Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Dad and I were so pleased to open your Christmas card with the special picture of the children and your kind and warm words Melina and Ken.  Your children are growing so quickly and look so bright and beautiful.  Yes, we look forward to seeing you all soon.  We do miss you.  Many fun and wonderful years ahead for you all!

Nature is amazing telling us how old a tree is when it has been chopped down.  Slowing down helps me look for clues in nature and I am seeing signs of new life already.  I somehow believes that if we slow down our soul will also capture pictures that are clues that what is happening in our lives right now.  I feel pretty clueless about a lot of things.
When I started writing I had a clue of something I was going to say but now I have forgotten it all.
Dad and I went to a huge very cold warehouse to look for rugs which there were plenty.  I felt clueless about choosing.  The one for Haiti in the family room is a good choice as it is small and a good color that won’t show too much dirt or dog hairs I hope.

The one for the living room I think will be okay but will try it out to-morrow.  They were dirt cheap so no big deal if they do not last a life time.

I was suppose to be at the dentist Monday too but since I still have a slight cough I postponed it until next month.  The cost is unreal isn’t it?

What ever it is we are searching for we have to start somewhere.  All of life matters, all work is important and especially every person we encounter is worthy of our time and energy.  I find the clues for these thoughts in the words and actions of Jesus.  He reminds us that the ordinary has meaning and significance that has deep spiritual roots.  Problems that seem very tough right now will eventually be solved!  Sometimes we do not see it at the time.


Sandra said...

Matthew and Jasmine sure are growing up all of a sudden. Though I guess Kenny and Melina don't see it that way.

That is a very cold store, I did not like it at all. I would rather pay a little more and be warm when I am shopping.


beth bennett said...

Yes dad used to like it because it has tools. It has many interesting things but it is too cold and too much for me.

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

ancy-Lou said...
Well, Beth, I think your daily writings are wonderful..always motivational and interesting. A good mix of family news and spiritual thoughts. You do a great job of networking with your family and keeping " the bonds close".Just the fact that many of them write almost daily is very special....I can see how much they care about you! You are special to them....and to me too, a very distant relative in law!

This reply is meant to be on today's blog, Tuesday,January 13/15, but I wrote it here instead...cannot copy without leaving...so here it is!

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

oh ho.....it did copy and paste from the previous blog! Well, now you have double the words!

I had a wonderful surprise when I opened my email this morning. I won a free house cleaning from a new company that is trying to get established in our area. I entered the contest never thinking I would win. Sooo it is another great day.

Clueless..you are not, Beth!

Love, Nancy