Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Bac to the hospital

 Beth was not feeling well overnight and has a fever this morning so it was decided it was best for her to be go to the hospital to chec things out

May be COVID may be infection to do with her surgery or other issues

Saturday, November 18, 2023


 This is Sandra, once again hacking into Grama's blog.  She should be back at it soon.  For those who do not know, both Beth and Larry have had falls and broken their hips in the last month.

Larry is now and Fleetwood Villa in Surrey and Beth should be joining him soon.  They will not be returning to their home in Delta.  We are in the process of seeing if we can get their home number transfered over.

Any phone calls should go to Larry's cell 604-671-4938 or you can try Beth on her cell 604-340-6690.

Big changes for all of us in the famly but still many things to be thankfull for.

Monday, November 13, 2023

First Steps

 Beth had the operation on her leg several days ago. Took her first steps today with the aid of the walker and a watchful nurse. She is in the same ward as Larry was a month ago. 

Spencer the dog is worried, but he has not yet suffered a loss of appetite!

Wednesday, November 8, 2023


 Mon has gone into hospital today, Surrey Memorial Hospital. A bad fall down the stairs overnight. 

Update: Beth has a broken hip and a broken femur. Likely that she will have surgery tomorrow, November 9th. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023


 YES  I am feelimg more hopeful.  It was good to see dad up and about. 

He is annoyed as he has an alarm on hi\s bed wwhich bus every timr he moves because they are araid of his following.  We are so pleased t\o \see  im making an effort.

we had a little proble\m when some \real\ important pills for me when missimg.  I now have to discontinue them slowly.  I was haveing withdeawl when we could not find them; theyhave been fund

Lots of questions about what happens next.

Both dad unhappy.  I was planning tovisit dad today but am not feeling too good.

One good thing about sleeping I pray a LOT,  It is aboit 4 fall asleep for an hour.


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Off To See Dad

 Sandra very kinly offered to drive me to Surrey Memorial Hospital to see Dad today. I am anxious for him to come home soon. Hopefully he can keep his spirits up!

Maureen from the bible study got in touch with me and I will be joining them for the meeting in November. It will be good to see all those old friends!

I am walking better now. Taking the dog out occassionally.   

I am very depressed.  It is so hard to see dad struggling with pain and trying to walk a bit.

I will try to be positive. God is with me and hears my prayers.

Love to you all


No one came to visit except Hillary popped in with a pizza and had a very short visit.

Lovely to see Carol and go for a drive.  The weather is fantastic.

She leaves and Rick has not come to make supper So I went for a walk and talked to two neighbors.

My memory has gotten worse and that worries me.

I am hopeful we can stay in our own home.  I really feel better here.  I can sense dad's presence.

Thursday, September 7, 2023

Phone Call With the Doctor

Dr. Nolte has been a good and caring doctor for many years. I spoke with him on the phone this morning about the continuing pain from the back surgery I had in mid-August, and about my trip to the Emergency Room last Friday. When I told him the pain is not going away, he said I should delay any walking outside of the house until the back pain is really on the decrease. I pray that God will give me the patience to do as the doctor is suggesting.  Dr. Nolte has also perscribed me another pill to take along with some of my current medication. 

I will be talking to the doctor again on Monday, I will have some progress to report to him at that time. I long to be back outside with dear little Spencer. And to be able stop and chat with some of my neighbourhood friends on the street. Hilary is one of those friends and she has been very thoughtful in bringing by food and sometimes walking Spencer. She is bringing us fresh caught salmon to morrow.

Sandra has arranged for a nice lady name Carolyn to walk Spencer in the afternoons. 

I did a little wlking around the house and am feeling pain.  It will take a while for me to work it out.

It takes an effort to get back to writing.  I am going to try.

Rick was here today to get pills worked out. 

To-morrow Laura wiil be here and also rick and one of the girls.

Monday, August 14, 2023


 Yes I had a sleepless night.  I am trying not to worry about the surgery and there is no reason I should be.

