Wednesday, July 26, 2017


I was surprises at the joys I have experienced turning 80 so like I said on facebook I would have done it sooner if I had known.
More very beautiful flowers arrived today from Shawna and Stephen today after loving phone calls yesterday.  I believe I couldn't be happier than I have been over the last few days.  Maybe the main purpose in this life is to find lasting happiness that accepts the joys and sorrows that come our way.
If I feel happy I am more likely to reach out to others with the grace of compassion.
This wonderful food basket also arrived and I am so happy I will be able to share some of it on my party on Sunday.  I think I will open it before then so I can see all the goodies.  Everything from fresh fruit to crackers and cookies.  All gluten free!

Dad is very happy working on the back patio and it is good to see him so happy.

We are both going to the doctors to-morrow.  I want to find out why my ears have become so sensitive to sound and dad needs some cream to put on the corner of his eye where the skin has become open.

All things considered we are thankful for the health we have knowing small problems will be fixed.
I was shocked to come in from outside to find dad lying on the floor.  Our you hurt bad I asked. " No but I really banged my head": He replied.  Thankfully he has a hard head.  "Okay I will help you up as soon as I take a picture."

Dad lost his balance putting some dishes away and poor balance is one thing we both share.  He has had no bad effects all day so I am happy about that.  We both have to be more careful.

I have lived with the knowledge that I am also a precious child of my Heavenly Father and this is still a wonder to me!


Sandra said...

I bet dad was perfectly happy to lie there while you grabbed your camera : )

Such lovely flowers you got, very nice bouquets.

I was happy to have Randy take yesterday off work so he could get some painting done on the house, and then he even made supper.


larry bennett said...

I put the picture of dad on my blog but took it off.

nancy-Lou said...

Oh dear, poor Larry...I am glad to hear that he has a hard head and everything is OK! I bet he wasn't happy about his picture being on the blog!
When Carl falls I have to call three men in to help him up. He cannot get up on his own and I sure can't help him. he is a large man. It has been sometime since his last fall so hopefully he won't have one for a while.
He is quite unsteady on his feet.

What lovely gifts you have received Beth. Who sent you the basket full of all the goodies. Now that would be fun to dig through. Also the bouquets of flowers are so colourful and cheery. What an amazing family you caring and loving.

I am crazy busy here with the art classes and an art show with the Fleet Gallery next Sunday, here at the beach.

Gotta run,

Love Nancy