Saturday, December 28, 2013


Melina dad I are worried about you not feeling well.  Christmas combined with the worry about Jesse’s and your mom’s health is exhausting.  Glad to hear you are now better!

The worst Christmas we had was when Sandra was so very sick with a dangerously high temperature.  The doctor came and we put her into luke-warm water to help bring it down.  Dad’s grandmother was to come over but we cancelled that but I did cook the turkey and left the children to amuse themselves.

Dad and I grew up in a time when children did amuse themselves and if I was bored I did not know it.  In the winter you played for hours outdoors with a sled or making snow men or snow forts.  I would walk over to the school to ice skate.
If it got too cold I would read as I always have had a passion about reading.  I could walk to the library at a young age and it was about a 8 or 10 block walk.  Sometime I would ride my bike for hours thinking I was on some great adventure. 
We had lots of children in our neighborhood and would play games where you had teams or kick the can etc.  If someone was mean you just learn to hide your feelings and would never tell your parents.
This is our new road that takes us to Tssawassen or to Ladner or to River Road.  While in Tssawasen dad and I dropped into the Senior’s Home that is near Carol and Panteli’s.
Very nice inside and out.
They have two choices on the menu but the meals seemed heavy.,too heavy. PC260254
They had a big library and even a book club.  Entertainment and bus outings. 

It seems lonely and quiet here after everyone left.  Carol dropped by and we went down to Chapters.

Haiti waited at the front door while Kim piled up all her things there.  Will miss her following us about and looking out the at the back yard watching the squirrels.

Sandra dropped by with her gang and were off shopping.

Dad had to work very hard to get our Aussie D.V.D. and then we had a good laugh watching them. 

That water castle looks like great fun makes me almost want to be a kid again.

Glad Meina you are feeling better!


Sandra said...

That is good that you finally got over to see that place. It looks nice enough, though very small. We spent an hour or so at VV then back home for supper and a movie. Link was his usual cute self and only seems to start crying after Randy and I go to bed. Works for us! Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Great pictures....Baby Lincoln sure made the rounds with Aunties, Uncles and cousins...he is just sooo cute.
The Senior's Home looks very nice....we have cousins who just moved to one and they were apprehensive at first about the idea, but now think they should have done it sooner. Their meals are made for them and there are lots of outings etc. But you have to ready to make the move!
You are right....boredom is something we didn't know when we were kids...and we didn't have television or the internet, but we sure knew how to play!
It is snowing and blowing here with winter storm warnings from the weather office...but we will stay home...I want to finish a painting and Carl will watch sports on TV. Have a great day, Love Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes our day has started with hockey and next the library.

Anonymous said...

Melina is better today. The world JfrS is on at 3am here , so I miss the games. Canada play terrible against the checks. From the highlights . Turned cold here , which is the nice thing about melbourne , hot one day then the cool change comes and you can sleep at night. Last pm shift today then five days off over the New Years period.