The nurse will phone to-morrow and so will the guy who will be putting me to sleep.  I will find out more about the precedure.  Sandra wants to be here and that is good.  Maybe when I know what to be prepared for it will be bettwer.

Had a nice chat with Kim.  It is wondwerfu; Loranzo is a good baby and sleeps well etc.  They do miss Carol.  

We will be missing her as she is off on another trip toScotland on Thrusday with Morgan and Panteli.  They aways enjoy visiting there.

It is wonderful to have good times to look forward to.  I am looking forward to being more active.

Laura did some work in the yard.  It really is too warm. 

I hope I sleep better tonight.  Knowing a bit more will be helpful.

Sunday, August 13, 2023


 IT is good to have my compter working now all I need is some inspiration that lifts and motivates me.

It is veryhot here and  it is making me feel sick to my stomach.  I wish I had the energy to feel creative and smart,  Instead I just feel tired.

There is a nock at the door and Hilary comes flying in with two cold drinks.  She is trying to keep extra busy as her husand goes into the hospital in the morning for a heart a justment,  They actually stop the heart and remove it.  

She admits she is feeling very anxious which is understanderable.

We have a chat and then she takes Spenser for a short walk to go pee.

She is an inspiration.

Saturday, August 12, 2023


 One of my favorite things to do is read to the children.  
We were delighted to have them come for a visit,  Our home becomes full of laughter and chatter,  

Ophelia is becoming a good little reader too.  /they are now buyinh clother and books for school.

They are happy and active children.  Leah is on sress leave but the girls are a handful so just another type of stress,

They had fun blowing bubbles.

Rick came and gave Spenser a nice long wakj,

He also got my computer working,  My mouse is now connected with a cord to the computer.

It is going to be a very hot day,  We will be taking it easy,  Good to have left-overs,

Friday, August 11, 2023


 Went to Lifelabs this morning for a blood test. A long wait in a long line.  The girls are very good and it is always painless.  The funny thing was the man who waiting behind me was a man who had worked with dad for many year,  A very friendly kind man who volunteered to save my spot and allowed me to sit in the car for half an hour.

I am very pleased to have that done.  I am not feeling that well so hope we can find out what if anything is wrong with me.

Laura made a good lunch for us and we were both  very hungrey,  Now I am ready for a good nap and good news that all is well.

I was told I will be having surgery this coming Thrusday.  Rick was happy too and has been helpful to keep the process moving.

We were up very early and I am very tired now,  My eyes will not stay open

Rick got me started and dad will help me close.. 

Sunday, July 23, 2023

I will finish this in the morning

 Too tired right now.

Nancy_Lou - no big fall but I have a collapsed verttabrea in my spine.  

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Lucky For Me

Kick has fixed my computer so I can write on my blog this morning

My back is very painful so that is another reasin I have not been writting.

I am a little confused ad forgot to put out my old clothes and stuff out to be collected.

We have a couple here this morning cleaning,  I cannot keep track of what is going on.

Rick came early to take out the garbage and go to the shops.

Last night when I took Spenser out Jan was going by in her scooter and she took Spenser,

Two old friends from the park came by and sopped to chat.  They have been missing me,

I do not know when I will start doing things again,

Hillary has beought over two dinners for us to have,

Everyone is so very kind,

I hope I cam get my surgery soon.

I feel very lucky to have the support of my family and friends,  I have lots to be thankful for,

It is another warm day wirh a little smoke in the air.

I m trying to stay out of the way,


Sunday, July 9, 2023


 Seasons change and we welcome the gift of each day with a thankkful heart,

We have celebrated many birthdays together, and we accept the changes we see in each other,

We celebrate our lives well lived.  We ce;ebrate fond memories.

We are happy to spend the day with Rick and Morgan.

Life can be awesome at times and we are thankful to have them as a part of our lives.

We are surrounded by beauty and love that groes stronger even as we get older,

Friday, July 7, 2023


 Finally got to see and visit with Mary and the children.

We took a wromg turn when we were coming and ended up having to cross a bridge we did not want to cross.  We will be more careful next time.

The black cats keep an eye on Spenser.  He ignores them.

