Thursday, July 20, 2017


We are certainly familiar with that word now with all the mess that is being disclose in American politics.

Very happy to have Haiti come and visit for the afternoon.  Kim dropped her off and then stayed to make us supper.  

Dad is still working very hard and is now covering up the shed and the back bench with a coat of paint.

He poured fine gravel over the rocks but the rocks are starting to re-appear but it looks a lot nicer anyway.

A smile can cover up how we are really feeling, for me I am feel old.

Walking with Haiti helps improve my feelings as does picking up Ophelia from her little day care class.  With both Haiti and Ophelia we love to just smile and watch them discover little things of interest.

I find that I have many good intentions of things I am going to do but until I act on them I am just covering up and not living out a new way of being,

The brain has the ability to experience the physical as well as the mental and emotional and spiritual part of our personality.

I have made my shares of mistakes in my life which I would like to be covered up and forgotten.


Sandra said...

If all of our mistakes were able to be covered up as if they had never happened then we present a perfect front to others, which can be pretty intimidating to those who are less than perfect. My self included. My mistakes have been legion, covering them would take all the sand in all the deserts of the world. So, I hope after almost 80 years you can look back and be less distressed by your mistakes and more thankful that you learned and grew because of them.

Were you thinking of Sunday for your birthday or Tuesday, the actual day you turn 80?


nancy-Lou said...

Such wise words from Sandra. Someone wrote, don't worry about what happened yesterday or worry about what could happen for today and think of all the good things that are going to happen.

Sorry I have been not posting on your blog, but things have gone from crazy to crazier this past week or so. I did get caught up tonight and read your blog...all the things I had missed over the past few days.

That little munchkin sure bring joy into your life, doesn't she? I can just see how proud you must be when you pick her up at day care. The photos are so cute, Beth. i really liked the onw of you holding her. She must keep you very busy. I guess you just have her for an hour or two? Until her parents get off work?

My watercolour classes have been keeping me very busy, between planning the classes, buying art supplies for mostly everyone and teaching...but I love every minute! The response has been overwhelming really and the next class fills up almost as soon as I post it...I am so blessed. I am teaching mainly painting of Victoria Beach and the people who attend are almost all cottagers, who live in the restricted driving area and bike to class. I have to get a special permit to drive in with all my art stuff and easels etc.

Carl had a CT scan on Wednesday...we see the doctor on Monday and hope the results are ready by then. i am hoping he doesnt have to have surgery again. Fingers Crossed!

I see your birthday is coming up wonderful that the family are planning a birthday party for you.

Well I am off to bed soon..hoping that the music festival music doesn't drift down our way, because it can keep us awake some years. It is a huge event and makes a lot of money for our community centre. A two day event. There are so many cars driving around and at the stores. Carl couldn't even get a spot to park at the store and just came home.

I wish you a lovely evening and a good sleep tonight,

Love nancy