Monday, July 31, 2017


I am extremely grateful for every moment of love and joy that has sustained me through times of difficulty, poor health and family moving away so far but still in my heart,
Grateful for everyone who came and made my day a day of loving caring and sharing.

A long drive from Kamloops

A good time to talk and share together our love for each other.  Thanks Rick for cleaning up the mess some animal left on our patio and shining up the table so good!
She is looking at all the strange people.

Grateful for your help in providing more food!

Mom and daughter.

Thanks Morgan for bringing balloons and making me feel young again!
Another beautiful cake by Sandra.

I missed getting pictures of Justice and Ben and Paneli.  The boys took off for the park to kick a ball around.

Sorry we forgot the sandwiches.
Thankful we can accept one another as we are with our opinions and ideas!
Thankful for the grace of forgiveness.

Old age can be beautiful when shared with loved ones.

Friday, July 28, 2017


Kim arrived with some gluten free goodies.
Thanks to both her and Hamlet.
I can't believe I ate whole package right away!
She is a very good positive influence on both dad and I.

Dad helped her to put in a new battery that worked until the first place she stopped at the  College.
A quick trip with the right tool got it working again.

Again today my heart was filled with warmth that is positive thoughts watching dad and Kim working on the car together.

Dad also talked to Carol trying to help her with her project.

Rick phoned to say he is coming to-morrow so that is positive news.

Sandra writes on my blog with her words of wisdom which I always appreciate.

Being positive is not always easy for me even though I have a lot to be thankful for and I am so blessed to have positive people in my life affirming me!

Helping others helps.

Prayer helps.

Thursday, July 27, 2017


Every day there has been unexpected cards and notes in the mail.

It has been a very good summer getting to know my great grandchildren.

I expected dad to be very sore today but other than a sore neck and stomach problems he was okay.
He had a good doctor's appointment and the doctor is going to freeze the small sore on his head which is still there.

I expected the doctor to tell me my painful ears are just old age.  I think it must be like a migraine when every little sound hurts.  I have been referred to a specialist which I do not feel that happy about.

He recommended ear muffs so here I am.

As we get older we still expect to have many fun times with family and friends but then there is also the unexpected.  The good news is we can choose how to respond to both.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017


I was surprises at the joys I have experienced turning 80 so like I said on facebook I would have done it sooner if I had known.
More very beautiful flowers arrived today from Shawna and Stephen today after loving phone calls yesterday.  I believe I couldn't be happier than I have been over the last few days.  Maybe the main purpose in this life is to find lasting happiness that accepts the joys and sorrows that come our way.
If I feel happy I am more likely to reach out to others with the grace of compassion.
This wonderful food basket also arrived and I am so happy I will be able to share some of it on my party on Sunday.  I think I will open it before then so I can see all the goodies.  Everything from fresh fruit to crackers and cookies.  All gluten free!

Dad is very happy working on the back patio and it is good to see him so happy.

We are both going to the doctors to-morrow.  I want to find out why my ears have become so sensitive to sound and dad needs some cream to put on the corner of his eye where the skin has become open.

All things considered we are thankful for the health we have knowing small problems will be fixed.
I was shocked to come in from outside to find dad lying on the floor.  Our you hurt bad I asked. " No but I really banged my head": He replied.  Thankfully he has a hard head.  "Okay I will help you up as soon as I take a picture."

Dad lost his balance putting some dishes away and poor balance is one thing we both share.  He has had no bad effects all day so I am happy about that.  We both have to be more careful.

I have lived with the knowledge that I am also a precious child of my Heavenly Father and this is still a wonder to me!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017


Yes our plans changed.  What can I say it is a hilarious joke among our family when plans often change.  We drove downtown to the Sylvia and had a late lunch on the balcony and even got a bit tanned.
Of course I wanted to cross the street and take a few pictures of the sand and the ocean.
Walking back you have to cross a bike lane first before the pedestrian side walk and I was not looking and almost got run over by a bike.  The funny thing was the man on the bike said it was his birthday when I scolded him for nearly running me down on my birthday.  He was a young 61 and we had a good laugh about it.

My day began with a visit from Cathy and Glen on their motor bikes.  I always thought bikers were tough guys but now I know better.
They had another card for me with loving words to add to my collection.  My day would continue with phone calls from Shawna and Stephen, Shandel, Pat and John, Rick and Carol.  I was glad they left messages as I was not home when some of them phones.

