ben and Morgan Had a snow day today so that meant no school. 

P1061368Both dad and Kim are fighting the "bug".  Kim has a sore throat and so does dad.  I am praying they do not start coughing with a cough that exhausts you like the one I had.   Kim insists she is fine and went out for supper with a friend last night.  I can just vaguely remember doing stupid things when I was young! 

I am planning on going to our U.C.W. meeting to-day.

Hearing another story about a woman in Afghanistan I am reminded how grateful I am to be free and not to have to live in fear,


Sandra said...

Took me a while to figure out what the picture was of. Thought it was ice at first.

Lets hope Kimberly and Dad fight the good fight against the bug.


Steady-as-rain said...

Shuffling is better than sitting!

Snow days are the best days when you are young!



Anonymous said...

We are still surrounded by boxes, but at lest most things are in the correct floor. It may be a while before we are entirely unpacked. Hope everyone is getting better! xo Panteli

Anonymous said...

very fun day at fun fields . Hot overnight. hopefully my car is fixed off to work soon.
ps got my birthday card
pps did you get my Christmas cards?

nancy-Lou said...

Isn't that true, grateful we are for this wonderful country Canada where we live....with freedom to do almost anything. Just don't get me started on the CRTC....and the restriction they place on us. Otherwise I am so thankful and proud of our country Canada!

Now that was really good to hear that you got out for a walk....even if you go slowly. I very much admire your strength and determination. How wonderful to hear that you had a much better day today.

Not glad though to hear that Kim and Larry are feeling under the too! I have a sore throat and headache and hoping that it isn't going to get worse. I sure felt like staying in my warm bed this morning, but knew I had no choice, I had to go to Winnipeg with Carl. He had an important doctor's appointment. After doing a large shopping at Costco the rear hatch door on our Toyota Sienna van was iced shut, so I had to climb over the back seats to load the groceries. I texted our son when we were close to home and he came and helped us. Bless him! It is so cold here.

Pretty photos, Beth...your fun photos are them! Good eye for unusual compositions. I think you should try painting! If I was close by I would be happy to show you!

I hope you will be feeling good tomorrow and can get out for another walk. I heard they had a lot of snow in the mountains.

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I got your Christmas card Kenny, thank you
; )

beth bennett said...

No we are still waiting for our Christmas card Ken.
Kim seems to be getting better quickly and dad has a runny nose and is not too full of energy but it talks us oldies longer, So thankful not to have to worry about freezing cold.
Hope today is better for all of us and that your car is fixed Ken.
love mom