I would be doing great if my back pain would o away,  I am going to have the surgery,  Waiting to doctors to return from holidays,

While I wait I am doing stretching exercises.

Mary is waiting to have her procedure in Toronto.

Thursday, June 29, 2023


 Lucky for me Rick comes by and helps me get back my blog working now and again. 

I feel very lucky to have a wonderful family who keep in touch

I am still having pain in my hip but pain pills are helping accept right now I have run out of them.  I miss going for my walks but I am lucky my friend comes to take Spenser twice a day.  Spenser goes for a big walk in the morning but later in the day he will not go further than our front yard.  He has a mind od his own.

I feel lucky to have good parents who took me to Sunday School and church.  My faith in Jesus has grown over the years. 

I know he hears my prayers

Praying for Mary as she has a procedure to take blood from one area and put it in her spine to heal the bleeding. 

Monday, June 19, 2023


So good to have visiters,  Espcially from Chilliwarck and now Ben is living in Vancouver.
Theresa and Morgan looking very lovely.  

Rick came early and made a delicious meal for us.

Pentali surprised us with a special cup with our pictures on/

Today Oliver surprised us with a visit.  Lots of fun hearing about his adventures.

t felt good to get out of bed and to go down stairs.  I am thnkful for the pain pills.

Yes Marry it was so good to feel so looooved!

I will just try to keep doing a little bit more each day.

Rick made us all a great lunch and we were all very hungrey.

Today Oliver dropped by on the wato going on an adventure on is bike,

Saturday, June 17, 2023


Believe it or not I have forgotten how my coputer works.
'I am thankful to be having less pain.
This mwans less pain pills.
I hope to do some walkimg with Spenser soon.

The family has all been helpful and friends are bringing meals in for us.
I do want to go outside and breath fresh air.

My next week I should be free of pain and healed.

It has been very hard to be lying around bed all day,  I hear family talking downstairs and wonder what is happening.  We now having a girl come in to hep[ regularly and make some meals.  Thankful Rick has been coming to do shopping.

Both my granddaughter Mary and I have been forsed to rest in bed.  She needs an operation and we pray that she will be able to get it soon,

Carol is visitig Kim and Hamoet and has the joy of being there when the new babt boy is born.
He looks very healthy and mom and baby are doing well.
A freind comes to walk Spenser twice a day.

Experiencing difficult and painlful times is not easy but we learn we have to learn to make the best of things.  Every day I will improve a little. Somethings we will gt use to.


Monday, June 5, 2023


 People are so kind  bring fruit and muffins, phoning me and keepng in touch.

Thank you for the lovely cards and healing words

I am still having a lot of pain. I am thankful for dad and 
rick and Laura,

I know I w\ill be better soon because of l the prayers and knid thoughts,

Saturday, June 3, 2023



So glad that Sandra and Tasha came by the see me and make some lovely gluten free muffins! Sandra also showed Rick how to empty the water out of the air-conditioner. 

Tomorrow Sandra is off to Ontario to help Mary. Dad and I hope Mary gets well soon. Dad says if he was younger he would go with Sandra to try and help!

Carol is now down in California with Kimberley and Hamlet and Alba. New baby Lorenzo is expecterd soon!

I am not getting better very fast but at least we have found the kind of pain-killer. 

I am very grateful for my loving family.

Thursday, May 25, 2023



I am thankful for Rick coming  t.o help.

I am glad a\ helper is comimg this morning ,

00000000000000000000She is here 

rick has left.

being treated ;ike the 

queen of 



Thanks for all the encouraging comments/

IT seems like just tje other dat I wasjokimg about all the men in my bedroom.
Five with the 
firemen and ambulace drivers. and 
rick and dad,

I am still having a lot of pain.
The pain pills help a litt;e/.

I know there are many days of pain ahead,
My brotther has saod a prayer for me.
This is very hard on dad too amd the children.

I appreciate all their thoughtfulmess, their visits.'Aandra came and di some heavy lifting for me.

