Sunday, January 25, 2015


P1231477All great artists draw from the same resource: the human heart.

The writer's experiences shape their art of writing especially if they two write from the heart..    
Then there  is the art of knowing yourself.  Every experience shapes our writing our shares our longings and dreams.    
I know that there is a significant  slowing down of my daily functioning but we learn to cope to the best of our abilities.
"Without the presence and energy of art in our lives, we are in capable of engaging in heartless activities without remorse."   Maya Angelou

Dad is painting our small bathroom.  We drove through the fog to the birthday party.

Thankful the rain stopped for Ben's soccer game under the lights.   
    The water pouring from our drainpipe  and running into the bucket brings back memories of our rain barrel back home.  The water was so much softer than the tap water.
the soccer game.  Ben the goalie
Yurri the birthday boy!

The most important art is the art of loving kindness,

Two much in one day but I am glad we did it!

Church today!


nancy-Lou said...

Thinking of where art comes from is very interesting.....the intuitive side of creating is a mystery to me...I do know, that sometimes I "get lost " in what it is I am doing and am not aware of other things going on..when I am painting. the reasoning and actual thinking process definitely comes from the brain. Making the shift from one to the other is something I cannot do at will. The brain is amazing isn't it?
When I am teaching art and demonstrating a painting I can feel myself slipping into the "other side" if I get caught up in what I am painting and that is not a good thing because I stop talking....haha .

An interesting subject for your blog, Beth.

M goodness you and Larry had a busy day yesterday. Birthday parties and soccer games. Too bad the soccer games weren't indoors. I hope you didn't get a chill.

Have a wonderful Sunday,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Love your comments Nancy.

Yes we did come home very chilled but a warm bath does miracles.

love beth

nancy-Lou said...

Thanks, Beth. That is good to know! Sometimes I think I overstep my bounds! I love opening your blog and reading the spiritual and family news for the day!

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I went into the city today to be Shelly's test patient. It was a bit stressful having to park downtown but it was OK once I drove around a bit.

Mandi and James came over for a quick supper, they did not stay long as I am studying for my first aid.

So nice to have the rain stop!

Is Haiti continuing to improve?