Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Dad is busy again on his outdoor patio project.  He has worked very hard once he had a idea of what he wanted to accomplish.  Right now the teddy bears are enjoying the seat but it is made for little people.

I am working in the house and after changing the bed sheets I lie down for a rest.  Doesn't everyone?

Dad needs to take a time out or he will end up with very sore feet so it is off visiting at the Seniors Home we go.  Dad has a little group who sit outside while I go in and spend an hour with Joan.  She is not an easy person to visit and she has turned down invitations by the staff to attend activities planned by them so they are happy she has at least one visitor.

Today she is very happy to see me so I guess I have been missed.

We take time out on the way home to eat at Brown's as we were both actually feeling hungry.

I am reading another brain book but the aim of this book is to help us appreciate the intangible, which in turn should help us see the value in relationships and find a faith that gives us hope and healing.

Faith that has progress over the centuries from superstition to scientific facts which invigorate and enlighten in our search for the meaning of life.

"There exists a sublime and wise cause. . which must be the cause of the world not blindly working all powerful nature....but as intelligence, through freedom/"  -Immanuel Kant.

Time for me to take a time out .


Anonymous said...

Hi I just wrote a message but it didn't show up here. anyways, I wanted to add: youtube video Marias Peer "aging" is a good one related to aging and the brain too.

Sandra said...

Dads hard work has paid off, the new planter area is very nice.

I picked up the not so little family yesterday. There are 5 kittens that are next to impossible to tell apart, makes it hard to keep track of weights.

Slowly putting the house back to normal. Piddle away at it every morning now till it is done. Evenings I am too tired and just water the garden and pull a weed or two.


craig decraene said...

Looks good. See you guys tomorrow (07/20)

beth bennett said...

Reminders are always good.


Anonymous said...

Garden looks great Dad you should be proud of your accomplishment . 🌷🔨