Carol and Pantli brought supper ovrt yesterday.
Rick is bringing it ovr tonight.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Getting Better

 I was in the hospital over the weekend for some back pain. I am back home now and slowly getting a bit better and have some pain pills. I can not walk the dog yet.  I had a bad time in the hospoital the pain causing me to throw upin the bathroom.  I felt like crying.

Thinking about Mary and hoping she gets better soon!

Will write more in a day or two, if the computer mouse cooperates.

Saturday, May 20, 2023


 I am thankful I have my camera to capture some of the beauty at the park.

Sandra will walk \spenser this morning,

I am disappointed that my back is not better today.  Yes I said a little prayer but . . . .

Prayer remomds me to humble myself with the awareness I do need God.

I pray with a thakful heart for all the good things in my life.  I have had many answers to my prayers in the past.and also some unanswered ones.  I trust God knows what he is doing because I do not always know.

I do not remember doing anything to hurt my back.

 Some things are predictable but the unpredictable can mess  up your life.  

Dad had a nassty coughing fit last noight.  Maybe because of the air quality.  I do not notice it being smokie but others might.  Also he was wearing a shirt from the second hand store that had a slight smell and should have been washed first.

Laura may come Monday but I am not sure what she will be able to do.

I think he should just stay indoors and use his inhaler this morning and just before bedtime.  

It is easy to go through life and not capture the beauty that is right before our eyes.

I am thankful we have good books to read.  I do wnat to solve the mystery I am reading.

Friday, May 19, 2023


 I love the cool mornings.  We sat around the dining room table with Rick, brought my camera back aand Laura brought dad a doughnut.  Rick brought me  delicious blueberry muffin.  Laura was the cool storyteller of the day sharing the antics her six year old grndson was up to.  Rick had another trip to the store and now we are in good shape.

I am reading "Learning to pray" which I have been doing all my life.  A book about an invitation to faith and to prayer.  You need both.    An invitation to deepen your relationship to God

Yes I believe we can talk to a God who in some mysterious way hears and responds.  I know that several times I felt I had lost my way and did not know what to do and into mt mind came the wisdom of God who gave me directions and guidiance.

I had a cool walk and was able to take a few pictures.After I spend most of the day resting.  I hate having a sore back but sometimes you just have to accept and live with problems.

I often fall asleep when I pray and that is okay.

words can be over rated.

I look forward to a cool evenning,

Thursday, May 18, 2023



Yes I am back Rick has fixed my computerr.

I had a fantastic mothers day.  Gifts of food and flowers and cards with kind words.

Since then we have had supper at Sandy and Randy's.

Not so hot today so I will walk Spenser now.

I have a bad back so I am taking it easy.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023


 I am confident Brian will get good care as the hospital is set upfor heart surgeries.

Finally Karl let me know how he is doing.  They may do his surgery on Thrusday.  Then he has to go to another hospital to get his arm fixed.  We will not be going up at this time.  Brian and I have had a good relationship and I would like to see him again

A warm day today/  We are going to Carol and Panteli's for supper.  We look forwad to having a visit.  Rick will be there too.

Dad and I are doing a lot more reading.  We were up extremely early today so thankful we could have a big nap,  It is good to have a few decisions made,

I am confident the future loks good!

Ken enjoy your stay.  Good for you!

Sunday, May 7, 2023



 Welcome home Ben!

We had a good visit with our friends in the afternoon.  Not quite warm enough to sit out side.  The sitting worked out well.  Instead of cookies we had popcorn.

I am coming to the conclusion that I probably will not br going back to church.  I always like to be involved but times have changed.  

We just cannot do what we used to be able to do.

Waiting for the leaves to start putting on a show.  I like this times of year as things change and blossom everywhere,

I hope Karl will keep me informed. about Brian. Brian has to be very, very still,  He is in intensive care and on a list for surgery,  He sounds just like his old self and is enjoying the meals

Saturday, May 6, 2023


 I talked to my brother and he is in good spirit.  The hospital in Kelowna is a good place for heart surgery.  He says not to worry about coming up as he is not sure where he will be or what is going on.  I will keep in touch with Karl.