Came home to discover these beautiful flowers on my front door step.  Thanks to Shandel and Cameron.  Very thoughtful.

The traffic was bad going and coming home, but especially on the road home.  It was painful and difficult for dad and no where to turn off so I could take over.  I drive very well in slow traffic and do not change lanes like the dash and daring husband of mine.  Once again we are happy to be home.

My friends have been guessing about my age but now the secret is out that I am really 80.  Dad did not rob the cradle after all.  I think we were both very young to be married and here we are 60 years later.
The one good thing about being older is that I can be more authentic.  Yes I have my good days and my not so good days but I am learning to be happy with both.  I live for each day as it comes along and find blessings in family and friends and faith and Fun!

Love is what really matters and I have felt loved all day long!

"There is an authenticity  you were born with, have lived with, and will die with.  You are simply
wonder-fully you."
Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Some lessons it takes 80 years to learn!

Monday, July 24, 2017


My birthday cards all arrived in good time today by the post except for one that was delivered by Panteli.  Along with the present of a beautiful sun hat just in time for our trip to-morrow to Harrison Hot Springs,  The words on the cards are very touching and appreciated.

I was thinking of how we all begin life wordless and then gradually start to say little sounds.  Ophelia says da da and makes other sounds that she seems to be saying to her self.  Here I am 80 years later still fascinated by words and the power they have over our lives.

"We are at a unique time in history, one in which we can see how the words of humanity can be twisted, misinterpreted, and have to live with the consequences of this in our collective social well-being."

Through language we have explored and experienced emotions of love and fear and anger and sadness and doubt and faith.  When we share we give value and meaning and purpose to all of life.

I am grateful for the words of encouragement I have had on my long journey.

I am amazed at the mystical encounters that are hard to but into words and yet are a part of life!

I am finding that love is the language that God has spoken and is spoken into my heart and brain.

Sunday, July 23, 2017


Yes I am very fortunate to have lots of choices to make every day.

Sunday it was either go ti church or go have tea with Vera and her daughter Loraine and some friends from church.  I would have liked to do both but I am learning to pace myself.  Vera is an amazing lady who always tells a good story so we enjoyed lots of laughs between her stories and dad's.  Her daughter Lorraine is leaving next week so there will be many more visits to look forward to.
I always blame the photographer if I do not like my picture.  What a surprise to see Sandra walk in with some lovely flowers.  This is one that can stay in the planter while dad and I have to choose where to put the other ones.  They are petunia and we planted some in the front in the sunshine, after trying to root out some daisies.

I am wondering how we choose if we are right brain or left brain people.

Yes the different sides of the brain possess different strengths and qualities.

"Our capacity for empathy requires belief , a belief that all of life has purpose and meaning.
We experience God's love when we exhibit empathy and his compassion through our ability to feel compassion.
Emotional qualities such as love nurturing and empathy are primarily mediated by the force of the right brain..
The left side deals with basic facts.
We are born with the capacity to make the invisible visible and to have faith in the intangible.
We can also see and feel the pain and suffering of others.
We are born with the capacity to believe even if we choose not to."

"We meditate and pray with the same side of the brain  that we use when we choose to be kind to others."

- "The Mind of God.

Saturday, July 22, 2017


Ophelia was very active after we picked her up at day care.  She gets into the same things all the other children used to do.
This is her first time with the kangaroo.
She has a whole world to see and touch and investigate.

We our own lives in the stories we tell to each other.  Stories have the ability to speak to our hearts and touch the inner soul.  

I think that generations that follow after Jesus died would come to have faith in him because of the stories that they heard about him.  Stories of the miracle of his birth and of his healing touch and also his appearance after his death.

Jesus in his humanity has the power to touch and transform our inner life with his wisdom and compassion.  His deepest desire was that we would have faith in ourselves and in our ability to help each other,

This is the story I am familiar with but others have their stories,

Friday, July 21, 2017


                                                Ophelia likes her new seat.
Dad was a great help and made us something to eat.
We really do need to go shopping for food today.
First dad is picking up some more pea gravel.

Ophelia has a little nap in my arms.
She now knows us and that is good but she likes to crawl around and does not like just to be held.
She was very tired when we picked her up from daycare.
She was sitting in rolling seat in the huge back yard.
There were 5 other children and lots of swings and slides and chairs and tables.
They are a happy bunch and they all love Ophelia and she certainly is lovable!
We will be picking her up today again.

Dad is in charge of my birthday party which we will have on Sat. or Sunday.  On my birthday we may drive out to Harrison and live it up!  One thing about being older you can still enjoy life!

