Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Ken it was so good to hear your voice and all the family wishing us Merry Christmas.  I hope we can connect Jan. I

Thankful for the gift of a new day and a new year.  I started yesterday off a little differently as I sat and meditated with the teddy  bears(gifts from other years) and enjoyed the quiet morning with the Christmas Lights.
It is time to take down the Christmas decorations which have added so much color and light.  So many memories in the ornaments from past years of things given to me also given to me.
I now have a new colourful table cloth all the way from China.  On top are some of the pottery Kim has created.
Looking back at the past year of things happening in the world there are still so many disasters and tragedies ,  violence and poverty and yet we look with hope to the year ahead.
We move into a new year, some of us going in new directions and with new dreams and inspiration.

Jesus came to bring new light into a darkened world and some did respond and become light bearers.

I was also thinking of the Old Testament and the gifts it has given us.

The gift of creation with his gift of Life.

The gift of stories that reveal the weaknesses of our hero’s and in those stories we can find ourselves.

Some of the most beautiful words can be found in Scripture.
I,  the Lord, have loved you with an everlasting love. 
I have drawn you with loving-kindness.
I will build you up again.
I will turn mourning into gladness
I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.  Jeremiah 31
I will give them joy in My house of prayer.  -Isaiah 56
I will strengthen feeble hands and steady the knees that give way,
say to those with fearful hearts. Be strong do not fear, Your Lord will come.   -Isaiah 35

The Sabbath was a gift of a day to rest or do simple things you enjoy.

The value of community and worship.

The healing presence of nature and promises of His healing presence here and now and to come.

A different day for me as I did not go for a walk.  My tummy was a little upset.  So I had eggs with dad at breakfast and watch a bit of hockey.  Then started taking down some of the Christmas  things.

We should strive to welcome change and challenges,
because they are what help is grow
Without them, we grow weak in comfort and security.   -H.G.Wells

 We were delighted to have Leah and Craig drop in for a visit yesterday.  Great company just when we needed it.
Then we were off to the home of the Wise's to have another feast with Shawna, Stephen, Lincoln, James, Mandy, Carol and Panteli, Sue and Keith.

Dad and I have just got home.  I am posting this to-night which is New Year's Eve. so we can wise Ken and Melina Happy New Year first.

HAPPY NEW YEAR  EVERYONE! !  Expect the best!.


The most important thing about Christmas is the relationships that are a part of our lives.      

I spent time with many delightful people who bring joy into my life.

A big black Cadillac car arrived to pick us up just a  after one yesterday.  (Dad got home just in time from his walk.)  I was really happy to be sitting in the back with Lincoln and his mom.  Lincoln looks so cute sitting in his own little car seat but he was too tired to entertain us so he had a sleep.  Dad and I are so thankful to get to know him even for these few days.  Stephen and Shawna are so calming to be around and take good care of us and Lincoln. 

We drove around trying to find a place to eat and we ended up in a family friendly place with another baby beside us and one behind.  They were all very good.  I love every minute I get to hold him.  His little head so soft and cuddly on my shoulder.  I have certainly held a lot of little ones over the years and been blessed by each one.

 Lincoln decided he needed to eat before his mom and then his dad could hold him while she ate her lunch.  Yes moms do learn to eat cold food.  He may little gentle sounds talking to his mom on the way home I was happy just to enjoy them both.

When we got back home the children in the neighborhood were playing road hockey .  It won't be long before Stephen and Lincoln will be doing the same.

It is amazing how down I can feel one day and then on the next day a little extra loving really picks me up.!  !  !

"The whole purpose of the Bible it seems to me, is to convince people to set the written word aside in order to become living words in the world for God's sake."  Barbara Brown Taylor   Amen!

Jesus was born to bring us into a loving relationship with God!

Monday, December 30, 2013


It is wonderful when the flame burns bright creating warmth and joy' we all have a light within us.
   Today I realized that once again I had made a mistake and felt sick about it.  The flame burnt so low it almost went out.