Our friends Pat and John are going over tomorrow.  We have not seen them for awhile.

We are not doing much but that seems to suite us okay,



I talked to Karl and he will be going to see Brian this evenning and He will have Brian phone me.  He is taking his cell phone up.

So I am not planning to go there just now and Karl understands but hopefully we can talk by phone,

Things just get complicated and I know you are all willing to help.

I canceled  Bible study.

Friday, May 5, 2023


 Waiting anxiously fora call from Karl.  Brian hada fall when he was out walking.  He was taken to an emergency first in Invermere and then taken to Cranbrrok hoapital.  Karl is there and trying to find out what is going on with the doctors. 

He has a leaky heart value which reguires surgery.  He will be flown to Kelowna.  We may go there but are waiting for more news.  Maybe Rick could come and look after Spenser.

We will hear more in the morning.  He will go to Kelowna on Sunday for surgery.

Keeping him in my thoughts and heart and prayers.  He has been so healthy but things can change quickly.

I will probably cancel the Bible study.  Maybe not.  I feel a ;ittle down. but spending time with friends is good.


My brother Brian has had a fall and they have found out he has a leaky heart value.


 Yesterday was not a happy day for me.  Did we all get up on the wrong side of the bed?  I am hoping and praying that today will be better.  We are all very human.  No saints here.Laura'as gramdson tells hedr he cannot be good every day.  Maybe four out of five.

Laura came and had us laughing.  She has funny stories to tell about her grandson and her new puppy.  He is not being good at being trained,  Maybe he will have to go to doggie school.

Yes it was warm in the morning and got colder all day.  I felt the chill of the wind through my jacket and both Spenser and I were glad to gt back home.  I suggested Laura make chicken stew and it was delicious and just what we needed for supper.

The world is still a beautiful place and we can all do better.

Rick had brought dad a newspaper so that made his day.  He quit the daily paper because he believed they could do better  He was not happy with no delivery on Monday,  News is on the T.V. every moment of every day.

Jesus told those he healed to not tell anyone.  Why?  It appears it weas not the right time to stir up those in the better class.  They wanted to get rid of that trouble macker.  Here he is still hanging around with his words of wisdom helping us to do better,.

We are truly blessed to have each other.!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


 Woke up and found the pond water very low.  Filled it up and turned  it on.  It is running well.  I quess there are still problems.  It looks great when it is running.

I found my camera so will try and take a better picture than the one I tried to do today.

The hockey game is on but dad is a sleep in his bed.

I will join him soon.

We had a good day today.  Always nice to have Laura.  She dresed his cut again and will look at it again tomorrow,

Our neighbor Todd came over to have a visit.  Dad was sitting out on the front deck all day.  They had a good talk.

Rick arrived with bird food for the birds.  He put the cone in the feeder and stayed for a visit. 

I am always so happy when I find something I think I have lost.

Jesus shared the feelings of others who had found what they had lost , even the least coin was important.  It is important to keep looking.

I love the picture of Jesus carrying the little lamb on his shoulder.

I know at times I have felt like I was being carried.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023



 Yes relationships are so important to us.  Laura dropped by unexpectedly to check on the cut on dad's arm from his latest fall.   It did need cleaning out and a new bandage on it.

We are going to Carol and Panteli's for supper.  Rick will be there too.  I am so thankful we have a good relationship with all our children.  Good to talk to Ken on the phone and also Mary and Simmone and Sebastien.

Another warm and sunny day,  Two walks wirh Spenser,

I was reading about other religions and I am glad our faith is built on our relationship with Jesus.

Monday, May 1, 2023


                              They are a vert good team and seem to work well together.  Lifting heavy rocks and putting them in the right position.  A cheerful pair.  We appreciate all their hard work.  If I find my camera I will take a picture.  They are probably happy I could not find it when they were working.

Dad and I will be practicing team work because Laura is not coming today.   She has her own family to take care.

I had my own this miracle.  I have been reading about miracles and was very surprised when I sAW A book in the little library called :Making Miracles.

I was thinking about Jesus as I watch the chosen.  I believe that he and God and the Holy Spirit made a good team. 

