Thursday, January 29, 2015


P1261517Another sunny day, a good day for many, except for those caught in a nasty  traffic jam caused by a big truck over turning and catching on fire.

I do a bit in the yard because it is so easy, as I get older to feel useless; but I reuse to believe it.

I am complacent about going to Bible study but enjoy the group when I get there.  It seems like Paul is arguing with an unseen correspondent
about things that had great relevance in his at the time of his writings but no relevance to our daily lives until we find a message in his letter that applies to us.  We too have to let go of some of our deeply cherished beliefs. 

I do not want to be complacent about my faith and beliefs.  Studying and learning with others is very helpful.

A very intellectual letter that seems to forget that faith is opening the door to the fresh breeze of newness. One must nurture the joys that we experience so they will bloom and bring joy to others.

Dad is going very well.  Worked on the finishing touches of the bathroom, had a good report from his skin cancer doctor and went for a bike ride.  I am so thankful for this improvement.

Today dad and I will visit the library and I will visit at the home.


Steady-as-rain said...

But Paul's letters/quarrels with others did establish the basic framework of Christianity.

Glad Dad is feeling better and you have been out in the yard a little bit. I was in Regina for a few days, which is why I was out of touch.



nancy-Lou said...

I think as we become older our desires change and we are more acceptable of just going with the flow...not chasing around doing all the things we used to. I know that is true for me. I am complacent about selling my art now....tired of doing all that is involved with selling. I am looking for a gallery to carry my work exclusively and then I can "just paint!" Wish me luck!

How interesting to read about Paul and his letters becoming the framework of Christianity. Rick is quite knowledgeable about religion.

Are you going to pick up some videos to watch at the library, Beth? I must check out ourlocal one again. So used to reading e books.

Have a great glad Larryis feeling better...that is a lot less worry for you now,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes I am always surprised at the things my children know.

Good luck in finding a gallery that will sell your paintings exclusively.

I decide not to visit Jim and the gals just not quite up to it.

Kim is tired today she was called in to work and then to do extra tasks after hours.

Dad is busy doing the bathroom again this morning.

Going to read and relax.

Love Beth.