Friday, January 30, 2015


P1291556The sky gives us many signs of weather changes.  A band of clouds  dad says  means a warm front is moving in.  My early morning walk was crisp and cold but by the time the mailman was passing by it almost seemed warm enough for short sleeves and shorts.
It was certainly warm enough to sit out on the porch.  I wanted dad to pose in his bathing suit but he did not seem in the mood.  He was not feeling that great so maybe wore himself out with all the hard work he had been doing.

I  did not go visiting but had a restful day reading.
By evening it was very cold again and the stars shining so brightly you felt you could reach up and touch them.
 The morning sky again showed great promise as the sun chased the clouds away.  
The church no longer has the authority to claim it is the source of ageless truth. 
The church no longer has the monopoly on the teachings of spiritual education as more and more people react to the intelligent culture in which we find ourselves.
The church that moves with the changing ideas while remaining committed to a new philosophy not of power and self preservation but let the words of Jesus speak into our lives as we befriend the weak, feed the poor and bind up the broken hearted by word and by deed.

We have a minister who is more interested in what we believe than telling us what he believes.

The sky is no longer the home of God but the life of the spirit moves within and about us all!


Sandra said...

How come you did not go to visit?

I quickly drove home on my lunch break to let the dogs out for the afternoon yesterday. It was not as warm as it has been some of the other days but it is sunny and they are black so I figure they would be fine.


Sandra said...

Yeah! I think my comment finally went on. I have been having problems all week.

Sandra said...

Oh, and I am uninviting you for Sunday, as in do not come over. I got my exam schedule yesterday and Monday is my test day so Sunday will be my study day. Sandra

beth bennett said...

We where looking forward to coming and watching the game with Randy.
We understand you need to concentrate on your studying.
I seem to be extra tired lately, I know what else is new and I hate it too, I just did not have the energy to go.
love mom

Steady-as-rain said...

Quite eloquent writing today Mom.

Yes, I agree that god isn't in the sky.



nancy-Lou said...

My goodness Beth, it must be frustrating for you to not have the energy to go and visit...I know you have been going for a long time and would not like to miss.
It is really hard getting older and facing all the changes that go along with it, isn't it? I see that with Carl too....he gets depressed and frustrated with not being able to do the things he used to.
I do hope you feel more peppy soon and able to resume your regular things.
Have you tried multi B vitamin? Like 100mgs? A lot of seniors are low in B vitamins. We take it.

You are so right, that the spirit of God is everywhere...not just up in the sky. I read recently that Quantum physicists now think there are parallel universes.....makes one think doesn't it?
Skies are very interesting and something I like to paint..especially in pastels.
We were in Winnipeg today. It was snowing and the highways were snowy with some drifting, but it was cold enough that it wasn't slippery, just poor visibility at times. Tired now!

Sending you prayers for more energy. Feel better soon,

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Hope your feeling better tomorrow mom. Try vit B at night as it helps with sleep. I got a mould taken of my moth yesterday. I get my front teeth removed on the 17th feb. Surgery is booked for the 3march.