I also have a feeling that Jesus was a man of joy.  His gift to us is a life of joy and wonder,

Sunday, April 30, 2023



Watching flowers grow.

Today is Sunday.  I am not in church but I will walk with Jesus

I will do a lot of just watching.

I am watching the little cherry blossoms fall from the ground.
It looks like it is snowing.

I watch two raccons come and play n our pond.

I watch the squirrel trying to get into the bird feeder.

Spenser and I have our early morning walk.

I  will watch the Chosen  and eat skinny popcorn.

I will watch Sandra if she comes to work on tghe pond,

Right down we are waiting to see Carol.
Her car broke down and she is taking it to the garage and hopes to get a ride here.

It is cool today and it is suppose to rain hard.

Friday, April 28, 2023


 The thing is I do not feel very eloquent but I will make an efforft.

Ken I hope your sore throats are getting better.  They can be very painful.

It was like summer here today so we sat out on our front deck and had luch out there.  Laura served us

I started to make an effort to clean out the shed.  I did not get very far.  I will start tomorrow early in the morning when I have a little engery.  Dad promises to help  In fact he says he will do it all.

There is pollen in the air which is making my head hurt and my eyes water,

The flowers are all coming out in bloom,  A lovely time of year,

Thankful Randy and Sandra are coing over to help tomorrow.

Thankful Spenser is getting a hair cut.

 I am watching the Chosen in the mornong before dad gets up.  It is not his thing..

Thursday, April 27, 2023


Hillary gave me lots of books.  I have to give them away.  Let me know if you are interested.

Spenser and I will take a few at a time and put them in the little library.

Mainly I have been busy dragging junk out of the garage and the shed to put out for the spring clean up.  I was glad Rick came this morning to help me.  I wait all year for this time to put out our junk.  There is now room in the shed to walk in there.  I should have taken a picture before I started.  I like it when people pick up some of things before it is picked up.

I went to Bible study on Wed.  We were studying spiritual gifts and I have been busy watching D.V,D.'s on th gospels.  This is another thing I have been doing watching The Chosen.

We pray to understand and discover our spiritual gifts.  These are to help us help others not to make us superior in any way.  Some are wisdom. faith.discernment, speaking in tongues, etc.  I believe in God because  know I have faith and I know he told me to go to the right doctor who diasnosed me when many other doctors could not.   That was a difficult time.

There is always more to learn about the Bible and about the ways of Jesus.  Why did he tell his disciples not to tell about the healings he was doing.   Miracles.  It could have been because Jesus was very aware of his mission and the right time for his divinity to be revealed.

Jesus uses riddles and parrables and stories to reveal the truth. A truth that can be revealed to any one who truly seeks to know.

I can sleep in tomorrow knowing the junk has been removed.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023


                                                         Life bloomig at the grave yard.  

Yesterday we had our first Tuesday supper with Carol and Panteli and Rick.   This will continue untio Carol leaves for Caligornia on June 5th.  We enjoyed the wonderful food and good conversation during and after supper.  We are an interesting group.  Next time we shouls let Carol and Pamteli get a few words in.

Dad wants everyone to know he is not a believer.  To me that is sad.  He prayed for me when I was so ill for so long.  His prayers were answered by the right doctor finding out what was wrong.

I know what I believe I have no doubts  I heard God speak to me.  I know his love surrounds us all.  My belief gives meaning and purpose to my life.

I agree with Ravi Zacharias who says "life is a search for the spiritual"

"Essence is farmore than belief."  The spirit deep within in our souls hungers for what is real and gives  life purpose.

"Essense is far moew than belief.  

It is belief based on the intrinisic value ofm the person.  This is the hunger of the spirit beyond mere sensory and belief components.

We want to avoid pain but we cannot.  Pleasure and pain are a part of our human journey.

The spiritual is found in relationships. stewardship and worship and faith.  It is a journey into the unknown.

I do not have to beleve in all religions but I do have to know what Jesus means to me.

Monday, April 24, 2023


 I seem to be taking a journey back in time.  This is our old United Church in Tsawwassen.