I met my friend Joanne on my early morning walk who always tells the funniest stories even as she struggles with poor health.  The message at church was all about joy.  Joy that is different than happiness, which you have to work at, but it is  moments when you feel an inner joy that can come so unexpectedly and fill your inner soul.
   Joy through living.
Joy through art, or music, or nature.
Joy of giving and receiving.

Pat and John came home from church with us for a little bit to eat and as I was showing them Shawna’s  calendar she had created with all the lovely family pictures, I remembered the pictures Craig had handed to me at the Christmas dinner of their wedding.  I stood  up excited to go and find them;  then I realized I had not brought them home with me.

My joyfulness was completely shattered and I was worried and miserable.  Sandra said some one had found them and she did not know what had happened to them.
I am reminded of my humanness and that I am again reminded not only of my brokenness but of my need of grace and forgiveness.  I was careless and I do not want Craig or Leah to think I did not value and appreciate their pictures they so kindly brought us.

I hope they turn up or they can be returned.

If we are to be redeemed or if our candle is to burn brightly again it is often without our own effort but by the faithfulness of God.  One does what one can and then releases it.


Sunday, December 29, 2013



Hopefully each year we will grow a little wiser as we look back at all the wonderful times we have had together.

As dad and I grow closer to the end of our lives we are the product of a lifetime of experiences, some sad and mostly happy times.  I want to have courage and patience knowing that this is what can develops character and especially a reverence for life!  All life!

Dad sitting in the Seniors Home, a very pleasant place but we realize that we are both very independent cusses who are not ready just yet to be moving anywhere.
I have found that many things have changed my life, like marriage and motherhood . friends and family and  faith  and belief and also books I have read.

I do have a love for spiritual literature but also mystery stories.  So reading the Bible and trying to find a God of love has been a challenge, but believing keeping these old stories alive is important.

Among my favorite books is the one called "My Grandfather's Blessings by Rachael Naomi Remen, M. D.  I also have gained much by reading Henri Nouwen's books on prayer and spiritual direction.
I also liked Harold Kushner's book "Who Needs God".  These and many other books have touched me deeply and I can reread them many times over.
Right now I am reading "The End of Your Life Book Club" by Will Schwalbe.  I enjoy discovering new books that are mentioned there.  I can relate to many of the stories about his life and his relationship with his mom and dad and his last months together with his mom discussing literature.
I can relate to some of the foolish things she did as a mom and her love for her family as well as books!

The article in the Vancouver Sun says that spiritual contemplation and prayer can have positive effects on the brain. Contemplative prayer helps us discover the presence of God that is always there.
Our prayers are important especially when we pray for God's will to be done.

Prayer is a source of energy that can calm the heart and renew the spirit of divine light within. 
It gives daily strength for our daily needs. 

I find prayer gives me great comfort and will help me through this time of metamorphous.

I pray that all my family will find ways to be kind and caring.

I am very blessed when some one says they will pray for me.

Prayer is Words with Wings.

Sunday morning a short walk in the misty rain.  Met Johanna and we walked together.  After a rest dad and I will be going to church.

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Melina dad I are worried about you not feeling well.  Christmas combined with the worry about Jesse’s and your mom’s health is exhausting.  Glad to hear you are now better!

The worst Christmas we had was when Sandra was so very sick with a dangerously high temperature.  The doctor came and we put her into luke-warm water to help bring it down.  Dad’s grandmother was to come over but we cancelled that but I did cook the turkey and left the children to amuse themselves.

Dad and I grew up in a time when children did amuse themselves and if I was bored I did not know it.  In the winter you played for hours outdoors with a sled or making snow men or snow forts.  I would walk over to the school to ice skate.
If it got too cold I would read as I always have had a passion about reading.  I could walk to the library at a young age and it was about a 8 or 10 block walk.  Sometime I would ride my bike for hours thinking I was on some great adventure. 
We had lots of children in our neighborhood and would play games where you had teams or kick the can etc.  If someone was mean you just learn to hide your feelings and would never tell your parents.
This is our new road that takes us to Tssawassen or to Ladner or to River Road.  While in Tssawasen dad and I dropped into the Senior’s Home that is near Carol and Panteli’s.
Very nice inside and out.
They have two choices on the menu but the meals seemed heavy.,too heavy. PC260254
They had a big library and even a book club.  Entertainment and bus outings. 

