Monday, December 9, 2013



Watching each snow flake fall so gently and so quietly made the ground just lightly covered.  I am always amazed as I look out my window in the morning to see the whiteness spread over trees and roofs and roads.

Dad thought I wanted to go shopping and I thought he still wanted to go look for suits on sale at the Bay.  So off we went with the each one thinking we wanted to go.  We got to the Bay and I knew exactly where the men's clothing was.  Dad did not seem interested and after looking around a bit we both realized we were not feeling well.  His feet and back hurt and my head was aching and we both felt dizzy.  We left and drove straight home.  I am feeling like a cold is coming on so it was an even earlier bedtime!

"When the year dies in preparation for the birth of other seasons, not the same, on the same earth,  Then saving and calamity go together make the advent gospel, telling how the heart will break.

Therefore in Advent that the Quest began."    -C. S. Lewis.

"Time only continues on in this impossible suffering world because
God Himself is willing to keep suffering the impossible with us"    -Ann Voskamp

The quest leads us into the promise of a hopeful future and a freedom from the past.

Happy to have Carol home for a while but she will be off  again in Jan.

Happy for a warm and loving home!


Sandra said...

I did not do either of my walks yesterday, just felt like I was fighting something. The snow looks so pretty this morning though so me and the dogs will be out this morning. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Yes I have not decided yet what I will do but I do love the snow! Take care and safe driving,
love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Pretty pictures Beth....sorry to hear you both are not feeling well...and do hope you can fight off that bug.AS we get older it seems to take so much out of us when we get a cold or flu. Rest up and drink lots of fluids.

ARe you going to put the family pictures on from Sunday's supper?

It is very cold still, the high yesterday was -25 ...and it was a day in Winnipeg for us. Note to self...remember to wear long underwear the next time. We froze loading groceries in the van at Costco.
Sure glad we have a cell phone for the 250 kms of highway driving. My son, Mark drove and lifted all the heavy stuff for his mom. We bought 2 50lb bags of peanuts in the shell and 2 50lb bags of sunflower seeds for out wild birds. We go to a wholesale in is 40% cheaper. He feeds the birds too. We have flying squirrels at night time and also regular red squirrels in the day.During the day, there is a never ending parade of does and bucks...eating every last seed on the ground. One of the large bucks will eat out of our hand. We call our window..the "window on nature". It has been a great comfort to Carl as he has to spend each day in his recliner.
Wishing you both good health, Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Debbie Alendal's daughter Kirsten had her baby yesterday.



beth bennett said...

You were not wearing long underwear? ? I even wear it to bed now. I get very cold and one reason I wake up so early.

What a fantastic back yard! It would be such a joy to feed all those criters!

I am thankful you had a safe journey that would be a long drive for us. Tomorrow we drive to Chilliwack to see the great grandchildren in their Christmas play. What Fun!

love beth.

nancy-Lou said...

Sure wish I could come to the children's Christmas play too. Love the concerts. One year when I was still on staff at our local school, I was playing for the concert and one of my jobs was to play " Here Comes Santa Claus"Santa was the school custodian. Well someone gave me the cue and I started and played it over and over and over..looking anxiously at the gym door where SSanta was supposed to arrive..low and behold he was being delayed in the teacherage...having a few drinks! Finally he arrived to my great delight! Have a wonderful time at the concert. Love Nancy