Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Never happier than being with family.

I am so happy to get to know Simone and Sebastien.
They are fun to spend time with.

Had a dentist appointment Tuesday morning.  Not much fun.

Dad has an appointment with skin doctor to-morrow.  There are some things that need checking up.

Not happy with feeling so old
but happy to be Alive!


Sandra said...

Shawna arrives today by plane at 12:30 with he boys, Stephen is driving down. We are "planning" in quotes as never really sure what will change; planning on a mini party for Seeley tomorrow for his birthday if you want to drop by for supper.

I am just sitting here trying to be quiet and waiting for everyone to wake up.


beth bennett said...

Yes we can do that.

I was thinking
we could take Mary and the children out to White Spot for lunch.

I will phone you.