It seems lonely and quiet here after everyone left.  Carol dropped by and we went down to Chapters.

Haiti waited at the front door while Kim piled up all her things there.  Will miss her following us about and looking out the at the back yard watching the squirrels.

Sandra dropped by with her gang and were off shopping.

Dad had to work very hard to get our Aussie D.V.D. and then we had a good laugh watching them. 

That water castle looks like great fun makes me almost want to be a kid again.

Glad Meina you are feeling better!

Friday, December 27, 2013


  Gramme reads a story written by grandpa.  Reading has been a great love for me and reading to grand children was a joy.  I was often too exhausted to read to my own children but I remember dad reading the Hobbits.         

DSC04126Yes that is Christopher!



Dad takes much better pictures with his better camera.  I am glad hie is taking an interest again in doing it.


Melina I do hope you are a little better today and had some help yesterday. A very stressful and exhausting time. And you have had the worry of Jesse and your mom. Praying for you today.

                                                   Christmas Eve.
Santa is wondering if Stephen has been naughty or nice.
                                                                                 Our little believer   
Craig is looking worried

Lincoln is happy with Auntie Carol
                               Finally time to actually sit down together.
Glad she can finally take off her apron.


                                              Getting ready to play the game.

So Santa made all his deliveries to a very happy family.

Today I was able to deliver my hobo his goodies and Jim his milkshake.  It was quiet at the Seniors home as many were at home with families.

Sorry we missed the phone call from Ken and Melina but will arrange it later in the week.  Have not watched the D.V.D's yet but they should be funny!

Kim is now off to go to a movie with some of her old friends.

Dad and I drove the new highway 17 to Tsaswwasen. 

Then dad went for a bike ride.  Meanwhile Stephen and Sandra, and Carol and Panteli went to the open house at Keith and Susan's.  Shawna and Lincoln stayed at home for a restful day.   Dad and I went to bed early and that ended Boxing Day!

Thursday morning had breakfast  with Kim.  She is going home and has to work tonight.  Carol is stopping by. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013



Somewhere the old story is being told again and again, for some it is an old tale but for some you realize the message is to just let yourself be loved.  As we receive and give to each other warm greetings we are reminded of the deep meaning of family.
There are now new discoveries being made about the life of Jesus who may have been well-to-do but choose to live a simple life so that everyone will know the greatest gift is one of intimacy.
Yes we enjoyed Christmas day with our loving happy family.  We sang songs and played games and had a gift exchange.

But nothing is always perfect.  Randy had a back fall in the bath tub trying to fix some mirrors,  Kim was feeling miserable with her cold and Theresa had laryngitis,  baby Lincoln was not his usual happy self happy self and had to be carried around and still he was fussy.

It was good to see Christopher turn up at a family affair as it has been a long time.

It is a joy just to be together. with the beautiful tree, and lovely table settings and roaring fire place and tons of food, from healthy to rich and decadent.

Boxing day will be quiet for us but Carol and Kim are meeting old friends from the Caymans and others are going to an Open House.  I will be happy reading and having a quiet day.

All the presents have been opened and food has been shared and many hands have help. Joy  overshadows our sadness for a moment in time.

 Somewhere the love still lights our way

Wednesday, December 25, 2013



Thank you Melina and Ken, Mathew and Jasmine and Jesse.  I was very moved by your beautiful present and that is my favorite  song.
The D.V.D’s should be good for a laugh. 
The message on the necklace and bracelet is word perfect!
What a loving present I feel very loved!
Dad and I opened it this morning before anyone else arrived.  Kim is very sick and still in bed.  Carol and Panteli will be here any moment.  Rick just phoned from England sounding very happy.
I wish you all a joyful and happy Christmas and a healthy and exciting New Year!  Lots of love Mom and Dad   x x x x x DSCN1915


Christmas is a time to remember miracles do happen in the love that we express to one another.  Dreams do come true in unexpected ways.  We learn to trust in the goodness and faithfulness of a presence that tells us nothing is impossible.
“Love on a sleepy, star spangles night, those angels peeled back the sky just like you would tear open a sparkling Christmas present.  Then all the light and joy of heaven poured out upon a broken world in need of healing.  They sang over all creation to release a miracle that lives on in each of our hearts.”   L. Libby.