We drove there yesterday and had a wonderful visit with Carol and Panteli and Rick.  

We had a delicios lunch that Carol made.  I hope it was not too much for her as she is still recovering from her bad cold.

AS we get older it takes longer to recover.  Rick is still recovering from his stroke.  

I have very good memories of our time in Tsawwassen especially a this church were I met my best friend Dorothy Wells.  We had great times together, like the time dad bought me a car and she went out driving with me.  We laughed at my mistakes.  She was a blessing that helped me cope with undiagnosed celiac.  It was on the couch there I felt God tell me to go see the dpctor who would finally diagnose me,  It took a long time for me to recover but the burden of not knowing had been lifted.

We both joined a Bible study group with some Baptist ladies.  Boy they sure know their Bibles.

WE also visited Dad.s grandmothers grave.  We made her last few years of life better by spending time with her and having her over for Christmas etc.  I likeed hearing her stories from her past.

Life is a journey and today I will be going to the blood clinic.  Thankful Sandra found a clinic I could go to,  I hope to find out if my iron is low and is casing my fatique.

My journey od faith has been a foundation to help me cope with illness and some sadness.  

I feel very blessed.

Sorry Sandra I could not remember what you did so I am glad you memtioned it.  You were a good help with the babies and with the dinner.  That Harvest dinner was the best!

Sunday, April 23, 2023

 This is the church we went to for many many years.

IT cahanged my life by giving me the confidence to take on leadership roles.

I got to sing in the choir!

Larry was involved in Outreach.  Carol and Larry and I all taught Sunday schol.  Oliver and Theresa and Kim were baptixed there.

Oliver was baby Jesus and Carol and Ron played Mary and Joseph beautifully.

Sandra help look after the babies in the nursury,

We all enjoyed the Harvest Fall Turkey dinner.  Ron tok on the job of cooking the turkeys.

I was thinking of church and about the rejection Jesus had when he went back to his synagouge,

His message frightened them and they did not want to believe it.  How could this simple plain man be the chosen one?  He was just like one of them except he had the divine power to heal and cast out demons.

The worst thing about church is if it teaches we are holier than others.  We can become too religious and we are obnoxious and rude,

The best thing is we can go there to learn and to be part of a community.  I have not been to church for awhile and it is about time I went again.  Where?  The old church is now a school.

Church is meant to help us grow spiritually becoming more aware of the needs of others especially the poor and down trodden.  

Humility and compassion are the strengths we need to grow.  As well as generosity,

Yes Ken I am enjoying the D.V.D's.  I forgot to mention you played the drums at church and Rick when to youth group with our cool long haired minister.  Jack rode a bychle into church one day to relate to the story of Jesus riging a donkey.  Jack became involved in drama after he left church,

Saturday, April 22, 2023


 YES We drove down our old street and took a picture of the house we loved in for about 16 years.

My morning started out stressful  The toilet over flowed, the dog went to the bathroom on the l;iving room rug and I could not find what Sandra was looking for.

Things improved as we drove over to where we use to live.  Many happy memries there.  We hated to leave this big old house but it was getting to be too much for us.

The whole area has changed.  My friendship woth Jane and belonging to our church made for lots of fun times.

After we drove to Art Naps where dad shopped for blouses for the girls.  I also got a new warm sweater.

We came home and I cooked some salmon for a late lunch or early supper

We plan to drive to Tsawwassen on Sunday.

Home looking at old photos.  What a wonderful life we have had!

Thursday, April 20, 2023


 Love is the most important spiritual gift

Meeting the needs of others with caring concern and compassion.

Hearts full of joy bless otherfs.

Peace and patience reveal the sense of the acceptance.

Faithfulness in doing what we can to live out our faith and beliefs.

Humility seeks the best for others.

God's Spirit working through us day by day,

Today was garbage day and we where so pleased to see Rick drive in to take out our garbage, also sort it into the right can and boxes and bags.  Boxes have to be cut up and put in the right place/

We enjoyed breakfast together and then Rick was going to go to the store for us but he looked tired and dad loves shopping so he said he would go.  

