Wednesday, January 28, 2015


 Yes the project is finished and is looking great!
 A before and after picture would have been good.

Our dad at the Clinic was an answer to prayers I am sure.  We were not only given a perfect parking spot right at the door but also a ticket paid up for an hour.  The doctor took a lot of time with dad and it was agreed that he should start hormone treatment right away.  Hopefully the side effects
will not be too bad.  A few hot flushes at this time of year might be just the right thing for cold nights!

My little fellow is back in my garden and followed me into the house.
 Yes he is a lady bug!
P1271542This creepy vine is creeping all over everywhere so I am creeping behind to try and stop the spreading.  I also manage to scare people who are walking by and do not see me hidden among the vines and I poke up my head to say "Hi."

I now am creeping on my hands and knees in my garden. 
I have had two falls both with soft landings, which I consider fortunate.
  But find I am just a little more unsteady than last year.
 Good job I have good knees and good bones for my age I think.
I knocked over the pole with dad's airplane on it which was of the most concern or him.

I also am doing a shorter walk but today with no cane!

"One's destination is never a place,
but a new way of seeing things,"   -Henry Miller


Sandra said...

I thought you said you would hire some one for the garden? I am aching all over from all of the getting up and down at first aid class. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes that is my intention.

It is amazing how we discover new places that ache!

Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Well I am glad that the news was good and Larry doesn't have to have surgery. YAHOO! That must be a big relief for you both.

You definitely are one determined gardener, Beth crawling about...and surprising unsuspecting folks.Good to know you arent going to go for a tumble when on hands and knees. I sure laughed at you knocking over the pole with the airplane on it and Larry`s was so concerned about that! Good to know you were not hurt.

Our garden is under a deep blanket of snow after it snowed all day. It was such a calm beautiful warm day. Just below freezing. Winnipeg had little snow, but freezing rain, making it very slippery for folks walking. There are quite a few at emergencies with broken bones from falling according to the news.

Max and Bella have long fur and when they came in they had a bunch of snowballs hanging on their feet, legs and sides.

Yes, we have to hire people to help us shovel snow and plow our driveway. I guess it is part of getting older and letting go of the things that are difficult for us to do.

I am going to watch an episode of Foleu`s War now...isn`t that a great seriesÉ

Have a good sleep,

Love, Nancy