I guess the miracle for me is the joy that comes when I am with the family  even although there is a sadness too.  A worry about family and friends who are not well and struggling to cope.   Kim has come down  with a miserable cold and I hope she feels better today.

I am excited about opening our present from Kenny and Melina and seeing their happy Christmas pictures.  Today will be fun and noisy  and I am so thankful for everyone that will be gathering together.  Lincoln is so amazing as our all children, big and small.  Shawna is an awesome mother and Stephen a fantastic dad.  Of course Randy and Sandra are fabulous grandparents.

I am thankful for all the work that made Christmas Eve. so wonderful and I know Christmas day will be too.   Everyone is working so hard to make this a very special time of the miracle of happiness and the promise of new hope for our futures!  God's promise of a new relationship that  holds us close to His heart with Unseen Arms of unconditional live.!  !

 I put some pictures on last night.

God bless us all!  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 23, 2013


The miracle of new birth!   It just happens.

Advent is a time of waiting.

Miracles happen even for those who do not believe.

Older people need the younger ones to brighten up our days.

Friends need friends to listen and just be there.

How does the miracle come to this man living out of his cardboard box behind the busy mall in our cold December weather.  How does it come for the sad and lonely and down-hearted?  Dad and I and Jane and Geof tried to drive around and find him but he was not at his usual spots. 

We also dropped by the church to have a short visit with Lee and express the appreciation of the congregation for all her hard work doing all the many tasks she has to do with patience and friendliness.

We are so thankful for new life!

I am so thankful that the love of God never ends and that our lives continue to touch each other by our caring and sharing.

Gunty brought me over a lovely pointiest  plant and had a visit.  She appreciates my visits which do not seem to be a big thing to do but small things are important.

I am thankful for all the blessings in my life and that I can reach out to share a little with some sorely wounded souls who are so very grateful for each little coin dropped in the kettle or in the cup held by the least of these among us.  Many people will be having difficult times this year with the power failures and miserable weather but good people will be reaching out to help and that is the true spirit of Christmas!

Kim has arrived to be our maid and our shopper and our cooker with the help of mom.  Dad and I are excited to have our little family together here for Christmas Eve.  That includes Sandra and Randy, Stephen and Shawna and especially little Lincoln.

There is no answer to how except that love can reach out and I learn to keep trusting in the Good News that Jesus is always with us and ats throught us

The waiting is almost over!



It is not easy having a very talented brother I know.  I was the quiet one in our family.
 My brother was talkative and out going.

The glow of Christmas lights falls upon us all and each face comes alive with joy and expectation.  It is time for us to hear the Word and enter the story and feel that awe as Mary and Joseph gaze upon the new born babe.
Some babies are planned for but this one arrived early and would change their plans and the birth of Jesus fills us anew with light from above.
Monday was a day of doing a few small errands and last minute shopping.  The snow is melting away and the rain was falling.  We are so fortunate not to be having the ice storms and winter weather that is causing power failures and making travelling difficult.
Advent is a time of great expectations when we pray for new hope and greater light and love to fill each heart.  The joy of expectation!
Late on a sleepy star-spangled  night, angels peeled back the sky then with the light of all that is pure and good poured a song of joy and praise for all the world to hear.  The song has never left this world but continues to sing with good news for us all.
I am so thankful for love express not in the mighty things of this world but in a humble tiny babe in a manager.  A time to renew my faith and see the beauty of all the earth even when driving home on Sunday with the fog all around us.  We listened to some old songs on the radio and could hear quiet singing in the back seat by Carol and Panteli.  Sometimes you just cannot help but sing.

The man on the radio said one should never tell a child they cannot sing, like I was told, but put them beside a stronger voice and the weaker voice will be able to be able to catch the tune and join in!