Saturday, January 10, 2015


Whoa The old gray mare ain’t what she used to me.  Time to rest a bit.

Yes we have had several days of fog.  Miserable stuff.

And yet there is an artistic beauty in  the bare branches reaching for the sky.  I find winter a season of waiting.  Waiting for the sun to wake me up and get busy on its journey across the sky.
Waiting for the windy stormy days to pass and also the days of heavy rain that seem to soak through no matter what we wear.

It is a time of waiting for the long days of darkness to pass.  A time of contemplation and solitude broken by family celebrations. The ground is frozen hard and cold and yet there is the promise of new life waiting for us.

Winter silence teaches us to listen in the stillness.  Barren trees allow the light to shine through.  Frosty mornings and cold winter nights are  a challenge physically and spiritually.  Children laughing and playing in the snow remind us of our own happy days of childhood.  Our neighbors come over when it snows to shovel our driveway and we feel so blessed.

Waiting for good health and energy to return after fighting a nose that runs continually  (dad) and a cough that keeps returning  (me)reminds me to be patient with my body.    Sometimes plans we make do not work out like  yesterday I was not feeling up to going to Carols and Pantelis  with dad and he came home early with an upset tummie.
Wishing I could be more helpful. . . .
Hoping I never lose a sense of wonder. . . .

Thankful for the help and support of family so busy with their activities~

Thankful we do not have to face the cruel harsh realities of prairie winters!  What we do have to face is that we are in the winter season of our lives and accept changes as challenges that will bring a new different growth.

P1081393Yes  there is still beauty in the artistic barrenness of the trees reaching for the skies on a foggy day.
There is beauty in this flower that has kept on blooming.
There is beauty in our love for each other.


nancy-Lou said...

HAHA Whoa Nellie, Beth you are bringing me my morning chuckle! That is funny, but true too....we have to slow down as we age. I used to be up at 7am every morning and working by 8am. Now I can get up later and take time to read, do scrabble and have that extra cup of coffee....but I do feel guilty! I have to remind myself that I have put in my time and deserve to take it easy!

I am sure that is true too, with you and your have done so much for them over the years and now it is your time to take it easy and not feel guilty.

Your frosty pictures are so pretty...especially the purple ornamental cabbage with frost.I found the cold fog seeped deep in to my bones and made them ache...contrary to the dry cold we have here.

I have to teach soon, must run along. I hope that you and Larry are able to shake the bug that is pestering you. We are staying home and avoiding the flu bug that is so prevalent here. Our emergency depts and doctors are overloaded and some doctors are down with the flu too. My friend couldn't have her injured foot looked at yesterday....she went to four different places.

It is going to be another great day!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

Very nicely written blog today mom. One of the benefits of not being able to be out and running around.

I am working from home, trying to get caught up. Randy is fixing a dripping tap and then we may treat our selves and go out to the thrift stores.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jasmine. I am going to miss the party as I am working 14:45-00:15. Go Seahawks.

beth bennett said...

Happy Birthday Jasmine. Have a fun day.
love great gramma and great grandpa.