Our neighbor, who lives in Cathy's old house, saw the baby coming and going and has volunteer to come and help us if we need any help.  She will drop by to see Ophelia and gives us her phone number.

Our neighbors next door to us have put little Christmas lights in their trees in the back.  They built the fence we paid for and made a big improvement in both our yards.  They have volunteered to walk Haiti because they sure like her.

We had a naughty raccoon pick up the teddy bear left out in the yard played with it in our pond.

                                            Very sad looking bear.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


We are certainly familiar with that word now with all the mess that is being disclose in American politics.

Very happy to have Haiti come and visit for the afternoon.  Kim dropped her off and then stayed to make us supper.  

Dad is still working very hard and is now covering up the shed and the back bench with a coat of paint.

He poured fine gravel over the rocks but the rocks are starting to re-appear but it looks a lot nicer anyway.

A smile can cover up how we are really feeling, for me I am feel old.

Walking with Haiti helps improve my feelings as does picking up Ophelia from her little day care class.  With both Haiti and Ophelia we love to just smile and watch them discover little things of interest.

I find that I have many good intentions of things I am going to do but until I act on them I am just covering up and not living out a new way of being,

The brain has the ability to experience the physical as well as the mental and emotional and spiritual part of our personality.

I have made my shares of mistakes in my life which I would like to be covered up and forgotten.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Dad is busy again on his outdoor patio project.  He has worked very hard once he had a idea of what he wanted to accomplish.  Right now the teddy bears are enjoying the seat but it is made for little people.

I am working in the house and after changing the bed sheets I lie down for a rest.  Doesn't everyone?

Dad needs to take a time out or he will end up with very sore feet so it is off visiting at the Seniors Home we go.  Dad has a little group who sit outside while I go in and spend an hour with Joan.  She is not an easy person to visit and she has turned down invitations by the staff to attend activities planned by them so they are happy she has at least one visitor.

Today she is very happy to see me so I guess I have been missed.

We take time out on the way home to eat at Brown's as we were both actually feeling hungry.

I am reading another brain book but the aim of this book is to help us appreciate the intangible, which in turn should help us see the value in relationships and find a faith that gives us hope and healing.

Faith that has progress over the centuries from superstition to scientific facts which invigorate and enlighten in our search for the meaning of life.

"There exists a sublime and wise cause. . which must be the cause of the world not blindly working all powerful nature....but as intelligence, through freedom/"  -Immanuel Kant.

Time for me to take a time out .

Monday, July 17, 2017


Another summer of wonderful memories.

Time has gone by so quickly and it seems people are leaving too soon but I know it is time for everyone to be heading back home.  Each year has special memories that I carry in my heart.  

Travelling by plane as Mary did reminds me of the time ken and his family had to stay over night to connect with a flight home.  I think Stephen and Shawna may be  leaving to-morrow after a trip to Victoria to-day.  

It is always a little sad to be saying good-bye to such loving grand children and great grand children, we never seem to get used to it.

We have shared so many hopes and dreams with all our loved ones and continue to pray for their safety and well being.  Memories keep us connected and deepens our knowledge of one another.

The love that we were able to give and receive has created more beautiful memories.

Life continues and dad and I look forward to future moments that become cherished memories.  

Sunday, July 16, 2017


Searching and seeking for happy people.
It was amazing how well the children played together.
A family swimming together.
Daddy is close at hand.
A proud and happy grandpa holds little Ophelia.
Grandpa and Hamlet have a chat.
Two beautiful ladies.

Being mom's has brought our their inner beauty.

                                         Randy on duty again at the barbecue.
                                          Delicious mango chicken
                                         A happy baby and a happy daddy.
                                         Mommy is close by.
                                         Mikie posses for Kim.
                                           Kim takes over camera duty.
A big smile from Mandy
Lots of good food.

Searching for Ben but missed him.
Morgan did not come as she was at a birthday party.

We enjoy another fantastic family gathering with all our different personalities and opinions.

Rick offered to attend church with dad and I but instead we stayed at home to search for our own answers.  A good Biblical discussion which always is helpful for me in my search for truth and a healthy faith in the religion of my choice,

Too soon it is time for Rick to travel first, to Craig and Leah's and then home.

Saturday, July 15, 2017


                                           Seeley's birthday cake by grandma
                                          Seeley's balloons by grandpa
Lots of cameras
Good to the last mouthful

Good to have a big kitchen sink