Sunday, July 23, 2017


Yes I am very fortunate to have lots of choices to make every day.

Sunday it was either go ti church or go have tea with Vera and her daughter Loraine and some friends from church.  I would have liked to do both but I am learning to pace myself.  Vera is an amazing lady who always tells a good story so we enjoyed lots of laughs between her stories and dad's.  Her daughter Lorraine is leaving next week so there will be many more visits to look forward to.
I always blame the photographer if I do not like my picture.  What a surprise to see Sandra walk in with some lovely flowers.  This is one that can stay in the planter while dad and I have to choose where to put the other ones.  They are petunia and we planted some in the front in the sunshine, after trying to root out some daisies.

I am wondering how we choose if we are right brain or left brain people.

Yes the different sides of the brain possess different strengths and qualities.

"Our capacity for empathy requires belief , a belief that all of life has purpose and meaning.
We experience God's love when we exhibit empathy and his compassion through our ability to feel compassion.
Emotional qualities such as love nurturing and empathy are primarily mediated by the force of the right brain..
The left side deals with basic facts.
We are born with the capacity to make the invisible visible and to have faith in the intangible.
We can also see and feel the pain and suffering of others.
We are born with the capacity to believe even if we choose not to."

"We meditate and pray with the same side of the brain  that we use when we choose to be kind to others."

- "The Mind of God.


Sandra said...

OK, Tasha and Theresa both say they will be there on Sunday.

Having choices is nice, it is a good feeling to have some control in your life.

The weekend just flew by, it always does when there are baby kittens to attend to. Once they are eating on their own it will be much easier.

I hope you find nice sunny spots for the petunias, they just get scraggly and sad in the shade.


Sandra said...

Rick says he will be driving down for the party on Sunday as well.

beth bennett said...

I am speechless!

Awesome news!

Love mom