Tuesday, January 6, 2015


I had a wonderful morning.  Food started tasting like food again.
It was like a real miracle I felt so good.  Ready to go for a good walk but the rain was coming down in great sheets.  I will be good and wait awhile as I am trying not to worry dad.
There is always lots to do so and dad and I and Kim did some cleaning in the kitchen.  The tupper wear had been thrown in and one of the draws and the right lid never seemed to be there  when I wanted it.
Dad went off to the store, yes, he was running out of cookies but he said he was going for coffee.  Kim and I just looked at each other and raised our eyes.
The rain stopped and Kim and Haiti went for a walk and I did too,
We were all ready for a delicious supper cooked by the head cheff,  I took one bite then the little bug hiding somewhere inside me objected and I started coughing very hard and there was no way I was
going to be able to eat.

So those nasty little critters had me fooled.  But I am doing better this morning and may even go shopping.

Just like the Canada Russia game.  It looked like a sure thing at first.  Canada looked so far ahead and then Russia started catching up


Sandra said...

Well, I suppose it was nice to get a little glimpse of feeling better.

Did dad test your puffer?


Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm glad you felt better for a bit. I guess Kim has started back at school now.

beth bennett said...

Kim starts school today. She played indoor soccer last night. She is fighting something too so we are all taking that cold prevention stuff.

I hope dad is able to get out on his bike I find exercise such a spirit lifter. Another short walk for me.

Getting better just takes time and effort.

The same as getting your house in order. You have made such good choices and it feels so nice to walk on the new rug.

Dad did not test it but there is only a little bit left so I will need a new one son anyway,

love mom

Anonymous said...

Jassy's party at funfields today. ( see website) it hot humid and sunny with the chance of afternoon thunderstorm. Which means it will be very busy. Glenn Wollenweber is not well with a back infection. The removed to lower vertabre. Also Artur Wollenweber not too well after his heart attack , having reaction to the drugs and has no sodium left in his body.

beth bennett said...

I hope the children enjoy the party. The things we do for our kids eh!

That is not good news for Trish's mom. Such a worry.

Hopefully things will improve.

Dad went for a short bike ride today love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, coughing like you are can be very tiring and remember, I broke two ribs when I had bronchitis and then pneumonia....you don't want to go there.....your puffer may have refills....or see your doctor Beth...coughing so much and not being able to eat means it is really bad.
Sorry Beth. I know I should mind my own business..but I care about you!

The frosty pics are so pretty and somehow strange to me with the foliage being green! Is it icy to walk? Be careful!

Well we learned today that a wildlife biologist came to Victoria Beach and saw a female cougar with a kit and a male cougar...apparently they are a mated pair. The police have bulletins and posters all over the beach with warnings. Sooo in a way I am glad it is too cold to walk the dogs...but they aren't going to scare me....I will take the bear guard with is once it warms up
There has been quite a few sightings of cougars all year...so now we know for sure that it isn't bobcats or lynx.

Yes, that sure was a good hockey game...and the right team won!

I am glad to hear that you are going for walks...they re-new our spirit don't they?

Feel better soon, my friend,


Steady-as-rain said...

I hope you get your appetite back soon.

I am exhausted tonight as I had to shovel my entire driveway (80 meters or so) this morning before I could go to work.



Steady-as-rain said...

I hope you get your appetite back soon.

I am exhausted tonight as I had to shovel my entire driveway (80 meters or so) this morning before I could go to work.

