Thursday, July 6, 2017


Yes childhood is the time when we learn so many things.  We picked up Ophelia from day care and brought her here for an hour.  Daddy came and picked her up as mommy is still working.  She is getting to know us now and we even changed her diaper without too many tears.

It is harder for some to have faith that is real if they have not been taught in their childhood about a loving God who breathes life into existence.

Dad and I can hardly wait to see Mary and Simone and Sebastien.
We have missed many of the exciting times of their childhood but pictures have helped keep us in touch.

The phone rang and it was the doctor's office wondering where we were.  Yes we missed the appointment but when you think of all the ones we remembered we have done pretty good.

"Mom and Anna shared many likes and dislikes
the simplest and most beautiful sharing was their attitude towards Mister God.
They did not blame God when things went wrong
they accepted difficulties and adversities were merely doing something.
Ugliness was a chance to make beautiful.
Sadness a chance to make glad,
Mister God was always available to them.
He was a part of their daily conversation."
--Mister God This is Anna


craig decraene said...

Thank you guys very much for picking up phe.

Steady-as-rain said...

I'll be down this coming weekend for the how-many-grandchildren-can-get-into-Sandy's-pool-at-once party. Maybe I can stay at your place on the Saturday night, July 15th?

I received the birthday card in the mail. Thanks very much!

It will be nice to see Ophelia again after several months. I can see how much she has grown from the photographs, but it will be nice to see in person.

I don't know if Craig and Leah actually went to Ashcroft this weekend as planned with all the fires happening.



craig decraene said...

Didn't go to Ashcroft