Saturday, January 17, 2015


No I do not have any pictures to put on of my friends.

I am very happy to see the friendly flowers starting to bloom.  It is amazing how in all the different weather we have these early flowers always come about the same time.  We really have had a warm and pleasant winter and I complain about frosty mornings because I am a sissy now living here in B.C.

Dad and I will miss our good friends Cathy and Jeff who are leaving our neighborhood in March.  They are not going that far and I believe it is in walking distance so I had better keep up my training so I can walk over there.

A good friend listens to you no matter what kind of a mood you are in, but also it is important that we also listen to them in turn.  Both these Cathy's have been through some very tough years so it is so good to see things improving for them both.

Yesterday Cathy sat in our sunny living room to catch up on all she has been doing.  She is back at University to get a Masters in Theology which is a very strenuous course.  She is hoping to use her knowledge especially to help others who suffer with depression and anxiety.

I believe like her it is important to keep a mind that can be open to original thought and new teachings while processing past knowledge.

Today dad and I plan to visit Carol and Panteli and help with the electrical plug ins.


Anonymous said...

See you guys later today!Panteli

Sandra said...

Oh, well if you guys are going then I want to come too!

beth bennett said...

Good that would be fun. Sandra you may want to put on lipstick just in case I bring the camera.
love mom

beth bennett said...

Sandra I was worried you had not passed the robot test!

Anonymous said...

Jasmine off to a birthday party. Matthew will spend a few hours at Nonna's as both Melina and I are going to work.
Jesse caught a fish in our local lake (pond ) and brought it home in a bucket . It's a red fin Perch. They plan on walking back and releasing it back .