Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Dad takes a picture of me lighting a candle and praying for Sheila and all the family in her last painful days.
Our book makes us aware of our need to develop soul traits which are everyday practices of kindness and caring.  Coming alive to the reality that I am more than my personality, more than what I have inherited from my parents but I am a soul.  Like a burning candle I am fueled  with wisdom from the past that has never been put out which can burn deep within us.

The Rabbi has a great sense of humor and will tell a story to get a point across.  In them we see flashes of spirituality which include trusting and generosity and rethinking what is valuable and worthwhile.  One of the important lessons was to practice love by our deeds. 

There was a very poor man who was too proud to accept help so his friends and neighbors would drop by with fruit and vegetables from their gardens saying that they had more than they need.  They would sometimes sneak over and change a burnt out light bulb until one day they got caught changing the bulb.  The man of the house walked in saying:  "O do not worry about those they come back on all by themselves."

Dad and I drove into town yesterday because he has to picked them up from a drugstore in town that make them up specially.  It seem to me to be wall to wall traffic but having lunch out made it a nice outing.

I am still in lots of pain trying ice and heat on my leg.  Dad was right it was worse yesterday.  Well I am soon going to develop a high pain tolerance just like hockey players who keep playing and ignore the pain!

Dad is taking good care of me and carries my books up and down the stairs for me as well as heating up our blue bags.

I talked to my old walking partner Janet as I am now visiting by phone.  She had been thinking of me and just written  me a Christmas card.


nancy-Lou said...

Sorry to hear about your cousin being so ill....I will keep her and her family in my prayers.

Good grief Beth...falling on those darned slippery is so easy to happen, especially on those really large brown leaves..I have almost had that happen to me in Rathtrevor Park.

May I suggest you carry a cell phone on you walks? Mine is for seniors and has a panic button on the back that dials tel numbers you put in. I insist Carl take it with him now when he takes the garbage or goes to the store...he cannot get up when he falls and our temperatures have been in the extreme cold range for weeks. The cell phone is called DORO and you can buy it for $70 and go with no contract, just month to month at Rogers or any provider. $30 monthly.Would make an excellent Christmas gift.

Isn't it wonderful to have a good husband in Larry, to look after you? Just rest...hopefully your leg will feel better soon. Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy we have been thinking about that.
It must be hard on Carl and you facing limitations but we do learn to make the best of things. Right.

I was so touch by Haiti the dog coming and lying down beside my. I had dropped his leash so he could have taken off.

Love beth

nancy-Lou said...

oh, that is the most wonderful thing...and I neglected to mention it! Yes, how touching that Haiti laid down with you....she knew you were in trouble. What a dog! It must have been so difficult for you to walk home. Sure glad you made it OK with Haiti accompanying you. Good dog Haiti!
Yes, you are right, we learn to adapt to the trials that are sent our way...good thing we are older, because it we had them happen when we were younger, I don't think we could handle them. Old age brings grace.
Carl saw his ortho surgeon Monday and his fused ankle has fallen apart..plates and screws are a he faces more surgery. BUT we are used to it, this will be his 7th bone surgery. five replacements and two fusions. He will soon be 76. Our sons are great support and they both live within five minutes...on the original Ateah homestead land. We are blessed!
Take care my friend, love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Time will heal your leg mom. I went golfing yesterday (driving range ) and my hands are still sore, so I think it may just be arthritis or some sort of tendinitis. Not happy.
Hot one here today.

nancy-Lou said...

Missing you blog this morning Beth.....Thursday. Hope all is well.
Love, Nancy