Monday, July 24, 2017


My birthday cards all arrived in good time today by the post except for one that was delivered by Panteli.  Along with the present of a beautiful sun hat just in time for our trip to-morrow to Harrison Hot Springs,  The words on the cards are very touching and appreciated.

I was thinking of how we all begin life wordless and then gradually start to say little sounds.  Ophelia says da da and makes other sounds that she seems to be saying to her self.  Here I am 80 years later still fascinated by words and the power they have over our lives.

"We are at a unique time in history, one in which we can see how the words of humanity can be twisted, misinterpreted, and have to live with the consequences of this in our collective social well-being."

Through language we have explored and experienced emotions of love and fear and anger and sadness and doubt and faith.  When we share we give value and meaning and purpose to all of life.

I am grateful for the words of encouragement I have had on my long journey.

I am amazed at the mystical encounters that are hard to but into words and yet are a part of life!

I am finding that love is the language that God has spoken and is spoken into my heart and brain.


Sandra said...

Happy Birthday Mom! I was saving my card for Sunday, oh well.

I hope your day is full of loving uplifting words. It should be a lovely day to be out at Harrison.

I love and admire you and you deserve to have a memorable day that you can look back at on your 90th birthday!


Steady-as-rain said...

Happy Birthday!



nancy-Lou said...

Hi Beth, I wish you a Happy Birthday and a year ahead filled with many good things. Wow 80 is a pretty good age isn't it? Quite a milestone in ones life.
Carl will be 80 next year. Hila, our sister in law is 80 now and the family are having a party for her too. It looks like your party will be on Sunday. i wish I could pop in and give you a hug!

We were at the doctors yesterday and found out that Carl has another aneurysm on the aorta. It is small now so they will send him for regular scans. I am tired today...I find that happens after a long day in Winnipeg. The hospital where we see our doctor has a lovely atrium which overlooks the front and the sun streams in there. they have comfy arm chairs where one can just relax. There is a Tims coffee shop right there too...that is usually where I go when I have to wait for Carl.

The hospital is called St. Boniface and is run by the Grey Nuns. I have always liked it the best. they had large banners hanging down from the windows with photos if Nursing Sisters who died in the first and second world wars. I never even though about that before. I prayed and thanked them for their service and sacrifice.

Sandra brought you some large are so blessed aren't you? She is one caring and amazing lady. I read where she has more kittens again and she has to feed them. i guess there is no Mom cat? Now that takes dedication.

Well I am just taking a break. I have to work in the studio today, getting ready for the large watercolour class on Thursday.

Wishing a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Sandra, Rick and Nancy,
Sorry to hear about Karl Nancy
so tiring and worrying for you.

We had a good day even in spite of bad traffic jams
going to the Sylvia.

We forget about making reservations so thankful Sandra looked into it for us.

Missed several phone calls but was very affirmed by messages.

Love mom