The rest of the day we took turns watching the chosen and then hockey.  The last thing we did was watch a bit of news.

A very cold wet day so good to just stay home after our shopping.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


 Looking at nature always lifts my spirits.  No matter if it is a miserable day cloudy and wet and cold.

I am so pleased that the swelling in my face is going down.  The pain is less,  The redness is fading.  The pills are helping

I also talked to Dr.Nolte today and I am having a complete blood work done to see if my iron is low.  I am still very tired and I hope that can be fixed too,

Spiitual gifts are availavle for any one who reaches out to experience the grace of God.We become people who become passionate, caring, giving and sharing.  Also there is a hunger to know the presence of God and His Love for you ans me,

I find that I am contest just to be content and let life flow on round me.  Always the presence of my children and grndchildren are a great blessing.  Love to talk to Ken too.  He was off to a movie with Melina and Matthew,  He is very proud od Jasmine and her basket ball team being top winners.

Dad is staying up to watch some show.  Spenser and I are off to bed.

I had more to share so maybe I will to-morrow.

Monday, April 17, 2023


 A day filled with kindness after a night of pain in my jaw.  As soon as Sandra and Randy came over and saw my swollwn red face they said I needed to go to a clinic.  I did not feel like going as I was very tired but off we went.  We were treated with kindness but had to wait over three hours.  Much of this I spent in a room all by myself.

I dod have an infection but the doctor says it is from my eye.  Why did the pain start in the jaw and it felt like a toothache?  Started on meds. but still having pain.  

I was thinking about pain and suffering.Our lives seem to be shapped by our circomstances whether happy or painful  Suffering can challenge your faith in God.  It should not.  Jesus suffered and so will we.  Good can come out of suffering and hopefully make us kinder people,

It seems to be making me cranky and tired.

The funny thing happened at the doctors.  I was waiting in a room all by myself for about an hour.  I went out to the waiting room to get dad to join me.  He was not there but had gone out to the car.  A kind mind said he woiuld go and tell him.  He found him and waved at him but told me when he came back in he had not found him.

Maybe he did not know what I was saying,

Saturday, April 15, 2023


A dull and rainy day.  Spenser and I had one morning walk,

I woke up witha tooth ache.Then it turned into a headache,  It was a boring day and I just hope I can sleep tonight.

Carol is recovering from a cold and cough.  It must have been an effort for her to go to work today.

I am praying for family member who are not well,

Friday, April 14, 2023


 Funny thing was when I wrote that title I brloeved that my computer was workimng.  It was not.  Finally fixed it but the mouse would not work.  Down to the store we went and then had trouble making the new mouse work.  I gave up but dad has got it all fixed.

It is hard sometimes to know what to believe. There are lots of crazy beliefs in this crazy world of ours.

Both dad and I feel better when he does not have a bad night coughing."What is truth asked?" asked Pontius Pilate.  He left the person, who lived the truth, and walked away.

Are we seaching for God when we ask what is the truth?

I am feeling miserable because nothing is working and I feel ancient .

I do know what I believe and that gives me peace and joy.

I do know it is important to know what you believe.  

Monday, April 10, 2023


 As  I woke up this morning thinking about our time together at Sandy and Randy's I though holidays are really good therapy.

It was cold and miserable as we drove over to their house,  As soon as we entered the house we could fell the warmth and love waiing for us.  As the others arrived there was a lot of love and laughter.  

We were proud of the work that Sandra and Randy had put in to getting ready for us. Sandra had made a roast and yourshire pudding.  What a feast when we added Rick's mashed potatoes and Theresa's salad and Tasha's desert.  Lemon pie and lemon squares from Sandra.  

For me Easter is first about the story of the death and ressurrection of Jesus.

Faith is a simple gift that we can choose to receive.

Embrace the love that surounds us all. whereever we are.

Embrace the love of Jesus who toches our lives with renewed grace and hope.

Chocolate Easter bunnies are good too.  Searching for Easter eggs is exciting for the little ones.

Feeling special is good therapy.